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CFS2 > Page 215
0.08Mb (340 downloads)
Polka Dots. You and your wingman will fly a carrier strike mission with VMA-332 "Polka Dots" during the Korean War. VMA-332 flew missions from carriers at the end of the war. This mission is not based on any particular one they flew. Dean Reilly. 86K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Tour of Duty
0.06Mb (1232 downloads)
Full Tour of Duty - IJN-Campaign for CFS2 uses all 47 IJN campaign missions in chrononlogical order. From: Chris Cardona. Using Dennis Junkins' Full Tour of Duty .cmg file as a guide, I have made this campaign that allows you to play all of the IJN's 47 campaign missions in a single continuous campaign. They are arranged in chronological order, and there are only 2 changes I made: I first changed I made was the date of the mission "Guadalcanal Convoy Attack." It was listed as 11/11/44, but I believe it was supposed to be 11/11/42. According to the CFS-2 Pilot's Manual, the Guadalcanal Campaign ended on Feburary 2, 1943, and by 11/11/44, the Allied Forces had liberated the Mariana Islands. 885K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Bridgehead 1943 - set of Ost Front / Eastern Front missions for CFS2
4.27Mb (1191 downloads)
Kuban Bridgehead 1943 - set of Ost Front / Eastern Front missions for CFS2 By Jacek Poltorak. 4.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.01Mb (440 downloads)
CFS2 The Wind Cried Mary... Foul weather carrier op's multiswap mission. Inspired by J. Hendrex, who has touched us all in some way. By Craig Neumann aka Hells Angels_3 RET. 54K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            1941 Campaign for CFS2 (v1.0)
2.16Mb (1006 downloads)
Hellas 1941 Campaign for CFS2 (v1.0): A campaign of 27 missions representing the activities of a Luftwaffe Bf110 pilot in the Balkan campaign, starting with the invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece, and continuing through to the end of the campaign in Crete. Requires the installation of some add-on planes and airfields (instructions for their installation included). By C Burgess. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Ferry Pack for CFS2.
1.01Mb (527 downloads)
Long-Distance Ferry Pack for CFS2. A collection of missions set in the North Atlantic and Pacific during World War II. These missions are unusual in that they do not involve combat (except one) but instead involve long-distance navigation and weather challenges. The North Atlantic missions describe the ferrying of P38s to Europe from North America, as was done in the summer of 1942. Pacific missions describe the ferrying of B17s to the Philippines from the US in the spring and fall of 1941. Runways are provided in the Pacific at Darwin, Honolulu and Manila and in the North Atlantic at Presque Isle, Dartmouth, Gander, Goose Bay, Narsarssuak, Sondre Stromfjord, Sydney, Keflavik, Sao Miguel (Azores), and Prestwick. By C Burgess. 1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Fighter Wing for CFS2 (v1.0):
0.47Mb (725 downloads)
Tainan Fighter Wing for CFS2 (v1.0): A campaign of 30 missions representing the activities of the Tainan Fighter Wing, starting in 1938 in China, continuing through the Philippine, Dutch East Indies and New Guinea campaigns, and ending at Rabaul with the landings at Guadalcanal. Requires the installation of some add-on planes and airfields (instructions for their installation included). By C Burgess. 484K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Aian Series, "Battle for Rangoon Campaign"
0.87Mb (1310 downloads)
CFS2 Aian Series, "Battle for Rangoon Campaign" for Bruno Duffort's AVG Aircrafts! by Yoshi The air force military strength of the Japanese army concentrated in Moulmein. They have made preparations for the Attack on Burma. Probably, they will attack on our airbase in Rangoon. We Flying Tigers will destroy the all the enemies for the freedom.Take off! 915K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
22.64Mb (1304 downloads)
CFS2 Gloucester: the mission raid on cape gloucester is made up and not based on fact you fly the hellcat cape gloucester is attacked by jap vals and betty bombers. lee paul. 50K Gloucester 2 the mission, raid on cape gloucester is made up and not based on fact, you fly the hellcat and are returning to base ,when you notice its under attack, a rookie flight of 8 wildcats is just taking off, get in there and save those boys. 6K Gloucester 3. The cape gloucester mission. (from the japanese side) a follow on from my last two missions you fly a zero your mission is to take down all american aircraft bettys and vals will bomb the field. good luck. 6K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Full Tour of Duty:
0.07Mb (1335 downloads)
CFS2 Full Tour of Duty: This campaign allows you to play all 47 of the USN campaign missions in 1 continuous campaign. They are arranged in chronological order and the only change I made was to change the date in the first mission "War comes to Wake Island". It was listed as 12/8/42 and I think it was supposed to be 12/8/41. Just drop this small campaign file into your Campaign folder and you can select it under "Full Tour of Duty".Enjoy! Title: Full Tour of Duty-Campaign for CFS2-uses all 47 USN campaign missions in chrononlogical order. From: Dennis Junkins. 72K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive