0.26Mb (508 downloads)
CFS Nakajima J1N1 GEKKO Upgrade.
New version with moving propellers, flaps and landing gear.
Original J1N1 / FS98 aircraft, converted to CFS1 with new panel, damage profile and repainted textures.
Nakajima J1N1 GEKKO series was code-named "Irving" by the Allies.
The first prototype of this Night Fighter flew in May 1941. On wartime, 479 J1N1 GEKKO were produced.
Original design: 'flyman' Yusaku Honma.
Panel: I used the panel of BF110 made by Jody 'Psiico' O'Brien/1999(included).
Repainted textures, moving parts, damage profile and air file: © Edmundo Abad, Feb. 2010
Posted Feb 12, 2010 06:16 by Edmundo Abad

0.65Mb (435 downloads)
CFS1 Junkers Ju-F13 Upgrade
Chilean Army Air Corps - Chilean Air Force.
This is a new version of my Junkers Ju-F13 Chilean Army Air Corps, now with moving parts and new air file.
Original FS98 model creators: Wolfram Beckert (flight model) & Jalmari Pipo (panel).
Damage profile for CFS, moving parts and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad.
Posted Feb 11, 2010 06:01 by Edmundo Abad

2.86Mb (471 downloads)
FS98/CFS Lockheed L-10 Electra Upgrade
LAN-CHILE Air Lines.
This is a new version of my Lockheed L-10 Electra Lan Chile, with moving parts and new air file.
FS98 Aircraft Designer: Al Whitney.
Chilean textures, moving parts and CFS DP: Edmundo Abad Feb. 2010
Posted Feb 11, 2010 05:51 by Edmundo Abad

1.51Mb (878 downloads)
CFS Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG15 Fagot in Egyptian Air Force (EAF) Livery.
Egypt bought a handful of MiG-15bis and MiG-17 fighters in 1955 from Czechoslovakia with the sponsorship and support of the USSR, just in time to participate in the Suez Canal Crisis. During the air combat against the Israeli Air Force the Egyptian MiG-15bis's managed to shoot down at least three Israeli aircraft in spite of suffering several losses: a Piper Cub and a Meteor F.8 on 30 October 1956, and a Dassault Ouragan on 1 November which then performed a belly landing – this last victory was scored by the Egyptian pilot Faruq el-Gazzavi.
FS98 Aircraft Designer: Chris Lampard.
Egyptian's textures and DP: Edmundo Abad Dec. 2009
Posted Feb 10, 2010 09:12 by Edmundo Abad

1.45Mb (1022 downloads)
CFS Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG19 Farmer in North Vietnam's Air Force Livery.
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 (NATO reporting name: "Farmer") is a Soviet second-generation, single-seat, twin jet-engined fighter aircraft. It was the first Soviet production aircraft capable of supersonic speeds in level flight. A comparable U.S. "Century Series" fighter was the F-100 Super Sabre, although it would primarily oppose the more modern F-4 Phantom II and F-105 Thunderchief over North Vietnam skies.
I have included a damage profile for use with CFS1, with armament of 3x 30 mm NR-30 cannons , rockets and bombs, and repainted in two textures:
-MiG19 Farmer Vietnam People's Air Force # 6058, all silver.
-MiG19 Farmer Vietnam People's Air Force # 6066, silver/green camouflaged.
FS98 Aircraft Designers: Alpha Simulations.
North Vietnam's textures and DP: Edmundo Abad Dec. 2009
Also special thanks to Juan Concha & Roberto Ibarra, former FACH officers, by the great provided information for the development of this virtual model.
Posted Feb 8, 2010 05:55 by Edmundo Abad

0.34Mb (269 downloads)
CFS Breda 65.
Chilean Air Force - Fuerza Aerea de Chile.
The Breda Ba.65 was a single-engine ground-attack aircraft used by the Italian Aviazione Legionaria and Nationalistic Air Force during the Spanish Civil War and Regia Aeronautica in the first part of World War II. A total of 55 machines were exported and used by Iraqi, Chile and Portugal air forces.
Chile bought 20 Ba.65 (17 single-seaters and three dual control trainers) powered by the Piaggio P.XI C.40 engine with "piú cento" (plus hundred) emergency power.
In Chile, a series of accidents with two casualties originated a violent press campaign against this italian aircraft, becoming call it "flying coffin".
Orignal Designer: Corrado La Posta / I Soliti Quattro Gatti group.
Chilean textures and new damage profile: Edmundo Abad Jan. 2010
Posted Feb 7, 2010 15:26 by Edmundo Abad

2.01Mb (317 downloads)
CFS Douglas A-24 (SBD) Dauntless
Chilean Air Force - Fuerza Aerea de Chile
The A-24 was a USAAF version of the Douglas SBD Dauntless, the most famous US Navy dive bomber of WWII, today also known as "American Stuka". Considered to be obsolete even before the US entered the war, it destroyed more enemy shipping in 1942 than all other aircraft combined.
In Chile, in the early 40s, was used as dive bomber and ground attack plane, homebased at Grupo Nº6, Punta Arenas.
FS98 original model creator: Wilbur & Wells Sullivan / Pegasus Aviation Design.
Panel: Oskar Everitt / Michael Vader.
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad.
Posted Feb 7, 2010 15:25 by Edmundo Abad

0.15Mb (362 downloads)
The Focke Wulf Fw 44C was a a 1930s two-seat basic trainer, known as the Stieglitz ("Goldfinch"), used by German Luftwaffe and Chilean Air Force in chilean service from 1938 to 1941.
Kurt Tank, Focke-Wulf´s designer, developed it to an excellent aerobatic plane.
FS98 Aircraft Designers: : H G Schnell & Norman Turner.
Chilean textures and DP for CFS: Edmundo Abad Jan. 2010.
Posted Jan 31, 2010 16:22 by Edmundo Abad

1.34Mb (544 downloads)
CFS/FS98 Chilean Air Force Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star.
The Chilean Air force operated around 30 F-80C delivered from 1958 on, last ones retired from service in 1974.
This plane was used by the pilots of "Condores de Plata" aerobatic team, in the sixties.
This virtual plane represent the Lockheed F-80 # J-342 with high visibility markings, Grupo Nº7, Cerrillos, 1962, yet preserved in the aeronautical museum at Cerrillos.
Original FS98 model by: Chris Lampard.
Moving parts: Mark Harrison.
First Chilean Re-paint: Gonzalo Oyarzun (goyarzun@rdc.cl).
Chilean metal textures, sound, new panel and damage profile for use with CFS1, with armament of six .50 mm. machine guns mounted in the nose, rockets and bombs: Edmundo Abad.
To add drop tanks, set full spoilers.("ç" key on latin keyboard).
Posted Jan 31, 2010 16:20 by Edmundo Abad

0.47Mb (413 downloads)
FS98/CFS Avro 504K
Chilean Air Force - Fuerza Aerea de Chile.
The Avro Avro 504K was a first two-seaters trainer of the Chilean Air Force in service from 1919 to 1934.
A replica of this Avro 504K #78 own named "Capitan Avalos", the last 504k in service, is yet preserved in the aeronautical museum at Cerrillos.
FS98 Aircraft Designers: : Moriarty/Pegasus Aviation Design & Sergio Kaiser (peruvian version).
Chilean textures and DP for CFS: Edmundo Abad Jan. 2010.
Posted Jan 31, 2010 16:15 by Edmundo Abad