CFS2 > Page 214

2.68Mb (2203 downloads)
Aian Series Vol.1! "Battle of Philippines"(1) by Yoshi CFS2
Asian Series! It is a new stage for CFS2! About 60 aviation bases
of Asia are added to your CFS2. Missions' stage are China, Burma,
Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Manchuria, the Soviet Union,
Thailand, India, Japan, etc.... You will be able to experience a really
new battle! "Battle of Philippines"(1)is a first work for the CFS2
Asian Series. The Campain is for Ki-84 of Andrew C. Wai and Robert
Reichert! However, I hope that everyone can enjoy this Mission which
I made.. I am very happy if it can listen to your impression about
this Mission. Yoshitsugu Nagata. 2.7MB Get
Scenery Here
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.01Mb (251 downloads)
BOMBRUN FOR CFS2 by MrD RONINS For use in multiplayer game
with multiswap. Bombrun from carriers or runways (read rules in install.txt).
2 task forces of 3 carriers in an original place of south pacific.
2 add-on runways. 7K.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

2.26Mb (858 downloads)
Canadian Nationality Expansion Pack
(14 JUNE 2001) The files contained in this expansion pack will add
a "Canadian" choice to the list of nationalities available in Combat
Flight Simulator 2. This is a handy feature for those who'd like to
keep their Canadian themed missions in their own category. The bitmap
screens included in this package all feature Canadian subjects. There
are enough screens included for the "Single Mission" style of game
play which should be sufficient for most needs. The package does not
provide screens and other supporting bitmaps for a full Canadian campaign.
However, if there's sufficient interest in this expansion pack, more
screens could be developed and released at a later date. Rick Rutherford.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.35Mb (673 downloads)
NFII-Mission2 Night-fighter mission for Gryphon
Aviation Mosquito NFII. An immersive mission, in which you cannot
rely on waypoints and warping to get you to the action. By Bruno Escaravage
(Brunosk). 364K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.14Mb (264 downloads)
Lanka Mission:
.This is my first mission i made. It contains two carriers on each
side...two for u.s side and two for japanese side. Also as an added
twist they are moving at 20 knots. The carriers on both sides are
escorted by destroyers, cruisers, patrol boats and torpedo boats.
Rakesh Soneji A.K.A PHANTOM_ACE_007. 143K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

1.41Mb (1680 downloads)
of France for CFS2,
french and german side, by G.West. Planes included. Stukas interception.
The 8th of june 1940, third day of the Battle of the Somme was, for
the GC 1/II, the 'Storks' (Guynemer's squadron), still equiped with
Moranes, a successful day, especially for captain Williame, who won
6 victories. For its second sortie, the GC 1/II fights two Ju87B formations,
weakly protected. You must at least down three ennemy bombers. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

2.95Mb (1026 downloads)
Sky Pirates Mission Pack Additional easy-to-install missions
for CFS2. Adapted from the missions flown by the airmen of USS Shangri-La,
mainly air strikes on the Japanese home islands during the last months
of World War II. The missions are historical, but mainly improvised.
All necessary files included (third party files by "Easykill" and
Andrew C. Wai). By Arne E. Ehlers 3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

1.84Mb (335 downloads)
Dots 2. You and your wingmen will fly a carrier strike mission
with VMA-332 "Polka Dots" during the Korean War.You will lead your
flight to destroy a North Korean oil storage facility. VMA-332 flew
missions from carriers at the end of the war. This mission is not
based on any particular one they flew. Dean Reilly. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
15.12Mb (911 downloads)
BACKGROUND In 1941 the British forces invaded Vichy French controlled
Lebanon and Syria (an area known to the French as the Levant) to prevent
the Luftwaffe using Vichy airbases to supply Iraqi rebels, and threaten
Allied oil supplies. This campagne has been written from the Vichy
side, flying a D520. All 6 missions are based on real combat actions
involving Groupement de Chasse III/6 and unfold in historical sequence.
Most are based on the exploits of French ace Pierre le Gloan and his
5eme escadrille - the plane you fly is in the historical colours of
his ship. Some missions have random elements so they do not all unfold
the same way every time. Please enjoy the package. John Lancaster.
16MB (!)
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.76Mb (605 downloads)
ONLY - Ocean Rescue, Single Mission: Fictional rescue mission
for the PBY5a2k. Created with CFS2 Mission Builder. I borrowed everything,
and got permission to use the addon aircraft and its panel, so I make
no claim to any rights. Comments or questions? Russ Williams. 782K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive