CFS2 > Page 245

0.27Mb (1353 downloads)
A total tweak of the stock CFS2 Wildcat panel for both Combat Simulators
1 and 2. Hopefully this will give the flier a better, more enjoyable
view. by Dan Griffin. 278K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.39Mb (1395 downloads)
Panel for the Grumman F7 Tigercat,based on Bruno Duffort's Tigercat
panel for CFS1.Includes ADF device and preset GPS,with all default
CFS2 airfields.Uses mainly stock gauges:see readme for further details
on installation. Paolo Kromberg. 401K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

2.20Mb (1211 downloads)
4 Engine GP Panel with all modern gauges, readouts, CFS2 GPS,
and auto pilot for the long hauls across the Pacific. By: Ickie Berleim.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.13Mb (905 downloads)
or CFS2 Hawker Tempest Panel
using all stock gauges correctly placed, by Ben Shelton. Made with
CFGEDIT using a modified Chuck Dome background bitmap. 133K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.29Mb (1929 downloads)
2 : TBD1 Devastator panel bitmap and panel.cfg file by Jon Gunnar
Wold, December 2000. Modified .air file by Bruce Thorson. Original
Microsoft CFS2 Wildcat engine control panel bitmap. 354K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.19Mb (906 downloads)
Realistic yet still Functional P38 panel for CFS/CFS2. This
is a pre- release, so it would be available for use with the upcoming
CFS2. The included Gunsight Swapper is by RAF_Rush and the panel
by Bear2790. 193K
Replaces the fuel pressure gauge with the correct one (suction gauge).
This will hopefully be the final update for the p38 Glacier Girl
panel (top portion) by Bear2790. 30K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

3.28Mb (1576 downloads)
Phantom Panel for FS2002/CFS2. The Gauges are as close as
is possible with the existing gauges that I could locate on the web.
The panel has moving hands on the stick and thrusters. Also there
is a choice of HUD colors- red or green. This panel has internal cockpit
views totaling 8 different views. 3.3MB Craig Bowers, Romulus.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

3.02Mb (1385 downloads)
Stratofortress Panel for CFS2/FS2002 This panel has the look
and feel of a B-52H instrument panel & this panel is not intended
to be an accurate reproduction of a true B-52H cockpit. This cockpit
is highly detailed and the BMP's are as close to the real aircraft
as I could do with the pictures that I could locate on the web. Panel
has been tested in CFS2/FS2002 and has not been tested in FS2000.
When and where possible the use of gauges as accurate to the real
aircraft have been used. The Gauges are as close as is possible with
the existing gauges that I could locate on the web By: Romulus 111VADT.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

1.91Mb (1013 downloads)
Panel This
panel has taken over 90 Hrs to get to this point, but I think well
worth it. I think you will like it, if you don’t let me know why not
, always room to improve. This panel was specifically designed for
B-17. It should operate in any B-17 sim used in CFS2. Has not been
tested in FS2000. by Mel Mutter. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.20Mb (364 downloads)
Volksjager Panel
- Custom panel for the CFS2. Overall, I've tried to keep the panel
historically accurate while balancing gameplay requirements. Uses
Stock CFS2 Gauges. 1024 x 780 - 256 color. By Scott Smiel. 153K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive