CFS2 > Page 217

0.02Mb (520 downloads)
Coastal Patrol By: Andre Blanchard This is a fictional mission.
You are flying a routine coastal patrol in a Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon.
Your mission is to seek out and destroy enemy shiiping operating near
Henderson base. 16K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.17Mb (645 downloads)
Express- Campaign for CFS 2 This
is a campaign created as an update for my VF-85 Mission Pack. It
requires the files contained in this add-on, so it should already
be installed; otherwise the campaign won't work. It consists of
sixteen missions and includes modified versions of the old ones.
They deal with the attacks on the Japanese home islands at the end
of World War II. Also included is a new *.dp file for the F-4U-1C;
now bombs and cannons might work correctly. Take care of your wingmen...
:-) By Arne E. Ehlers
Express Update Sorry, but there were still some mistakes
I had to remove. Please put the *.dyn and *.mis files into the "Campaigns"
folder in your CFS2 root directory. Arne E. Ehlers. 11K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.25Mb (1037 downloads)
Pack (v1.0) This package of 60 missions are all framed as
bomber escort or interceptions, but are set in theatres around the
world. They are meant as a kind of enhanced quick combat, with more
tactical variety, more variety in the initial altitudes available,
the presence of flak and targets on the ground, more interesting scenery
below and some historical accuracy. The planes involved and the location
of the air battle are chosen to be appropriate to a theatre actually
flown during the war. By C Burgess. 254K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

1.49Mb (1140 downloads)
Desert Air Force 1942 Campaign (v1.0) This is a 23 mission
campaign flown from the point of view of a Bf109F pilot who is posted
to North Africa and takes part in the 1942 campaign there, starting
with the attack on the Gazala line and ending with the retreat from
El Alamein. Requires the installation of several add-on planes and
ground objects. By C Burgess. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

1.39Mb (481 downloads)
Kondor Campaign (v1.0) This 13 mission campaign follows the
activities of an FW 200 pilot, starting with KG 40 in Bordeaux in
1940 and ending in mid-1942 several months after his transfer to Norway.
Requires the installation of several add-on planes and ground objects.
By C Burgess, for the Ground Crew Design Group. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.81Mb (1062 downloads)
B-24 Bomber Mission,fictitous.Included are freeware programs
files to make AI planes flyable and a bomb site panel. AI conversion
by AirBudda Bomb site by Juan Carlos Cantu. by John Arneson. 847K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.19Mb (253 downloads)
Hawaii Mission - no descrption provided. Richard Jones. 179K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.10Mb (233 downloads)
carrier landings Multiplayer Mission. By Bruno Rodrigues.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.35Mb (226 downloads)
Fjord Carrier Dive mission it's a mission for multiplayers,
made for team fight / carriers ops. fight zone is located in fjords
of Norway. U.S. to West - JA to East ...More than 40 carriers to land...
:) By NTM_Fanch. 354K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.01Mb (194 downloads)
Description: A fight to destroy many low talent household names who
shamelessly find a way into everyone's living room. By Peter Ragland.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive