CFS2 > Page 227

1.54Mb (757 downloads)
Wars-44 Missions
in one or two campaigns (Winter war and/or Continuation war). Several
addons required - see Readme for details & direct links. by
Cris Lame. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.04Mb (731 downloads)
Finnish Winter War -
30 NOV 1939 - 13 MAR 1940. A tribute to the courageous fight of
the Finnish nation against the brutal attack of the Soviet red army.
Correction for prevent aircraft incompatibility. 7K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.13Mb (281 downloads)
HopStrike 4 Hop Mission for multiplayer.
A Multiplayer mission that adds ground targets and carriers for hoppers.
I replaces the previous HopStrike_3WF mission. Errors noted in that
mission have been corrected and a few more carriers and surface targets
have been added. It is recommended but not required that that players
download and install MaskRider Scenery. Greg Baskin. 134K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

15.59Mb (1072 downloads)
Milne Bay 42 A set of 18 historically accurate missions, reenacting
the Milne Bay Battle, in Sept 42, when the japanese where for the
first time defeated on the ground. The package contains the missions,
two bases, an RAAF Beaufighter Mk1, 4 RAAF Kittyhawk 1 skins, and
japanese field gun. Several people contributed to this package,
see inside. Guy Boullenger. 15.9MB
Patch to the package released on Simviation
in July 2004. It fixes errors detected in missions #8 and 13. To
instal, drop the two files provided in your CFS2/campaigns directory.
Guy Boullenger. 7K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
5.16Mb (636 downloads)
Area 51 - Ufo Highway.
Take to the sky find a missing UFO that crashed. Think it will be
easy? Wait I hear something UFO's are behind you get that UFO and
get out! Credits enclosed - Created by: Jacob Waltz. 5.9MB
- txt file Patch. 1K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.09Mb (443 downloads)
Rabaul Raid -A fictional mission for multiplayer.
There is a Japanese invasion force of merchant and warships in the
harbor just off Lakunai. Your mission is to attack and destroy as
much of the shipping, supplies and facilities there as possible. Some
ships will attempt to sortie and escape to the open sea, others remain
at the wharfs. There are supplies stacked near the docks and there's
a heavy concentration of anti aircraft defenses to fly through. Players
may can land at the nearby fields of Vunakanu and Rapopo to repair
and rearm. You can even use this as a "background" for team games
as well. All objects and scenery are "stock" and weapons effectiveness
settings are the host's option. Sorry, multiplayer won't allow the
use of bombs or rockets, so you are limited to using guns and cannon.
Go get em...! Shadow_Wolf_07. 97K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.00Mb (673 downloads)
Yamamoto Strike
On April 14, Fleet Radio Unit Pacific Fleet decoded a "hot" Japanese
naval message. The message said that Yamamoto planned an inspection
of three front-line bases around Bougaiville Island. P-39's will be
taking off from Henderson Field to interscept the bombers. By Jacob
Waltz 3K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
11.06Mb (1212 downloads)
Aces in the Sky European Adventure (Pt 1)
Take to the sky to fight the Germans or the Russians. Knock down
V-2's and save factories. Get to steal a plane, and more! There
is 15 missions 5 for each side! By Jacob Waltz 11.3MB
2 (Gauges & Effects) 5.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.22Mb (827 downloads)
Singleplayer-Mission US BOMBERS 1
With this program you can install all the needed stuff on your hard
drive automatically. June 25th, 1943. The carrier “USS Essex VC-9”
is on the way to US Bomber Base 1 in Buna in the pacific. There is
a great US-american military base with an airfield, a lot of aircrafts
and buildings there. You are the captain of the B-25D Mitchell-Bomber
“Bullfrog” on board. There is coming a message from the US-quarter:
The japanese battleship “Oyodo” is about 120 miles away in the japanese
base in Salamaua. This is e great chance to destroy this enemy ship.
Your partner is leader of the B-25D Mitchell-Bomber "Blowpipe". Take
the chance, but it is not so easy to take off a B-25D with full bombload
from the deck of a carrier … Good luck, enjoy and have fun Charlie
*Chuck* Carter. 228K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.23Mb (1033 downloads)
Singleplayer-Mission US Bombers 2
With this program you can install all the needed stuff on your hard
drive automatically. January 7th, 1943. The US Bomber Base 2 is in
Port Moresby in the pacific. There is a great US-american military
base with an airfield, a lot of aircrafts and buildings there. Your
job is to lead the B-24D Liberator-Squadron "Duckbutt" to the japanese
base in Tsili Tsili. There is an aircraft-factory. Find this Val-factory
and destroy it. You get help from the F4F-4 Wildcat-Squadron "Thunder"
from US Carrier "Yorktown CV-10". But attention, may be there are
japanese hunters in the air ... Enjoy and have fun Charlie *Chuck*
Carter. 233K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive