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CFS2 > Aircraft > Page 156
            Seversky P-35A-
1.22Mb (606 downloads)
CFS2 Seversky P-35A--Built by Republic This is the complete aircraft. Panel is included in a zip file to save space,and sound is aliased to your stock F4F Wildcat. In the paint scheme of 39th Pursuit Squadron, stationed at Selfridge, Michigan circa 1939. Although this is not 100% accurate, it's close. It was obsolete the day it entered service but, led to the P-43 Lancer and eventually the famous P-47 Thunderbolt. Enjoy! Chuck'Led'Selby. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            B-25 PBJ-1J 'Bull Dawg' Fictional repaint of the B-25H of the 498th
            BOMB SQUAD "Flying Falcons"
5.39Mb (917 downloads)
CFS2 B-25 PBJ-1J 'Bull Dawg' Fictional repaint of the B-25H of the 498th BOMB SQUAD "Flying Falcons" This is the complete aircraft. Panel and sound are included in separate zip files. This is a truly awesome attack bomber. " Quote from: {The Bombers of Magszam, A History of Marine Bombing Squadron 611 by Raymond S. B. Perry}. Repaint and Panel cfg. by: Chuck'Led'Selby (aka) 39th Led Sounds by : Trev Morson, Original aircraft by: ERIC (CAPT_SMIRNOFF) NOVESKEY, ANTHONY (GRAMPS) SULLENGER,CHARLES SIMPSON, GRAHAM, AND KEVIN BACON with help from D WALTER (Deeds). Special thanks to Martin Wright, And to Capt.Smirnoff for his 'Skinning Pak'. 5.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            'War Chief' Fictional repaint of the B-25H of the 498th BOMB SQUADRON
            "AIR APACHES"
2.95Mb (509 downloads)
B-25H 'War Chief' Fictional repaint of the B-25H of the 498th BOMB SQUADRON "AIR APACHES" This is the complete aircraft. Panel is included in a zip file and sound is aliased to the stock P-38. Repaint and Panel cfg. by: Chuck'Led'Selby (aka) 39th Led Original aircraft by: ERIC (CAPT_SMIRNOFF) NOVESKEY, ANTHONY (GRAMPS) SULLENGER,CHARLES SIMPSON, GRAHAM, AND KEVIN BACON with help from D WALTER (Deeds). Special thanks to Martin Wright, And to Capt.Smirnoff for his 'Skinning Pak' -Eric Noveskey- Enjoy, (Capt_Smirnoff) Chuck'Led'Selby. 3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
              Blohm & Voss P.211.01
5.97Mb (1014 downloads)
CFS2 Blohm & Voss P.211.01. The Junkers EF 132 was one of the last aircraft project developments undertaken by Junkers in WWII, and was the culmination of the Ju 287 design started in 1942.Fully animated FSDS2 model with transparent textures, detailed skin, accurate FDE's, Braking Parts, Dynamic Glare, Accurate DP, and other goodies. needs Luft'46 Requires Weapons Pack below. . By: The Luft'46 Team. 6.1MB Luft'46 Pylon and X-4 Rocket the pylon and X-4 rocket are nesesary file for ALL of the upcoming models by the team. By: The Luft'46 Team. 32K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            USAG VIP C47 Default Textures Only.
0.44Mb (188 downloads)
CFS2 USAG VIP C47 Default Textures Only. ! Basically just put some text on the Fusalage above the Passenger windows and put USAG on the bottom and top of Main wings. Repaint Made By Robert (y2cool3). 454K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            USAG B24D Liberator "Magic 8 Ball" Default Textures Only.
0.49Mb (192 downloads)
CFS2 USAG B24D Liberator "Magic 8 Ball" Default Textures Only. This Repaint is fractional. the nose art i believe is origonally from a B17G that flew in Europe Thearter during WW2. this is my first Bomber Nose art Repaint i made. Repaint made by Robert (y2cool3). 498K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            USAG D-Day Corsair VMF-219 Default Textures Only!
0.70Mb (144 downloads)
CFS2 USAG D-Day Corsair VMF-219 Default Textures Only! This hellcat has D-day markings on top and bottom of man wings. it also has USAG on the main wings (on top and bottom), 12 victory flags, tail art, Nose text "Spit N' Fire", USAG under the elevator (on fusalage),VMF-219 on the rudder, and the No.882 on the nose. Repaint made by Robert (y2cool3). 719K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            USAG D-Day Corsair Default VMF-219 USAG Textures Only!
0.71Mb (151 downloads)
CFS2 USAG D-Day Corsair Default VMF-219 USAG Textures Only! Hhis corsair has D-Day Markings on the top and Bottom of the main wings. it also has 20 victory flags, No.1 on nose, repainted tail hook, VMF-219 USAG on top and bottom of main wings and also on rudder. the nose text is "Scream N' Deamon". Repaint made by Robert (y2cool3). 725K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            FDG P-51D Mustang MkIV of 3 (RAAF) Squadron, Italy circa 1945
1.32Mb (158 downloads)
CFS2 FDG P-51D Mustang MkIV of 3 (RAAF) Squadron, Italy circa 1945. It took part in Operation "Bowler" and was flown on that mission by Flt. Lt. Ken Richards. Textures: Felipe Belalcazar Get the complete FDG P-51D model here. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            FDG P-51D Mustang MkIV 112 "Shark" Sqn Royal Air Force
0.97Mb (211 downloads)
CFS2 FDG P-51D Mustang MkIV 112 "Shark" Sqn Royal Air Force, Italy 1945. Get the complete P-51D model here enjoy! Get the complete FDG P-51D model here Textures: Felipe Belalcazar. 992K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive