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CFS2 > Aircraft > Page 37
Polikarpov I-15 by AF Scrub
2.05Mb (964 downloads)
Polikarpov I-15 by AF Scrub. This is AF Scrub's original I-15 Chato. Oldwheat has done some nice skins for her (page 19, CFS2 New Files). And now you can take advantage of these very nice skins without going on an expedition to find the aircraft. Enjoy.
Posted Mar 28, 2010 13:59 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
F. Giuli CANT Z.511 for CFS2
6.41Mb (755 downloads)
Prototype,that never entered in service,of a transatlantic seaplane for 16 passengers seated in chairs that could be converted in couchettes with a luxurious arrengement, or with 48 chairs in 4 boxes with 12 chairs each. Two small kicthens,toilette and luggage room. Model and texture by F. Giuli. Aircraft, DP and 2D panel by Pepe Rezende. Gauges different authors
Posted Mar 28, 2010 02:33 by Peperez
0.01Mb (678 downloads)
Schrage Musik System Conversion Kit for TR's He-219A5. The Schrage Musik system consists of two 30mm upward firing (65-degree angle) cannon mounted in the aft fuselage of the He-219. The weapons are sighted using a sight installed in the Forward_Up cockpit view (move hatswitch forward). The cannon are most easily fired using the 2 key as the cannon trigger on the joystick is awkward to use while holding the hatswitch forward. This is a modification/adaptation of the system originally developed by the old Gryphon Aviation group for their CFS1 He-219. To install paste the BMP and panel.cfg files into the panel subfolder of the He-219A5 folder, and paste the DP and CFP into the He-219A5 folder, allowing them to overwrite the originals.
Posted Mar 27, 2010 13:25 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
0.01Mb (475 downloads)
Schrage Musik System Conversion Kit for TR's He-219A5. The Schrage Musik system consists of two 30mm upward firing (65-degree angle) cannon mounted in the aft fuselage of the He-219. The weapons are sighted using a sight installed in the Forward_Up cockpit view (move hatswitch forward). The cannon are most easily fired using the 2 key as the cannon trigger on the joystick is awkward to use while holding the hatswitch forward. This is a modification/adaptation of the system originally developed by the old Gryphon Aviation group for their CFS1 He-219. To install paste the BMP and panel.cfg files into the panel subfolder of the He-219A5 folder, and paste the DP and CFP into the He-219A5 folder, allowing them to overwrite the originals.
Posted Mar 27, 2010 13:23 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
Heinkel He-219 Night Fighter
Heinkel He-219 Night Fighter
5.51Mb (2412 downloads)
This is a straight conversion of Mike Gurzeka's original aircraft from FS2000 to CFS2. The DP, AIR, CFG and Panel files are mine. The panel BMP is by Steve Downing. The skin is by SopwithC and represents an aircraft of NG1 serving in Holland and Germany in 1944. She is armed with six 20mm cannon, but does not carry the Schrage Musik 30mm system. I'm doing a new CFS2 dedicated version of this aircraft based on Mike's source file and equipped with the SChrage Musik system, but that's gonna take some time. And the original works so well in CFS2 and is such a unique plane, I thought you'd enjoy her as is. Place the he-218a5 folder in your CFS2/Aircraft folder and the gauges from the download in your CFS2/Gauges folder. You're set. Enjoy!
Posted Mar 24, 2010 01:02 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
AF Scrub I-153 skinpack
4.28Mb (735 downloads)
Textures for the AF Scrub CFS2 Polikarpov I-153 for 2 Russian & 1 Chinese aircraft. These skins should also fit the FS2004/FSX Polikarpov I-153V2. Have fun, Oldwheat
Posted Mar 23, 2010 23:33 by Oldwheat
1.86Mb (456 downloads)
A repaint for the TR F-86E depicting 'Bernie's Bo' flown by Capt. Bob Love - Korea, 1952
Posted Mar 15, 2010 13:24 by Oldwheat
Rogozarski IK-3
Rogozarski IK-3
10.20Mb (1201 downloads)
The Rogozarski IK-3 was a small, agile fighter with enclosed cockpit and all retractable landing gear. At the beginning of the April war, only 6 out of 12 IK-3 from the first production series were operational. The IK-3s put up a valiant resistance against the Luftwaffe, scoring a number of "kills" before they were finally destroyed in combat Credits: Model by William Dickens Airfile by Pedro Paulo Rezende Panel by Pedro Paulo Rezende Textures adapted by W. Dickens Hispano-Suiza Sound Pack by Lawdog2360 Prop Textures by Kelticheart
Posted Mar 14, 2010 13:06 by William Dickens
VC Lighting - TR_110_C
0.01Mb (885 downloads)
The attached Aircraft.cfg file will properly position the illumination effect (fx_vclight.fx) for VC instrument lighting in the cockpit. Replace the existing TR_Bf110_C cfg file with this one and paste the fx file in the EFFECTS folder.
Posted Mar 14, 2010 01:17 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
TR_110_C ver. 4.0
TR_110_C ver. 4.0
6.18Mb (3122 downloads)
This is a final upgrade (yes, I mean it this time) version of my original model of the Messerschmidt BF110C. The improvements include: newly textured DVC, new nine-loadout DP featuring GC German weps, tweaked panel.cfg, new texture by SopwithC, newly textured crew bodies, a little shine on the MDL and corrected pilot's body anamoly. Installation: After unzipping the download, place the TR_Bf110_C folder in your CFS2/Aircraft folder, and place all of the gauges from the Gauges folder in your CFS2/Gauges folder. That's it. This is freeware but must not be uploaded to other sites or modified without permission. Enjoy.
Posted Mar 13, 2010 06:48 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo