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CFS1 > Aircraft > Page 20
Cant Z-1007 Alcione
1.75Mb (482 downloads)
The Cant Z.1007 was developed from the Cant Z.506 seaplane, an aircraft that had stablished many world records in the late 1930s. It was a land-based version and incorporated many improvements, especially on the powerplant. Filippo Zapatta, an italian engineer specialized in naval construction, designed the Z.506 and Z.1007 in a totally wooden structure. The Z.1007 saw action during the later stages of the Battle of Britain, Italian invasion of Greece, bombing campaign over Malta and in the campaigns in North Africa and on the Eastern Front. Created by: Bertil Nilsson, August 2001. Adapted to CFS1 with damage profile and repainted in two textures of Regia Aeronautica as: -Cant Z.1007 bis Alcione, #230-4, Corpo Aereo Italiano in Belgio, 1940. -Cant Z.1007 bis Alcione, #240-5, 16º Stormo Bombardamento Terrestre, Rodi-Egeo 1941. This virtual model is up-scaled to obtain a better view in Combat Flight Simulator.
Posted Dec 24, 2009 13:30 by Edmundo Abad
Nakajima Ki-43-III Hayabusa
0.40Mb (590 downloads)
Ki-43-III is Imperial Japanese Army Fighter.Allied Code-Name "Oscar". Original for FS98 by:'flyman' Yusaku Honma. Adapted to CFS with panel, damage profile, air file and repainted in two textures as: 1-Nakajima KI43-III Oscar - 11 Sentai, all silver. 2-Nakajima KI43-III Oscar - 11 Sentai, silver with green spots camouflaged. The Ki-43-III was designed by Hideo Itokawa as a successor to the Ki-43-II, which utilized the more powerful Ha-115-II engine of 920 kW (1,230 hp). This variant (Ki-43-IIIb) was armed with two 20 mm cannons.
Posted Dec 16, 2009 06:47 by Edmundo Abad
Nakajima Ki-43-II Oscar
0.44Mb (584 downloads)
Ki-43-II is Imperial Japanese Army Fighter.Allied Code-Name "Oscar". Original for FS98 by:'flyman' Yusaku Honma. Adapted to CFS with panel, damage profile, air file and repainted by: Edmundo Abad Panel is a modified version of Doc Blake’s panel using default CFS gauges by Gary Aumaugher and Mike Colclough Converted to CFS with new panel and repainted in two textures as: 1-Nakajima KI43-II Oscar - of the 2nd Chutai/64th Sentai, flown by Capt. Hideo Miyabe, Palembang Airfield, Sumatra, 1943. 2-Nakajima KI43-II Oscar of the 2nd Chutai/59th Sentai, flown by Capt. Shigeo Nango, But Airfield, New Guinea, 1943. The Ki-43-II was designed by Hideo Itokawa as a successor to the Ki-43-I. The Ha-25 engine was replaced by the more powerful Nakajima Ha-115 engine, which was installed in a longer-chord cowling. The new engine turned a three bladed propeller. The wing structure, which had suffered failures in the Ki-43-I, was strengthened and equipped with racks for drop tanks or bombs. The Ki-43-II was also fitted with 13 mm armor plate for the pilot's head and back, and the aircraft's fuel tanks were coated in rubber to crude form of self-sealing tank. The pilot also enjoyed a slightly taller canopy and a reflector gunsight in place of the earlier telescopic gunsight. Nakajima commenced production of the Ki-43-II at its Ota factory in November 1942. Nakajima eventually ceased production in mid-1944 in favor of the Ki-84, but the Tachikawa Hikoki continued to produce the Ki-43.
Posted Dec 16, 2009 06:45 by Edmundo Abad
Nakajima Ki-43-I Hayabusa
0.47Mb (375 downloads)
Ki-43-I is Imperial Japanese Army Fighter.Allied Code-Name "Oscar". Original for FS98 by:'flyman' Yusaku Honma. Adapted to CFS with panel, damage profile, air file and repainted by: Edmundo Abad Panel is a modified version of Doc Blake’s panel using default CFS gauges by Gary Aumaugher and Mike Colclough Converted to CFS with new panel and repainted in two textures as: Nakajima KI43-I Oscar - 11th Sentai. (1941) Nakajima KI43-I Oscar flown by T.Kato. ( 1942). The Ki-43 was designed by Hideo Itokawa as a successor to the popular Nakajima Ki-27. The initial production version was given the designation Ki-43-I. Deliveries from Nakajima's Ota factory commenced in April 1941. In addition to outstanding maneuverability, the Ki-43-I had a very impressive rate of climb due to its light weight. Power was provided by the Nakajima Ha-25 engine turning a two bladed, two-pitch metal propeller.
Posted Dec 16, 2009 06:39 by Edmundo Abad
Kawasaki Ki-100 Otsu
Kawasaki Ki-100 Otsu
0.76Mb (1444 downloads)
Ki-100 is Imperial Japanese Army Fighter. Created by: Yusaku Honma for FS98 Adapted to CFS and repainted by: Edmundo Abad Original Ki-61 Panel: Unknown. Converted to CFS with new panel and repainted in two different textures. -Unknown unit #43 -Unknown unit #177 The Kawasaki Ki-100 Otsu was the radial-engined version of Ki-61 Hien used by the Japanese Imperial Army in World War II. Powerplant: Mitsubishi Ha-112-II radial engine, 1,120 kW (1,500 hp) Maximum speed: 580 km/h at 6,000 m. Armament: 2 × 12.7 mm Ho-103 machine guns in fuselage (350 rounds each). 2 × 20 mm Ho-5 cannon in wings (150 rounds each). 2 × 250 kg (551 lb) bombs or 2 × 200 L (53 US gal) Drop tanks. Production: 390 aircraft.
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Posted Dec 15, 2009 07:45 by Edmundo Abad
Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate
Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate
1.26Mb (612 downloads)
Ki-84 is Imperial Japanese Army Fighter.Allied Code-Name "Frank". Created by:Bruno Duffort & Patrick Didier for CFS2 Adapted to CFS by Edmundo Abad with new panel and repainted in four textures as: -50th Sentai flown by Yojiro Ofusa, Phnom Penh, Indochina, April, 1945. -29th Sentai. -73th Sentai. -unknown unity, individual number #24. The Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate (Frank) was a fighter used by the Japanese Imperial Army in World War II. Robust, capable, with excellent performance and maneuverability and powerful armament, the Ki-84 was considered to be the finest Japanese fighter to see large scale operations during the Second World War.
Posted Dec 15, 2009 07:37 by Edmundo Abad
Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki
Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki
0.42Mb (530 downloads)
Ki-44 is Imperial Japanese Army Fighter.Allied Code-Name "Tojo". Created by:Chris Lampard & Michael Hart. Adapted to CFS with panel, damage profile, air file and repainted in two textures as: -246th Sentai (Phillipines 1944). -70th Sentai. (Japan 1945). The Ki-44 was a fast Japanese Imperial Army interceptor fighter with the emphasis on speed at some expense to manoeuvrability. It was first flown in August 1940. The main version was as depicted and production was phased out towards the end of 1944 after delivery of 1,167 aircraft.
Posted Dec 15, 2009 07:18 by Edmundo Abad
Commonwealth Wirraway
0.20Mb (1328 downloads)
CFS1 - Commonwealth Wirraway - Les Stone Sept 2009 The Commonwealth Wirraway was built at a time of Australia's darkest period when a Japanese invasion was a possibility. The need was such that the design of the Wirraway used most of its components already in production as a North American trainer being licenced built in home factories. The CAC Boomerang followed the same path. The Wirraway was used as a fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, trainer and dive bomber. The CFS aircraft is mostly all my work and as such is subject to the usual limitations in use. You may repaint, tweek the air file and if requested the afx file will be provided. But if you should upload to a payware site or make any money from this aircraft then I will come round and break your legs, stick your head down the toilet or the equivalent. The only part that is not mine is the Panel, I could not improve on the offerings already on the web so the original owner's restrictions apply here. This aircraft flies fine on my PC so if you think that it may have damaged your PC in any way then tough. I hope you enjoy this aircraft Les Stone September 2009
Posted Sep 29, 2009 09:06 by Les Stone
1.43Mb (414 downloads)
CFS1 - Fokker F29 The Fokker F29 was a idea of the Dutch manufacturer for a supersonic airliner, The aeroplane never became a reality. Original design by unknown. coupled together by Hugo van Pelt
Posted Jul 1, 2009 03:54 by Hugo van Pelt
Finnish Bf 109g
Finnish Bf 109g
0.33Mb (1017 downloads)
Second Edition of Finnish Air Force Bf 109, depicting correct "-G" model. Also more detailed textures than my earlier version. By Winslow33 or the 67th Special Ops. at
Posted Dec 26, 2008 19:08 by Winslow33