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CFS2 > Page 175
              Junkers Ju EF-131 "Schnellbomber"
3.22Mb (2193 downloads)
CFS2 Junkers Ju EF-131 "Schnellbomber" In late 1944 the RML placed an order with Junkers for a six engined jet powered bomber as a "Schnellbomber". This is a "what-if" representation of the production version which was almost complete at the end of the War. Full moving parts, jet effects, Fritz-X Bomb & many more. by László Becz. 3.3MB CFS2 Junkers Ju EF-131 Model file patch These model files are correcting a mistake. The aileron trend is interchanged. Many thanks Uwe for this info. by László Becz. 248K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            B-25H 498th Bomb Squadron "Flying Falcons"
2.54Mb (907 downloads)
CFS2 B-25H 498th Bomb Squadron "Flying Falcons" This isn't the easiest plane to line up on target, but ooohhhh when it does... 10 forward firing .50 cal machine guns let loose with incredible firepower; plus the "kicker"- a 75mm T13E1 cannon. Complete with 2D panel, VC with gauges, 75mm sound files, an included mission, 5 bomb loadout configurations and all the raw firepower you can handle while still being in an actual WWII aircraft. "Built by Committee" by Charles Simpson, Graham, Eric (Capt_Smirnoff) Noveskey, Anthony (Gramps) Sullenger, Kevin Bacon, and DWalter (Deeds) with special thanks to Martin Wright and Paolo Kromberg. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            PBJ-1:"Devil Dog"
2.62Mb (391 downloads)
CFS2 PBJ-1:"Devil Dog" A Historic restore still in flight today The PBJ-1 was a navalized version of the USAAF B-25. It had its origin in a deal cut in mid-1942 between the Navy and the USAAF. The Navy was anxious to acquire a long-range, land-based heavy maritime reconnaissance and patrol aircraft capable of carrying a substantial bombload, but the USAAF had always resisted what it perceived as an encroachment into its jealously-guarded land-based bomber program. However, the USAAF needed an aircraft plant to manufacture its next generation of heavy bombers. Repaint By Robert "Hawk". 2.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            'HONDA' F6F-3 Hellcat'
1.90Mb (130 downloads)
CFS2 'HONDA' F6F-3 Hellcat' This is a very nice representation of a hellcat. Has all the stock features.Painted to a Honda Car Manufactoring Company Premier Image. Repaint by : Matt H. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            F6F3 "Iron Horse":
1.51Mb (125 downloads)
CFS2 F6F3 "Iron Horse": Repainted in a combination of Polished Steel & Mat Black trim ( Not an easy task) Matching up the split Fuselage isn't recommended if you're using multiple colors or gradients....Lot's of trial & error went into this paint, so I hope You enjoy it as much as it was a pain in the Arse to do....Repaint By Robert "Hawk" . 1.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            P-82 Twin Mustang
2.71Mb (880 downloads)
CFS2 P-82 Twin Mustang : Painted in Race colors for "WWAR" ( World wide Virtual Air Racing) used for "Unlimited Class Races" Named "High Octane" Repaint By Robert "Hawk". 2.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            FDG P-47D "Sweet Caroline"
1.71Mb (254 downloads)
CFS2 FDG P-47D "Sweet Caroline" : a Historic, but not accurate paint scheme "Sweet Caroline" I Ommited the Country insignias so that any/all can add their own preferance & enjoy Our paints as stated on our new web-site repaint by Robert "Hawk"
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            F4U1-A Corsair (Digital)
1.89Mb (126 downloads)
CFS2 F4U1-A Corsair (Digital) An experiment w/ PSP 8.01 these are actually "Stock Colors" I just simply re-arranged each Pixel & added the Chrome from the stock wildcat ( the steel Band) & came up with this Gradient color scheme by painting each layer in rectangles rather than the traditional square patterns Repaint by Robert "Hawk". 1.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            F4F Wildcat.
1.46Mb (2070 downloads)
CFS2 F4F Wildcat. Textures made My my Partner from Digital Aircraft ( Will "Coyote" He was nice enough to make me a "Blank" w/ just the rivets & shadows so that I can put out a decent Wildcat Repaint, this process was Painted in Layers of "overlays" & the final layer was graduated in "Burn layers" Repaint by Robert "Hawk". 1.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
1.34Mb (150 downloads)
CFS2 Nik2J-Hawk : Polished aluminum w/ Black wings& Tail & My "Hawk" Logo Digitally layered w/ PSP 8.01 sound & Panel aliased to stock George & has stock air files as well Repaint By Robert "Hawk". 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive