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CFS2 > Page 242
            Douglas A-4 Skyhawk VF-1 "Falcões do mar"
0.77Mb (5315 downloads)
FS98/FS2000/CFS1/CFS2 Douglas A-4 Skyhawk VF-1 "Falcões do mar" The VF-1 Squadron is the first Brazilian Navy Aerial Unit to operate fighters. It was created October 02nd, 1998, and it is under the command of the Naval air force. The VF-1 duty is to provide and operate aircrafts used for dogfights. Original by Deane Baunton Moving parts, flight dynamics: Lewis Magruder Repaint by Carlos Henrique (BRA_Goose) 1º Brazilian Fighters Squadron. 788K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            EMB-312 T-27 Tucano EDA Brazilian Air Force 50th Anniversary
8.10Mb (1486 downloads)
CFS2 EMB-312 T-27 Tucano EDA Brazilian Air Force 50th Anniversary. Model & texture: Daniel da Silva 8.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            FAB A-29 and ALX ( super tucano ALX )
7.19Mb (3652 downloads)
CFS2 FAB A-29 and ALX ( super tucano ALX ) Model & texture: Daniel da Silva Up grade model: Denis da Silva Panel: Daniel da Silva. 7.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
2.58Mb (754 downloads)
CFS2 Embraer AMX FAB Força Aérea Brasileira. Model by Denis da Silva e Daniel da Silva. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            Pilatus PC-9 Royal Australian Air Force's "Roulette's" Aerobatic/Display
2.71Mb (1612 downloads)
CFS2 Pilatus PC-9 Royal Australian Air Force's "Roulette's" Aerobatic/Display team. The PC9/A is the Australian built version of the Pilatus PC9 by Hawker DeHaviland Australia in the late 1980’s. Model: David Friswell. - Flight Dynamics Rob Opray - Textures Luke Hampshire - Panel. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            Challenger II
4.93Mb (1481 downloads)
CFS2/FS2002 Challenger II of Sean D. Tucker The Challenger is rebuilt every year by Sean D. Tucker's own "POWER Aerobatic Team". However, the aircraft Sean was flying earlier to the top of the airshow world was a very highly modified Pitts S-2S but it became more modified every winter. Nowadays it is a one-of-a kind Biplane. Only the engine is taken from stock S-2S, even though it is highly modified too. The magicians at Lycon are able to take a stock Lycoming AEIO-540-D4B5 engine that normally produces 260 horsepower and coax 380+ horsepower from it. Includes instrument panel, full moving parts, virtual cockpit and transparent canopy and a special FS2K2 smokesystem. Package by Dynamic Duo, Mikko Maliniemi & Jason L. Terry. 5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            FAB T-25 Universal AFA
4.37Mb (1162 downloads)
CFS2 FAB T-25 Universal AFA . Original model by Denis & Daniel Da Silva. Sounds by Mike Hambly. 4.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
3.45Mb (1522 downloads)
FS2002/CFS2 FAV Tucanos Package. This pack contains 3 embraer 312's. 1 with EAM scheme and two others with Camo Scheme, 1 one of them is for CFS2. Texture camo:Daniel"Stinger"Borrego. Models created by Dennis and Daniel Da Silva. 3.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            Sepecat Jaguar 'XX112' V2 Second 6 Squadron RAF
0.76Mb (503 downloads)
CFS2 Sepecat Jaguar 'XX112' V2 Second 6 Squadron RAF Jaguar in 90th Anniversary Colours, created with the generous help of "The Tin Opener" - 6 Squadron Association's Newsletter. Aircraft: Alphasim/AVA Texture: AVA. Huge thanks to Ken Hopper at "The Tin Opener". 780K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
            Sepecat Jaguar 'XZ367' 6 Squadron RAF in 90th Anniversary* Colors
0.69Mb (948 downloads)
CFS2 Sepecat Jaguar 'XZ367' 6 Squadron RAF in 90th Anniversary* Colors. Aircraft: Alphasim/AVA. 706K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive