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CFS2 > Page 226
2.81Mb (999 downloads)
Updated OPERATION TIDAL WAVE Lead 'Killer' Kane's 98th BG against the most heavily defended target in Europe- the refineries around Ploesti in Rumania. Mission pack includes both short and 'round trip' versions of the mission, the 98th BG base at Benina, Libya, custom intercom communications, three other bomb groups, fighters, and Gerstneberg's 'Q-train'. Requires the 'Tidal Wave' bomber pack ( - available here)) . By the 'Tidal Wave' Design Team. 2.9MB.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
              IJN Bomber Force Dynamic Campaign Beta
              IJN Bomber Force Dynamic Campaign Beta
0.19Mb (1021 downloads)
CFS2 IJN Bomber Force Dynamic Campaign Beta Ever wanted to fly a G4M on a night raid over the glowing terrain of Guadalcanal? Or fly over Pearl Harbour torpedoing a ship without flak around to discourage you? These and 23 other missions included in the campaign. Thankyou to Cody Coyote 179 KB By Bombardier. 197K IJN Bomber Force Dynamic Campaign Fix Fixes the Pearl Harbour mission goal and the mission breifing in the Henderson night raid. Happy Flying! 32 KB Made by Bombardier. 33K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.01Mb (324 downloads)
CFS2 RJ's1st Mission. Great for trapping practice for moderate to ace pilot. Some what like the Carrier Haven 3 missions but more difficult. Shoot through stacks and glide down a mountain towards home. Will need CVN-9 Essex carrier from Carrier Haven 3. Mission two.... Scramble towards an enemy with un-known intentions. This should be a fun ride even for an ace! Uses a downloadable P-39D. By Falcon500RC AKA. Robert Coady. 9K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
              Mission: Legion Condor Lite Version.
0.88Mb (983 downloads)
CFS2 Mission: Legion Condor Lite Version. The Spanish Civil War began on 19 July 1936 and ended on 28 March 1939. It was significant in the history of military aviation as the testing-ground for the aircraft and tactics used in the early years of World War II. You will fly 40 missions as a German Luftwaffe flieger sent to the Legion Condor in Spain, beginning in 1936 and ending in 1939. You will fly the Heinkel He51 until conversion to the Messerschmitt Bf109 in August of 1937, flying the Bf109B, D, and E models. This is the lite version of the campaign which contains it's own airfields files using the stock CFS2 terrain mesh. 900K CFS2 Mission: Legion Condor Full Version. This is the Full Version of the campaign which requires Xavier's SCW Airfields 1.0. 859K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Carrier Haven Jet Hop Mission Revised.
0.10Mb (716 downloads)
CFS2 Carrier Haven Jet Hop Mission Revised. CFS2 Add-on Jets need a place to fly and some new up to date Carriers. Land on in the already great game of Carrier Haven 3. Jhe Jets hop is just S.E. of the maine game with some add on ships VN_USS_Midway and USS_Stennis_CVN74. 101K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Skull_Island_Takeout Mission.
0.11Mb (458 downloads)
CFS2 Skull_Island_Takeout Mission. Made for multiplayer There is a japanese invason force buildup of merchant and warships and a Japanese carrier in the harbor just off of Caroline Islands supplies and facilities are being shiped in for a big buildup of forces. 112K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            North Base Raid:
0.10Mb (563 downloads)
CFS2 North Base Raid: A Ship and Airbase Attack Mission For Multiplayer: This is an attack on oil and naval facilities at a fictional base on the north coast of New Guinea. There are merchant ships and escorts that will attempt to leave harbor and plenty of ground and sea targets. The package includes 2 Missions: North Base Raid_M is the full attack mission and North Base_Team is for players to use in a team game if desired (much less FLAK). LW and stock Objects are used in both, so players need to take a few minutes to read the instructions and place the runway file and be sure they have all the necessary scenery objects (not included) installed. My thanks to Linsay Watt for his excellent trees and other infrastructure objects and to "Nanni" for his ship configuration files add-in. Greg (Shadow_Wolf) Baskin. 99K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
              Defence of the Republic - Revised
0.60Mb (1162 downloads)
CFS2 Defence of the Republic - Revised- Spanish Civil War Mission. The Spanish Civil War, which began on 19 July, 1936 and ended on 28 March, 1939, was significant in the history of military aviation as the testing-ground for the aircraft and tactics of the early years of World War II. It was also notable for the extensive foreign involvement both from foreign governments and on the individual level as thousands of foreign nationals volunteering to man infantry brigades and to fly the aircraft in combat. You will participate as a foreign pilot from (fill in the blank with your favorite country) who has volunteered to fly for the Spanish Republic beginning in 1936 and ending in August 1937. At that time, most volunteer pilots had left Spain, being replaced by Spanish pilots who had been trained in Russia during the previous year. 600K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Hopstrike 5.
0.14Mb (806 downloads)
CFS2 Hopstrike 5. This the latest version of the Hopstrike series and covers the Solomons, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines. It has several new features: lights on many of the stock bases and behind many of the carriers to make those night landings easier. You'll also find more "enemy" ships and AA guns to shoot at you and to attack including some "hot spots" around Rabaul and Bataan. You'll still have headwinds for carrier landings and take offs and crosswinds to make field landings more challenging. by: Greg (Shadow_Wolf_07) Baskin. 140K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
              The Big-E Fast CV Raids of 1942 Pak 1
8.91Mb (1558 downloads)
CFS2 The Big-E Fast CV Raids of 1942 Pak 1 17 mission historical recount of the Big-E's early 1942 CV Raids on the Marshalls, Wake and Marcus Island. Player Aircraft, Ships, and GSL Scenery included plus a couple of bonus items. Additional Downloads required, see Read Me File for details. Package 1 of 2 By the Combined AF=Midway and Virtual Navy Team. 9.1MB The Big-E Fast CV Raids of 1942 Pak 2. A 17 mission historical recount of the Big-E's early 1942 CV Raids on the Marshalls, Wake and Marcus Island. Player Aircraft, Ships, and GSL Scenery included plus a couple of bonus items. Additional Downloads required, see Read Me File for details. Package 2 of 2 By the Combined AF=Midway and Virtual Navy Team. 4.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive