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CFS2 > Page 218
0.00Mb (337 downloads)
CFS2- New Guniea Sea Clash. A torpedo bombing mission using the AI Devestator. You must destroy the Japanese carrier before the Japs can attack your fleet The AI flyable planes are available at Panels for these aircraft are available at 3K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Bridgehead 1943 - set of Ost Front / Eastern Front missions for CFS2
4.27Mb (705 downloads)
Kuban Bridgehead 1943 - set of Ost Front / Eastern Front missions for CFS2 By Jacek Poltorak. 4.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.01Mb (201 downloads)
CFS2 The Wind Cried Mary... Foul weather carrier op's multiswap mission. Inspired by J. Hendrex, who has touched us all in some way. By Craig Neumann aka Hells Angels_3 RET. 54K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
              1941 Campaign for CFS2 (v1.0)
2.16Mb (676 downloads)
Hellas 1941 Campaign for CFS2 (v1.0): A campaign of 27 missions representing the activities of a Luftwaffe Bf110 pilot in the Balkan campaign, starting with the invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece, and continuing through to the end of the campaign in Crete. Requires the installation of some add-on planes and airfields (instructions for their installation included). By C Burgess. 2.2MB Hellas Fix: This fixes error due to missing ground items, as well as how to deal with some `sent-to-desktop' problems. 445K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Missions "Four more missions for Metal Dreams´s Seiran from Japanese
0.02Mb (299 downloads)
CFS2 Missions "Four more missions for Metal Dreams´s Seiran from Japanese Side, 2 of them launched from I400 submarine. A lot of action! By Eric Cretaz, Alessio and Chris Colome." 22K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.18Mb (248 downloads)
The Cody Missions (aka The Duckbutt Saga) This is a package containing the sample missions I created from The Cody Coyote CFS2 Missions Tutorial. Other than a few flight names and wording changes on message screens, these conform exactly to the tutorial lessons. Each mission is also available for download separately from this site: Tom Sanford. 182K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Wake Up Call" Mission for CFS2.
0.04Mb (601 downloads)
"A Wake Up Call" Mission for CFS2. You will lead a flight of Corsairs off the Essex in early 1944. The carrier and her escorts are standing off Wake Island, and are caught off guard by an incoming Japanese attack on both the carrier and Wake. You must save your carrier, yourself and the DD721 to prevent the harbor being blocked. The Japanese are desperate to stop our sea/air offensive against Roi and Kwajalein. Tom Sanford. 44K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.51Mb (1526 downloads)
BATTLE FOR EUROPE CAMPAIGN - LUFTWAFFE. This is the CFS1 campaignadapted for CFS2. The missions themes remain the same but sometimes I had to modify some mission items. Two campaign files are provided in this package; one (BFE LUFTWAFFE.CMG) to fly the 18 original CFS1 missions, the other (BFE LUFTWAFFE EXTENDED) allows you to fly 9 extra missions to reach the end of the war. by Dominique Rollin. 524K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            on Tarawa" Mission.
0.03Mb (629 downloads)
"Raid on Tarawa" Mission. You will lead a flight of Wildcats out of Ocean Island on a bombing raid against the airfield at Tarawa in 1943. This is an intermediate mission with some challenging objectives created using Part 2 of Cody Coyote's CFS2 Mission Tutorial. You will not miss anything by warping when that feature is enabled. Please contact me concerning any issues relating to the file. Have fun and use it as you wish. Tom Sanford. 31K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
2.33Mb (1319 downloads)
AF=Midway USN and IJN CV Package Big-E, Yorktown, Hornet, Akagi, Hiryu, Kaga and Soryu as they were at the Battle of Midway. Well, as close as we could get them. 7 complete ships ready to sail again. New deck Textures and DP's to make them much more realistic. All fixes have been applied and they support most of the favorite effects. From the AF=Midway Project Team. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive