Junkers Ju-52 Floatplane](https://static.simviation.com/ju52022.jpg)
Junkers Ju-52 Floatplane](https://static.simviation.com/ju52023.jpg)
2.38Mb (1060 downloads)
Junkers Ju-52 Floatplane Includes 2 FSDS models: Luftwaffe
or civilian; 2 accurate paint schemes (skins); adapted aircraft.cfg
and config.air files; panel & gauges; dp file, virtual cockpit. by
Pierino Primavesi. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
Spitfire Mk XIV](https://static.simviation.com/mkxiv.jpg)
0.89Mb (1230 downloads)
Spitfire Mk XIV Features : Sliding canopy - activated by using
the spoiler key. Blinking strobe lights (need to assign a key in the
keyboard assignment section, I used "shift s" for mine). User paintable
gunsight (you can use the one in the TEXTURE subdirectory - GUNSIGHT64.BMP).
Aircraft : Andrew C. Wai. Paintscheme Alessandro Biagi 933K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
only),Black Zero, weapons/airfile/texture Upgrade](https://static.simviation.com/black zero.jpg)
0.32Mb (885 downloads)
only),Black Zero, weapons/airfile/texture Upgrade Just put
these files into your A6M2_Zero folder and overwrite the exsisting
files This will make your A6M2_Zero kick butt enjoy Ickie. 329K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
Douglas Skyraider for FS2002/CFS2.](https://static.simviation.com/gzra1h.jpg)
3.84Mb (2994 downloads)
Douglas Skyraider for FS2002/CFS2. GMAX model features include,tail
hook, folding wings, sliding canopy, rolling wheels, and working suspension.
Dynamic virtual Cockpit with working gauges. Four liveries are included
for the USAF, USN, VA-176n and VNAF. A total of 3,180 aircraft were
produced between 1945 and 1957. Skyraider saw combat in both Korea
and Vietnam. By Ed Wilson and J-P Demmerle. 3.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
F4U-X Flak Corsair (add-on for default only)](https://static.simviation.com/cfs2logo.gif)
0.02Mb (359 downloads)
F4U-X Flak Corsair (add-on for default only) Like my previous
P-38X the F4U-X is modified to fire flak shells. However i designed
this more as a dogfighting weapon rather than an anit-bomber weapon
as on the P-38X the shells range is now 200-400ft and the rate of
fire greatly increased, 2 .50cal machine guns are also retained. Mark
Walsh. 26K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.02Mb (568 downloads)
F4U-X Flak Corsair (add-on for default only) Like my previous
P-38X the F4U-X is modified to fire flak shells. However i designed
this more as a dogfighting weapon rather than an anit-bomber weapon
as on the P-38X the shells range is now 200-400ft and the rate of
fire greatly increased, 2 .50cal machine guns are also retained. Mark
Walsh. 26K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.25Mb (1737 downloads)
Aichi M6A1 Seiran Combo! Secret Weapons of Japan 7. Highly
detailed, multi-res model for Aichi M6A1 Seiran bomber, with panel
and DVC (moveable stick, pedals and throttle control), lights, animated
canopy and water rudders, foldable wings and tail, catapulted from
a I400 submarine (included). Uses MD and Kawauso weapons (included).
5 missions included from Japanese and American sides. By Carlos Magalhaes,
Greg Law, Bill Stacey, Eric Cretaz, Alexander Brenzinger, Alessio,
Chris Colome and Larry Brown. 2.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
B-17E Flying Fortress](https://static.simviation.com/B-17e.jpg)
2.02Mb (890 downloads)
B-17E Flying Fortress. By HerbieG. Repainted by F4U_Chase
aka Wade Moseley. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
Harbor A6M2 Japanese Zero for CFS1](https://static.simviation.com/Pearl Harbor Zero.jpg)
3.09Mb (810 downloads)
Harbor A6M2 Japanese Zero for CFS1
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
B-17E](https://static.simviation.com/B-17E Pic.jpg)
1.75Mb (1790 downloads)
represents a B-17E Flying Fortress that would have been flying in
the Pacific Theater at around June of 1942. This aircraft is similar
to the type of B-17E which flew during the Battle of Midway and attacked
the Japanese fleet from high altitude. No direct hits were scored,
though some near misses were made. Bomb bay opens and full bomb loadouts
are included. Includes moveable control surfaces and a detailed panel.
Original design and .mdl file by HerbieG. Repaint by Paul Knuth. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive