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CFS2 > Page 223
            Leyte Gulf Fictional 1%:
0.09Mb (241 downloads)
CFS2 Leyte Gulf Fictional 1%: The 1% version of my "Leyte Gulf Fictional mission" - a fictional ship attack mission set in the western Philippines. A large enemy task force has been spotted approaching our screening force, west of Mindoro. You and your 6 Hellcats take off and rendezvous with the rest of the strike force to launch a coordinated attack on the enemy fleet before it can get within range of the Leyte beachead. Save some ammo, you might have to help defend the ship on your return... Players will need to download and install the 1% aircraft listed, if they don't already have them. All other objects and scenery are CFS2 stock. Big battle with 28 ships and up to 90 total aircraft. Credits: Microsoft CFS2 Mission builder, Aircraft (not included) from AvHistory Greg Baskin. 96K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Leyte Gulf Fictional - Ship Attack Mission
0.07Mb (574 downloads)
CFS2 Leyte Gulf Fictional - Ship Attack Mission. For single player only - will not work for multiplayer Fictional Leyte Gulf battle: 104 (max) planes total and 28 ships. This mission uses only stock CFS2 ships and aircraft - nothing else to download. 77K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Strike the Fleet!
3.31Mb (473 downloads)
CFS2 Strike the Fleet! Today you are assigned to attack the American invasion fleet accompanied by dive bombers. It is vital that we destroy the American fleet inorder to preserve our postions on Guam and hold the last remaining buffer between the home islands and the enemy. Heavy anti-aircraft attacks from nearby vessels of the carrier can be expected. However, we are not sure about enemy aerial oppositions in the area. All required components included. Credits: B5N Kate model and panel by AF Midway Group, bombs and torpedo are from MD bombs package by Carlos Magalhaes, Alex Brenzinger and Eric Cretaz, and B5N textures by Finn Neuik. By Random Nut (aka Edmond Li). 3.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Soloman Heat:
3.17Mb (401 downloads)
CFS2 Soloman Heat: Turn on the heat on the Solomons! (Fixed) A fictionous raid on Japanese and German shipping by the US Navy in order to prepare for the Solomon landings. All aircraft and ships included. This is my first mission I've ever made and I hope people out there will like it. Credits: Model Dauntless by AF Midway Group, German ships by Ground Crew Design Group and textures by Rob Renner. Requires Enhance US weapons by Sergio Dolcemascolo. . You DO NOT NEED the previous version to play the mission. By Random Nut (aka Edmond Li). 3.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
              Mission "Flight of the Phoenix" Mission file and C82AraboCo_Crashed
              Mission "Flight of the Phoenix" Mission file and C82AraboCo_Crashed
2.45Mb (309 downloads)
CFS2 Mission "Flight of the Phoenix" Mission file and C82AraboCo_Crashed Aircraft FSDSv2. This mission is based loosly on the 1965 movie "Flight of the Phoenix" where Jimmy Stewart pilots the "Phoenix" aircraft built from spare parts of a crashed C-82. He and the remaining crew and passengers ride the "Phoenix" across the hostile desert to oil rig outpost for help, food, and water!(makes me thirsty just thinking about it). By Jim Jacobson: 2.5MB CFS2/FS2000 Mesh for CFS2 Mission Flight of the Phoenix Acknowlegdement to Giovanni "Bavarello" Miduri ( and his FS2000-FS2002/CFS2 - IRAQ and Kuwait - Terrain Mesh 3,75 arc/sec of which I have use a small part of for this mission.). 10.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Mission The Last Mission of Satan´s Sons
0.19Mb (337 downloads)
CFS2 Mission The Last Mission of Satan´s Sons - for the excellent Vought SB2U-1 Vindicator by Paul Clawson (Available here) , repainted as a Midway´s SB2U-3 by Jerry Nolan. June 5th, 1942 ... At 6:30 a.m., a Midway-based PBY reported "... Sighted 2 battleships bearing 256 degrees, distance 125 miles, course 268 degrees, speed 15 ...". Two minutes later the PBY added "... Ships damaged, streaming oil ...". Marine aircraft Group 22 sent two flights from VMSB-241: six SBDs under Captain Marshall A. Tyler and six SB2Us led by Captain Richard E. Fleming to attack the two japanese ships. You fly as Capt. Leon M. Williamson, the Capt. R. E. Fleming´s wing man, in what remains of the "Sons of Satan" bomber squadron. Take off and follow your leader against the enemy cruisers. By Enrique Godoy. 191K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Mission Just Follow Me
0.05Mb (588 downloads)
CFS2 Mission Just Follow Me - for the stock Douglas TBD-1 Devastator (you need make it flyable). June 4th, 1942 ... a great japanese striking force is heading to Midway island. Since the first hours of this morning the Midway-based bombers attacked the enemy fleet, it´s time for the carrier-based torpedo planes. On the carrier USS Hornet, a group of 15 TBDs is ready and warming up. Target: the japanese fleet. You fly as Ens. George Gay, in the second division of Devastators. By Enrique Godoy. 52K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Mission TBFs at Midway
0.03Mb (790 downloads)
CFS2 Mission TBFs at Midway - for the stock Grumman TBF Avenger, repainted as a Midway´s VT-8 TBF-1 by Gramps. June 4th, 1942 ... a great japanese striking force is heading to Midway island. The only thing that intervenes between the enemy and the island is a group of planes and valiant pilots ... Six new brand TBFs -from the VT-8 torpedo squadron- are ready and warming up. Target: the japanese fleet. You fly as Ens. Bert Earnest, in the 1st. section of Avengers. By Enrique Godoy. 33K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Mission The Sons of Satan
0.19Mb (455 downloads)
CFS2 Mission The Sons of Satan - for the excellent Vought SB2U-1 Vindicator by Paul Clawson (Available here) , repainted as a Midway´s SB2U-3 by Jerry Nolan. June 4th, 1942 ... a great japanese striking force is heading to Midway island. The only thing that intervenes between the enemy and the island is a group of old planes and valiant pilots ... The marines VMSB-241 dive-bomber squadron, with its SBDs and SB2Us are ready and warming up. Target: the japanese fleet. You fly as Capt. Leon Williamson, leading the 2nd. section of Vindicators. By Enrique Godoy. 200K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Strike against Tsili-Tsili.
0.13Mb (326 downloads)
CFS2 Strike against Tsili-Tsili. Mission for the excellent Pascal Auterive´s & Bruno Duffort´s KI21 IIa Sally (here).. By Enrique Godoy. New Guinea - September 21th., 1943 ... Lae, Salamaua and Tsili-Tsili airfields falled in the hands of the enemy. Take off from Wewak, join a formation of eighteen Ki-21s -escorted by six A6M2 Zeros- and drop your bombs over the Tsili-Tsili facilities. 130K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive