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FSDS              Fictional CFS2 Bomber:
0.65Mb (3798 downloads)
FSDS Fictional CFS2 Bomber: this was intended to be a large unrealistic bomber for use in cfs2. i know it isn't great, but its a start. you can use it for whatever you want i really don't care. all I ask is you give me some credit for it. by dennis mahan(denn454). 84K
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
FSDS    Source File -          Dassault - Breguet / Dornier Alpha Jet.
0.81Mb (2022 downloads)
'Flight Sim Design Studio' Dassault - Breguet / Dornier Alpha Jet source file. This was another project I had the typical FSDS experience with (for impatient gubers like me) - I ran up against a brick wall in regard to the animations - a twisting & retracting main gear requires SDLEdit - a thing I just haven't come to terms with yet. Much (most) of the work is done) ............ Views, pics & info enclosed. Pete Daly. 829K
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
FSDS  Source File -            C-3605 Swiss Federal Aircraft Factory
0.98Mb (1280 downloads)
FSDS C-3605 Swiss Federal Aircraft Factory: This was my 1st project with 'Flight Sim Design Studio' - inspired by the regular sighting of one of these wonderful machines over my house with the beautiful powerful swiss engineered engine droning peacefully through the sky. Do with it what you like - it would be great to see someone finish it. Much of the work is already done. Info - views & photo's included. Pete Daly. 1MB
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
FSDS              Cessna 340A
7.07Mb (4751 downloads)
FSDS Cessna 340A by 'BE58D'. Views included. 346K
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
FSDS              RW-1A Stiletto.
0.29Mb (1032 downloads)
FSDS RW-1A Stiletto. I made this plane just to see how different features in FS Design Studio worked. Nothing real about it, just a fictional design. Made to be an advancedtrainer for future F-22 & JSF pilots, it has the same engine the F-22 and JSF have. 297K
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
FSDS              Vans Rv-7a - Aerodynamika Study Project #1. FSDS source file (fsc)
0.44Mb (1382 downloads)
FSDS Vans Rv-7a - Aerodynamika Study Project #1. FSDS source file (fsc) with basic textures, extra parts and basic three-views used. by Felix Rodriguez of Freeflight Design Shop/Pegasus Aviation Design. File, 448K
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
FSDS              Canadair CT-114 Tutor: CT114_Tutor.fsc
0.20Mb (1576 downloads)
FSDS Canadair CT-114 Tutor: CT114_Tutor.fsc Does not include backdrops or any SDL Macros. Overall shape done to the point where backdrops are no longer needed. I have been designing this with great care (And affection too!) and I hope this will suit your needs. I have done this aircraft to closely match the true aircraft specs and hope you find it to be a pleasure to model. -Public Domain- By Bonzonie. 203K
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
Orphan FSC TXT Template: Ideal & easy template providing essential info for any designer taking these files. By Felix Rodriguez. (text file - 'save as') 1K
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
Nimitz                         Class Aircraft Carrier ".fsc" source file
2.71Mb (1149 downloads)
Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier ".fsc" source file to create FS2000/FS2002 scenery with Abacus Flight Simulator Design Studio. The package contains all necessary files and textures to create all Nimitz class carriers. Version 1.6 of FSDS needed to use the model. By Javier Fernández. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.12Mb (882 downloads)
Rifles_Of_War_For_Gmax If you want to add weapons to your Gmax design but don't have the skills or resources to make one, then here is your chance. This *.zip file contains 3 different rifle models in Gmax format. However, these are not scaled (but it doesn't matter right now). I have other project of these weapons underway. Images were obtained from the internet and the models were made by me. Jessy Corrales. 127K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
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