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CFS2 > Scenery > Page 20
0.16Mb (450 downloads)
CFS2 UH-1C AI Upgrade Pack For UH-1C AI This upgrade pack for the UH-1C AI Huey removes the lower two of the four MA-2 machineguns from the MDL file to facilitate the adding of the wep-rocket_25 and wep_rocket_pod to the lower side of the pylons via the new DP file. The result is the UH-1C AI with selectable payloads of either GUNS ONLY or ROCKET PODS. These rocket pods enable the AI to deliver multiple rockets to the target on a single pass, while retaining two MA-2 machineguns. By Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo Tom Sanford, Fox Four Design Group. 163K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            SeaKing M48 - AI only
0.27Mb (469 downloads)
CFS2 SeaKing M48 - AI only. This is a SeaKing AI for use in CFS2 MB for the Vietnam period.. To install simply unzip the download file and place the SeaKing_AI folder in your CFS2/Aircraft folder. The AI has a minimum speed of 60, should be set to cruise at 65 and max speed is 70. Below 60 she will stallout. This project was developed from the original source file by Frans Vranken , textures by Jim Jacobson and flight dynamics on the original concept by Doug Attrell. This is freeware and subject to all the normal conditions. Tom Sanford, Tango_RomeoFox Four Design Group. 275K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            AI Bell UH1-C Gunship helicopter
0.41Mb (627 downloads)
CFS2 AI Bell UH1-C Gunship helicopter. This is a special AI ONLY version of the Bell UH1-C Gunship helicopter of the 1st Air Cav created for CFS2 Vietnam War missions & campaigns. Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo, Fox Four Design Group. 416K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            AI Bell UH1-D Gunship helicopter
0.51Mb (735 downloads)
CFS2 AI Bell UH1-D Gunship helicopter. This is a special AI ONLY version of the Bell UH1-D Gunship helicopter of the 1st Air Cav created for CFS2 Vietnam War missions & campaigns. Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo, Fox Four Design Group. 518K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            New Grass Textures.
0.42Mb (575 downloads)
CFS2 New Grass Textures. Translucent and Transparent Grass Textures for Steve McClelland's Far East Scenery Package and Williamtown RAAF Scenery, but they can be used in any scenery package by simply renaming the files appropriately. These were created by Kelticheart for the purpose of 'blending' the airfields in older non-GSL scenery into the parent scenery more effectively. I am just doing the posting on these with Kelti's blessing. Tom Sanford. 431K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            RAAF Williamtown Base, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia Scener
0.10Mb (374 downloads)
CFS2 RAAF Williamtown Base, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia Scenery. This was the homebase of the Australian CA-27 Avon Sabre, but can be used for all sorts of activity. The base is complete with infrastructure, including night lighting, NDB beacon and refueling points. By Tom Sanford, Fox Four. 105K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            Western Canada Scenery (Revised)
17.68Mb (619 downloads)
CFS2 Western Canada Scenery (Revised) I have revised my Western Canada scenery, with the help of Tony Pleasants, so that the airports are set up more like they were in real life. These airports are in the western part of the country and cover the provinces British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Kelvin (Canada_flyer0) Stonehouse. 18.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
              Eastern Canada Scenery
14.42Mb (1194 downloads)
CFS2 Eastern Canada Scenery. This is my second release of Canadian airports for CFS2.These airports are in the eastern part of the country and cover the provinces Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, and Labrador. All of these airports were active in WW2. Kelvin (Canada_flyer0) Stonehouse. 14.7MB Update: This is an update to my Eastern Canada and Eastern Canada Static Airplanes scenery releases. This will fix the errors, missing buildings, airplanes, etc, that were pointed out to me and the few that I found on my own. Kelvin Stonehouse. 3.6MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            Western Front 1916-1918.
5.65Mb (946 downloads)
CFS2 Western Front 1916-1918. Contains ground texture and landclass files intended to recreate the war torn landscape of Belgium and France. Created with DXTBmp by Martin Wright, LWM viewer by Jim Kier and EZ landclass by Russel Dirks. By Simon Underwood. 5.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            Japan Mainland Airfields Scenery Package 2006 Edition:
8.01Mb (1480 downloads)
CFS2 Japan Mainland Airfields Scenery Package 2006 Edition: Enhanced release of these airfields and seaplane bases in Japan and Kuriles islands. By Xavier Berdaguer. 8.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive