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FS Design > Page 11
FSX Steam Edition 3D FSX Road Sign Scenery Object
FSX Steam Edition 3D FSX Road Sign Scenery Object
0.99Mb (376 downloads)
Letrero_FSX Steam Them road sign 3d static object for scenery design. VIDEO Tutorial FSX: efectos y object placement tool:
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 21, 2016 20:19 by juan30005
Thaddeus Kosciusko Bridge, Latham, NY
1.29Mb (111 downloads)
FS2004 Scenery Object- Thaddeus Kosciusko Bridge Interstate 87, Mohawk River, Latham , NY North of Albany International Airport. For best used with UTUSA for FS2004. Lon N 42 47.490 Lat W 73 45.705 By Tim Nyland
Posted Mar 12, 2016 18:04 by Tim Nyland
Concrete Water Tower scenery item
Concrete Water Tower scenery item
0.27Mb (184 downloads)
Concrete Water Tower scenery item for FSX and sketchup model
Posted Feb 29, 2016 16:56 by Brian McMullan
Assorted MS Aircraft Repaint fonts
0.48Mb (816 downloads)
Just a file of handy fonts,open source, collected over the years. From utilitarian to weird. USAF, USAF Amarillo, RAF, RCAF, NASA, g-p stenciling fonts. How about Fabrini? Klingon, Vulcan, Ferengi or Federation types? For MS O/S's
Posted Jan 29, 2016 17:47 by LLS
59.11Mb (1991 downloads)
This file contains all of the Software Development Kits released years ago by Microsoft for Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight (FS9). These were released for developers and enthusiasts who want to customize and create add-ons for FS9. Included are: 1. Autogen SDK - autogen_sdk_setup.exe (5.4MB); 2. Netpipes SDK - netpipes_sdk_setup.exe (545KB); 3. Terrain SDK - terrain_sdk_setup.exe (11MB); 4. Weather Themes SDK - weather_theme_sdk_setup.exe ( 3.7MB); 5. Panels and Gauges SDK - panels_sdk_setup.exe (1.6MB); 6. Traffic Toolbox SDK - traffictoolbox_sdk_setup.exe (1.5MB); 7. ABL - fs2004_sdk_abl_setup.exe (611KB); 8. Aircraft Container SDK - fs2004_sdk_aircraft_container_setup.exe (609KB); 9. ATC Voicepack SDK - fs2004_sdk_atc_voicepack_setup.exe (17.9MB); 10. FSEdit SDK - fs2004_sdk_fsedit_setup.exe (1.3MB); [also inclued is a version for Japanese FS9 Users: fs2004_sdk_fsedit_japan_setup.exe (1.1MB)]; 11. Multiplayer and Flight Instructor SDK - fs2004_sdk_multiplayer_setup.exe (524KB); 12. Make Model SDK - makemdl_sdk_setup.exe (1.1MB); 13. BGLComp SDK - fs2004_sdk_bglcomp2_setup.exe (857KB); 14. gmax Gamepack SDK - fs2004_sdk_gmax_setup.exe (15.5MB); 15. Special Effects SDK - fs2004_sdk_special_effects_setup.exe (693KB); 16. Cabdir SDK - cabdir_sdk_setup.exe (559KB). Although portions of the SDK may prove useful to Flight Simulator enthusiasts with little or no programming experience, keep in mind that many parts of the SDK assume familiarity with XML, the C programming language, and game development.
Posted Nov 5, 2015 12:26 by admin
Soarfly Airfield Scenery Design Essentials
Soarfly Airfield Scenery Design Essentials
17.62Mb (1764 downloads)
Airfield essentials is an object library for use in FSX. We have included a wide range of objects you may wish to use to add some "jazz" to your scenery: 1. Open door DHL hangar 2. Open door Hangar with night lit floor 3. Closed large DHL hangar 4. Small Airfield Control Tower 5. Runway guard lights, wigwags and taxiway lights Plus others. Also included is our ground illuminating ramp light. These ramp lights are perfect for illuminating AFCAD airfields. They are a bit tricky to place using ADE so we recommend Instant Scenery, however ADE can still be used to place these objects. The ramp lights give zero illumination during the day but at night they light an area of nearly 200 square metres (656 square feet).
Posted Jul 31, 2015 19:46 by Mark Piccolo - Soarfly Concepts
Static Model HD Eurocopter EC130 - FSX
Static Model HD Eurocopter EC130 - FSX
1.38Mb (798 downloads)
HD Eurocopter EC130 - Static Model for FSX Library Object name GUID: (0) 34479831-0683-4d7c-b51c-c7a8d26c322b Install model: copy content. Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\ scenery and texture. Add the model to scenery with: Object Placement Tool
Posted Jun 25, 2015 00:06 by juan30005
Static-3D-mega antena - ST 00 FSX
Static-3D-mega antena - ST 00 FSX
0.47Mb (553 downloads)
static model 3D mega antena - ST 00 for FSX LibraryObject name GUID: (0) 9a107654-db6f-4030-b8d7-4070b16654a9 install model: copy content. Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\ scenery and texture. add the model to scenery with: Object Placement Tool agrega el modelo al escenario usando: Object Placement Tool compila el bgl con "BGL Compiler SDK" modelos free
Posted Jun 24, 2015 00:01 by juan30005
Animated Flags Scenery Objects
6.00Mb (1354 downloads)
FSX, Animated Flags Scenery Version 1.0 This scenery addon has been developed on Win 7 for FSX Flight Simulator SP1 or SP2. It has also been tested with Microsoft Acceleration, but compatibility is not guaranteed by the author. The package provides a little collection of animated flags for scenery designers and FS users who do understand the handling of folders and files for FSX. The animated flag models have been developed with GMAX. Along with the textures the package includes the model (mdl) and bgl files. The XML files for the individual placement of a flag into a FSX scenery are included as well. The documentation contains a step by step description on how to place the flag into the FSX scenery, on a position of your choice. In order to paint your own individual animated flag, the Appendix B of the documentation describes in detail on how to do it. However, a basic experience on how to work with graphical tools like Photoshop, GIMP, Paint Shop Pro etc. is required to paint the extures/colors for a new flag. For credits look at the pdf documentation inside the zip file. By Dietmar Loleit
Posted Oct 17, 2014 11:54 by Nicolas Neveu
PWDT Zlin Z-142 Paintkit
3.30Mb (364 downloads)
Paintkit for the PWDT Zlin Z-142 by Pannon Wings Design Team. Kendy Schwarz
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 15, 2014 01:56 by Nicolas Neveu