1.45Mb (133 downloads)
Corsair Colbalt Blue Textures.
This is a repaint of a stock F4U1A Corsair painted in Cobalt Blue
Textures only Created by Mark Rooks "fire Ball". 1.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.47Mb (717 downloads)
Aviat Pitts S-2C US Army It's
the king of quick combat!!!Bye bye "B", wellcome S-2C! This FSDS design
includes full moving parts, virtual cockpit with transparent canopy
as well as a instrument panel. Mission included.Armed with guns 7,62mm.
Designed by Mikko Maliniemi. Repainted by Jean-Jacques Parel. 481K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

1.26Mb (410 downloads)
TUPOLEV SB2 Chinese Nationalist Air Force Textures only
- requires complete SB2 available above. By Juankar Repaint for the
original aircraft by Rafael Furió aka FAE_Gavilan (http://fly.to/gavilan)
Panel and Gauges by Angel Morata aka FAE_Cazador. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

2.50Mb (639 downloads)
Bristol Blenheim Mk1f.
Model file, airfile,textures by Thicko, DP by Sandydog, panel is an
edit of Kerry Livgren's Blenheim panel for CFS2. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.43Mb (273 downloads)
P-51D Old Crow textures for the FDG P-51D.
It's the Old Crow repaint (requires any FDG P-51 -here),
the same that Bud Anderson flew at the ETO. Some people say that Bud
used a P-51B but I saw some photos that show a P-51D. Thanks Fightertown
Design Group for this model. Repainted by: José Antonio Rosas Rodriguez.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

1.05Mb (459 downloads)
Upgraded Soviet Lavochkine LaGG-3,
with FSDS2. By G.West. The LaGG-3 (built by Lavochkin, Gorbounov,
Goudkov) entered in service in the early months of 1941. Despite some
qualities (a powerful armament) it soon became the favourite game
of the german 'Experten' : Nowotny downed 74, Barkhorn 39, Kittel
38 etc… With the following models of Lavochkin, the La-5 and La-7,
the task of the german aces became harder. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

2.92Mb (925 downloads)
Bristol Blenheim Mk1.
The Blenhiem was the first modern 2 engine metal skinned bomber of
the RAF. It saw service in all theaters in WW2. Model file, airfile,textures
by Thicko, DP by Sandydog, panel is an edit of Kerry Livgren's Blenheim
panel for CFS2. 3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

1.65Mb (677 downloads)
Tupolev SB-2-100.
The Tupolev SB-2-100 is a later version of the SB-2, fitted with liquid
cooled M-100 engines and a rear turret. For CFS2 use it is player
flyable, but there is no Virtual Cockpit. It is primarly intended
as an AI plane. Model file, airfile,textures, DP by Thicko, panel
is from Icarus and used with their permission. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

3.41Mb (728 downloads)
P-51D 83rd Squadron (CFS Virtual Squadron)
This is a repaint of a P-51D for the 83rd squadron on the Combat Flight
Simulator Game Zone.It includes the checker nose denoting its station
at the 83rd wing of the 78th fighter squadron, of the 8th Air Force
stationed at Duxford. Installation: Place P-51D Squadron 83 folder
into your Combat Flight Simulator Aircraft Folder Original Model By:
Alain L'Homme Panel: Chris Arrington Repaint of Textures by: Don McAtee.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
4.21Mb (1374 downloads)
French Bloch 174.
The Bloch 174 was probably the best french aircraft in 1940, but came
too late to influence the course of the aerial war during the Campaign
of France. Built by the Armée de l'Air for bombardement and reconnaissance
purpose, it was a 3 crew twin engine plane, with a maximum speed of
540 km/h. Its armement was two wing 7,5 machine-guns, a double upper
and a triple lower rear machine-guns, with a load of 400 kg bomb.
Made with FSDS2. By G.West. 4.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive