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FS Design > Page 53
FS2002                     Scenery Design Macro BELK DEPARTMENT STORE
0.63Mb (310 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery Design Macro BELK DEPARTMENT STORE Photo Real! Added dock and fire doors. This is a large store: H42ft, W198ft, S129ft. Fits into your mall project or as a stand alone super department store. Entrance front or back. Roof texture is in your FS2002 textures. FREEWARE ONLY!!! - Jimmy R Martin. 643K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2002                       Scenery Design 4 Churches
0.59Mb (356 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery Design 4 Churches Tropical churchs buty can be used anywhere. Ffully night lighted. One without Cross and two with Cross which are also night lighted. Scale 0.1. FREEWARE ONLY!!! Used Abacus FSDSA & Paint Shop Pro 7.04- Jimmy R Martin.m 610K Update: 3K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2002                     Scenery Design 3 houses
1.41Mb (206 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery Design 3 houses Three styles of same house. HPhouse is plain. HPhouseC has chimney. HPhouseP has chimney and pool with pool house. Scale 0.10 for Airport for Windows 2.60 scasm 288. Lighted rose bushes and chandliers. FREEWARE ONLY! Created with Paint Shop Pro 7.04, Abacus FSDSA. -Jimmy R Martin. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2002                     Scenery Design Pool House & Pool
0.41Mb (331 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery Design Pool House & Pool Photo-real front with the rest of the textures adapted from various downloaded sceneries. For Airport for Windows 2.60 scasm 288. Scale 0.1 FREEWARE ONLY! Fully night lighted. - Jimmy R Martin. 417K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2002                     Scenery Design 6 luxury condos
0.80Mb (264 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery Design 6 luxury condos For designers only using Airport for Windows 2.60. Flood lights at night each building has a different roof color. Resource files included. Insert api folder with contents into your api main folder. Overwrite texture files when installing. Scale 0.1. -Jimmy R Martin. 818K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2002                     Scenery DESIGN macros J012203 6 Apartment houses, 1 pool house
1.55Mb (305 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery DESIGN macros J012203 6 Apartment houses, 1 pool house. Three story apartment houses with 6 various roof colors all include night lighting. POOL HOUSE included. Resource photos included. Near photo real front with re-designed sides from the real things! Make your own luxury apartment complex. For Airport for Windows 2.60 using scasm 288. Designed with Canon N1240U Scanner set at 600dpi, Paint Shop Pro 7.04, MS Paint, Abacus FSDSA. - SCALE 0.1 - FREEWARE only! Jimmy R Martin. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2002                     Scenery DESIGN macros : Two story house with 6 various roof                     colors
0.66Mb (428 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery DESIGN macros : Two story house with 6 various roof colors with porch light and chandlier night lighting. Photo real front with re-designed sides for Airport for Windows 2.60 using scasm 288. Designed with Canon Scanner, Paint Shop Pro 7.04, MS Paint, Abacus FSDSA. - SCALE 0.1 - Jimmy R Martin. 679K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2000-2002                     Static airport API macros. Silos, 3 types
0.19Mb (333 downloads)
FS2000-2002 Static airport API macros. Silos, 3 types. Night illuminated. For scenery designers only. by Jorge Pagano. 198K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2002                     Macros 4 Tropical Buildings
0.97Mb (407 downloads)
FS2002 Macros 4 Tropical Buildings -- 4 Nearly Photo-real macros from Perry Institute Photographs from Lee Stocking Island. Scale .1 Airport For Windows 2.60 B157. MS Paint, Paint Shop Pro 7.04, ABACUS FSDSA. These are for Scenery design only! - jimmy R martin. 996K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
CFS                     Scenery Macros "German Textures for Stock CFS Planes"
0.48Mb (107 downloads)
CFS Scenery Macros "German Textures for Stock CFS Planes" for Combat Flight Simulator. © Edmundo Abad, This archive contains a alternative set of textures for the stock CFS German Planes, for fliyable and static versions. 488K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive