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CFS2 > Aircraft > Page 119
            Messerschmitt Bf109G2 Oberleutnant Herman Graf, Staffelkaptain, 9./JG52,
            Pitomnik, September, 1943
4.83Mb (746 downloads)
CFS2 Messerschmitt Bf109G2 Oberleutnant Herman Graf, Staffelkaptain, 9./JG52, Pitomnik, September, 1943 Designers:Mike Colclough & Gerald Keagan Textures, DP and AIR files by Mike Colclough 4.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
4.98Mb (597 downloads)
CFS2 Messerschmitt Bf109G14 WWII German Fighter Hauptman Erich Hartman, Kommandeur, 1.JG53, Hungary, February, 1945 Croatian JadgStaffel, Eichwalde, Yugoslavia, late 1944. Original Designers:- Mike Colclough and Gerald Keagan Textures, DP and AIR files by Mike Colclough 5.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Messerschmitt Bf109F4 (Tropical Filtered)
4.68Mb (638 downloads)
CFS2 Messerschmitt Bf109F4 (Tropical Filtered) German Fighter Bf109F-4/Trop, 2./JG77, Gabes, Tunisia, March, 1943 Designers:Mike Colclough & Gerald Keagan . Textures, DP and AIR files by Mike Colclough 4.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Messerschmitt Bf109F4 German Fighter Hauptman Hans Hahn
4.62Mb (762 downloads)
CFS2 Messerschmitt Bf109F4 German Fighter Hauptman Hans Hahn, III./Jg2 'Richthofen', St. Pol, Summer, 1941 Designers:Mike Colclough & Gerald Keagan Textures, DP and AIR files by Mike Colclough. 4.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Hawker Typhoon Mk1B No 137 Squadron, Manston, June 1944
1.60Mb (1170 downloads)
CFS2 Hawker Typhoon Mk1B No 137 Squadron, Manston, June 1944 Designers:Mike Colclough & Gerald Keagan. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
3.11Mb (639 downloads)
CFS2 AI Overhaul Fix Replacement Model files for the AI Overhaul's (here). Fixes odd Crash to Desktop Problem encountered with Free Flight. Includes C47, B25, Betty, Dauntless, and Avenger. 3.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            North American AJ-1 Savage.
8.64Mb (3768 downloads)
CFS2/FS2000/2002/2004 North American AJ-1 Savage. The AJ1 Savage was a stop gap bomber used as a naval nuclear naval deterrent between WWII and the arrival of full jet bombers. It had twin radials on the wings and an allison turbojet in the tail. It never saw combat but was on ready alert and carried the MK15-Mk39 series of gravity nuclear bombs from the decks of US Carriers. It ended its military carreer as a flying tanker. The AJ Savages were decomishioned in the early sixties and saw their last action as civilian Fire bombers. Note: Original by Jim Jacobson. Update with new air, Dp, effects and modified textures by A.F.Scrub 8.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Combat Bullet.
0.77Mb (708 downloads)
CFS2 Combat Bullet. A re-release of my Morane "N" for multi-player CFS2 combat. Stock CFS Sopwith Camel Air File. Increased ammo magazine capacity. A full multi-resolution model of the Morane Saulnier Type N "Bullet" in the French color scheme for CFS2. Original model release in 2003. Realistic panel and virtual cockpit. Uses library gauges and sound. Model, modified Air and DP files, and modified CFS panel all by Michael Hart. Just unzip to a temporary folder, then COPY/PASTE to the CFS2 AIRCRAFT FOLDER, that's it. Michael Hart
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Vultee Vengeance
0.96Mb (1460 downloads)
CFS2 Vultee Vengeance. The Vengeance was a dive-bomber initially designed to RAF specifications. Almost 2000 Vengeances were built during WW2 and were used by the RAF, Free French, India, Australia and even Russia had a few. They were also exported to China and Brazil. Some Vengeances were retained by the USAAC and were given the designation A-35. The aircraft in this packet is textured as an aircraft of the RAAF (Australia), but since it was used by so many other countries I have included Paint Templates so you can paint it any way you like. The model is made by William Dickens. 985K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Vultee P-66 Vanguard
0.58Mb (965 downloads)
CFS2 Vultee P-66 Vanguard The P-66, like the P-64, was initially built after purchase by another government. The Swedish government signed a contract on 6 February 1940 for 144 Model 48C's. By the time the first of the Vanguards was ready for delivery in September 1941, the US had an embargo in place and impounded the aircraft. The British initially took over the order, but the US diverted 129 aircraft to China instead. The remaining 15 aircraft were re-designated P-66's and used by the AAF as trainers. The model is made by William Dickens. 595K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive