CFS2 > Page 210

0.05Mb (1019 downloads)
Kamakazi mission in Midway, Japanese are launching a full
raid in the midway island you got to stop them. By Robert Santos.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.00Mb (438 downloads)
Bomberline Interceptor. This is my first mission I ever created
so please enjoy it. It has some required downloads you have to get.
There are 4 types of aircrafts in thiis mission the first one is the
b24, you don't have to download that because it's the default aircraft.The
ones you have to download are these ones: the Fw190_D,and the all
the spitfires at this website.
Then after that Put the .mis folder in your cfs2 mission folder.thats
all. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it. Email me for any questions. Robert Santos. 36K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.12Mb (404 downloads)
Tomb in the Clouds, Missions 5 Fix (2)." This repairs the
problems in mission 5 (in the origional and first fix package). You
do not need the any of the prevous releases, this overwrites everything.
Sorry about the problems. Richie Barrett
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.12Mb (1242 downloads)
Tomb in the Clouds, Missions 4 & 5 Updated> ." This repairs
the problems in missions 4 and 5. You do not need the prevous release,
this overwrites everything. Sorry about the problems. Richie Barrett.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.08Mb (613 downloads)
Tomb in the Clouds, Mission 5: Home Sweet Home" is the fifth
in my series of CFS2 single missions. In this fictional mission, you
must save the USS Saratoga from an enemy bomber attack, then fly to
your new base. Be ready for a lot of air to air combat. Richie Barrett.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.02Mb (260 downloads)
multiswap missions for Combat Flight Simulator 2 involving
weather. Set #2
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.09Mb (901 downloads)
Enclosed you will find 5 missions. Two missions are for use with Korean
Combat Pilot and the other three for use with Alphasim jets.(payware
from M Walsh. 91K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.16Mb (1322 downloads)
Express Mission: Join Major Pappy Boyington and the rest of
his BlackSheep as they do some destruction to the Tokyo Express. Not
only worry about ships, but also worry about enemy planes. Bob Jarvis.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.09Mb (449 downloads)
Mission Pack. Requirements: European Scenery Part 1 & 2 by
Steve Mclelland. Guernsey - Jersey - Cherbourg - Azeville. Designed
by: Rick Roelofs. 91K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.33Mb (1698 downloads)
in the Channel" Mission for CFS2! Takes place in mid '42 when
the Spitfire Mk.Vb was outclassed by the FW-190a. The Hawker Typhoons,
with its low alititude superiority in speed and manouevreability,
were called in to stop the "Hit and Run" raiders. You will fly a Typhoon
against FW-190s. Includes CAP and rendevous with patrolling destroyer.
All aircraft needed are included. By Eric J. Gion. 3.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive