CFS2 > Page 224

0.92Mb (546 downloads)
Sea King Mission Pack w/weapons and mission objects
by Jim Jacobson. Requires Frans Vranken's Westland M48 Seaking (here).
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.08Mb (385 downloads)
Take Back The Pacific! Vol.1: Hold
Your Ground. This is a fictional NWNG (No Waypoint, No Goal) linear
campaign with stock aircraft and objects. No waypoints or visible
goals for maximum realism. Early 1942 - the Japanese have overun the
entire Pacific Theater of Operations; only one island - Espiritu Santo
- remains in the hands of the Americans. In this first of five volumes,
fly as a USN Wildcat pilot in a last-ditch effort to defend Espiritu
Santo. David R. Organ Call-sign 'Staiduk'. 83K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.01Mb (417 downloads)
Fictional Torpedo Pacific mission
created by Stefano "kelticheart" Denti to take advantage of Colin
Muir's Beaufighter TF MkX available at the following link:
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.24Mb (252 downloads)
Aces 085--Bauer's Alt. Mission
This is a "mod" of the stock CFS2 mission that lets the Val's shoot
back. The "End mission on goal" has been removed. Triggers have been
added to detect if you land, crash land, or ditch. Includes new Val
dp-file that makes the rear gunner less accurate. Enjoy! by Scott
Johnson. 246K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.03Mb (277 downloads)
Mission "The Vila Straits"
This is a fictional mission that uses stock components. No add on's
required. Fly in and draw away the fighters while your bombers slip
in unnoticed. This is my first mission using Coyote's Mission Builder
Tutorial. Thanks C.C. By KJRowe 30K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

8.62Mb (1304 downloads)
Coral Sea Action at Tulagi.
On May 4th 1942 the carrier Yorktown launched an attack on the Japanese
forces who had just occupied Tulagi Island.You may now fly one of
6 SBD missions,2 TBD missions, 1 F4F-3 mission ,or fly a Mission
as a Japanese defenderin an A6M2N_RUFE. A6M2N by Jerry Lindell,F4F-3
skin by Mauro Giacomazzi,SOC-3 by Paul Clawson,SBD Coral Sea skin
by Robin,TBD Coral sea skin by Smashing Time,AF Yorktown by Greg
Bonds at AF Midway project.,VN Sims by Bruce Baker and James Smith
at Virtual Navy.& a great mission Tutorial by Cody Coyote without
which I couldn't have completed these Missions. Missions by LJ Blondin.
Tugali Campaign Fix. 72K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.02Mb (291 downloads)
Brazil Carrier Mission.
This is a swap and single player mission the ships are set on a continuous
pattern and they will fire if fired upon. When swapping sqap as an
allie. Thomas Folmar. 21K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
4.51Mb (1309 downloads)
Mission "Bridges of ToKoRi"
It base very loosly on the Movie "Bridges of TokoRi" where the main
characters F9F-2 squadron have to keep attacking a series of strategic
bridges in the TokoRi Valley. Fly the Guantlet down the "TokoRi Valley"
and drop your Bomb Load on Bridge 1 or 2. By Jim Jacobson. 4.6MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.14Mb (903 downloads)
The Battle for Wake Island
This is a campaign centered around the defence of Wake Island during
the early stages of World War II. It is mostly based on historical
fact including dates and times and number of aircraft involved. This
also includes some extras. By Frank Pond. 142K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
16.57Mb (1587 downloads)
Dutch East Indies Campaign Version 2.0,
replaces earlier Dutch East Indies Campaign. Fly a Brewster Buffalo
with the Royal Dutch Army Air Force against Japanese invaders, or
fly an A6M2 Zero against Dutch, British and American defenders to
capture the vital oil fields of Borneo, Sumatra and Java. Complete
campaign package -- includes 5 new aircraft, all necessary scenery
and airfields, Dutch nationality campaign screens, and complete 18-mission
campaigns for both the Japanese and Dutch sides. This version also
corrects some problems with the earlier version (fixes installation
of Dutch campaign screens, some warping errors, and some missing static
objects). Detailed installation instructions. 17MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive