CFS2 > Page 221
0.09Mb (504 downloads)
Ace 01.
This easy, but challenging mission is the first of the Pacific Ace
Series of mission for CFS2 Mission goals: 1. Shoot up the bombers
before they bomb Midway. 2. Keep midway from being bombed 3. STAY
ALIVE. This mission was made by TAYLOR. 94K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.13Mb (747 downloads)
of Taffy 3 -
Mission for CFS2 Fly the Hellcat in the Battle of Samar, Leyte Gulf,
1944. Taffy 3, a task group of six escort carriers providing air support
for ground forces, is being attacked by a heavy Japanese force composed
of battleships and cruisers that has broken through and is intent
on destroying the entire invasion fleet. You and three destroyers
are all that stand between a successful invasion and total disaster.
Recon photo included. All stock CFS2. By Tom Sanford. 134K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.01Mb (763 downloads)
Defense of Iwo Jima/Reduction of Iwo Jima Campaigns Airbases.Dat file
Tom Sanford, Fox Four Group, Mission Builder
The attached airbases.dat file is the stock CFS2 file with the airfields
for The Defense of Iwo Jima and The Reduction of Iwo Jima campaigns
added. Replacing the stock CFS2 airbases.dat file with this one enables
the Advanced Information screens at the beginning of the Iwo Jima
missions. (The file also contains many of the Korean and Chinese airfields
used in the Fox Four Korean campaigns.) To use this file simply replace
the stock CFS2 airbases.dat file in the CFS2/INFO folder with this
one. If you have a custom airbases.dat file installed, you may want
to save it for later replacement. 6K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.25Mb (1233 downloads)
Reduction of Iwo Jima Campaign
for Combat Flight Simulator 2...The U.S. Side A ten-mission companion
piece(U.S. side) to The Defense of Iwo Jima Campaign. All-stock CFS2,
except for the Iwo Jima scenery which is included. Easy drop-in install.
(If you already have The Defense of Iwo Jima Campaign installed, scenery
installation is unnecessary since both campaigns use the same files.)
Fly the Hellcat, P-38 and Corsair during the destruction of the Japanese
defenses and on through the invasion itself. by Tom Sanford. 252K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.20Mb (1069 downloads)
Defense of Iwo Jima Campaign
for Combat Flight Simulator 2. 8-mission campaign flying the A6M-5
and N1K2. All stock CFS2 with the exception of the scenery which
is included. Easy drop-in install. By Tom Sanford, 12/2002, scenery
by Chris Westervelt. 209K
8 Fix
12/17/02 Tom Sanford, Replacement MIS &
DYN files for Mission 8 to correct the inclusion of a "nonstock"
infrastructure PBY on airfield #1 in the original mission files.
This was causing CFS2 to throw an infrastructure error. The PBY
has been replaced with a "stock" C-47. 6K
- The Defense of Iwo Jima Campaign for CFS2 Tom Sanford,
12/2002 Campaign and mission "Crib Notes".
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.00Mb (311 downloads)
Fleet By Simon Weldon (_219_Chalenger is my zone name) Part of
the 219th Squadron Carrier Training. NOTE: This is the first mission
i have made so dont complain if you think it is not to your standard
it was made more for rookie pilots to make the difficult carrier landings.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.06Mb (536 downloads)
Luck" Mission
You will fly a Wildcat on a post-maintenance check flight out of Henderson
Field, Guadalcanal in 1943. This is a very basic fighter sweep mission
created using Part 1 of Cody Coyote's CFS2 Mission Tutorial. It is
short enough to fly in realtime, but you will not miss anything by
warping when that feature is enabled. Tom Sanford. 67K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

1.76Mb (662 downloads)
Attack Mission that pits the USS Enterprise against two
flights of Japanese Kates. Flyable B5N2 Kate included. By - Arnie
Macy. 1.8MB
Carrier Combat Mission fixes the problem when you DON'T use
WARP to waypoint 3, then end up back in the flak when you DO warp
... (not good) Just unzip the two files to your CFS2 MISSION folder.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.03Mb (345 downloads)
Attack Mission
This mission is a totally fictional scenario where you have to attack
about two flights of the Japanese Defenders. 26K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.68Mb (327 downloads)
Raid: Lead a flight of Corsairs from VMF(N)-513 to strike
the Chinese Air Base of Dandong. The Korth Koreans have been using
this base to attack UN Forces. Mission is fictional and not on any
513 flew during the Korean War. Dean Reilly. 697K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive