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CFS2 > Page 206
0.03Mb (316 downloads)
Fun Mission - Save The Black Horse ! Your mission "Jim" should you choose to accept it is to save our pub from annihilation, shoot at least 80% of opposing forces to succeed don't forget the boats in the harbour and the (hard to find ) Beer tanks ! Beware of the "Tax Man" he will get you in the end, if you don't shoot him first !! Surprise Surprise this is a fictional mission and only for a laugh ! The only larger concentration of BMW's and AUDI's is to be found on a British highway on a Monday morning ! 31K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            mission for CFS2 Multiswap
0.02Mb (502 downloads)
Fishpond2 mission for CFS2 Multiswap ..I just smashed it together. I had multiswap carrier ops in mind while designing this mission. Description: A whole bunch of ships at Tinian. Basically similar to the first fishpond mission, but a little more laid back. The opposing forces are separated by an island, but close enough to fly between for those Multiswap carrier sessions. Also, good for solo target practice... created by Fish using CFS2 mission builder. Brad Flanagan. 21K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Campaign of 204th kaigun koukuutai(Naval flying group)
0.05Mb (1426 downloads)
CFS2 Campaign of 204th kaigun koukuutai(Naval flying group). 204th kaigun koukuutai(204ku) is a famous flying group.Many aces were in this group.Iwamoto Tetsuzou,Sugita Shouichi,Hagiri Matuo, Miyano Zenjirou and so on. They fought in Solomon. 13 missions based on a record of 204ku(I modified). By Yonezawa Ken. 54K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.02Mb (305 downloads)
CFS2 Crabkey.To play.. Multiplayer/ CFS2 swap to mission, DPS to US. Can be played in single or Multiplayer modes.. The object is to learn to crab ( correct your planes track for wind drift in approaches and landings) . LOL Made by, Craig Neumann. 25K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            mission for CFS2
0.06Mb (543 downloads)
Fishpond mission for CFS2 Everything in here is copyrighted by it's original designer...I just smashed it together. Description: A whole bunch of ships at Moen. Axis and Allies are separated by plenty of room... created by Fish using CFS2 mission builder. Brad Flanagan. 62K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.06Mb (445 downloads)
RABAUL. By using BombRunHost and Multiswap a One Team Mission can be flown. The .mis-file only contains anti-aircraft guns and weather settings. The BombRunHost files both have 100% hard settings and one tag-color is used, one has NO FUN settings applied. Designed by: Rick Roelofs. 60K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            - Aslito
0.08Mb (378 downloads)
Tinian - Aslito. Info: Both teams land at their field first. (Resp. Tinian, Aslito.) Objectives are to destroy the target at the enemies airfield and defend the own target from being destroyed by the enemy. Designed by: Rick Roelofs. 80K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            - Taroa.
0.05Mb (293 downloads)
Wotje - Taroa. Info: By using BombRunHost and Multiswap a One Team Mission can be flown. The .mis-file only contains anti-aircraft guns and weather settings. The BombRunHost files both have 100% hard settings and one tag-color is used, one has NO FUN settings applied. Designed by: Rick Roelofs. 53K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            - Munda.
0.09Mb (258 downloads)
Vila - Munda. By using BombRunHost and Multiswap a One Team Mission can be flown. The .mis-file only contains anti-aircraft guns and weather settings. The BombRunHost files both have 100% hard settings and one tag-color is used, one has NO FUN settings applied. The aircraft used, scrambling distances and further set-up of the mission can be determined by the Host. CFG-Info: Start at Vila. Targets at Munda. Designed by: Rick Roelofs. 93K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.07Mb (250 downloads)
RAPOPO-NAMATANAI-VUNAKANAU. The .mis-file is meant to be used as Multiswap mission in combination with BombRunHost BRH_USA_Rapopo_Namatanai / BRH_USA_Rapopo_Namatanai_NOFUN.cfg and not as an individual mission in the game. Designed by: Rick Roelofs. 71K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive