FS Design > Scenery Design Objects > Page 23
0.52Mb (754 downloads)
Macro collection for FS2000 and CFS2. A collection
of 19 photorealistic macros as hangars, finger gates and terminals
for scenery design in API and ASD format. NOVA macro source
files are also included. The macros files are made using the
Nova Gold Textures 1 NovaGt1.ZIP file. Macros generated using
NOVA by Rafael Garcia Sanchez. 547K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.10Mb (207 downloads)
Scenery Design Macro Books-A-Million Photo real front.
(Right after this photo was taken they announced this store
was closing). Custom sides and rear door with fire exit light.
Day and night lighting. Photo and design by Jimmy R Martin.
For Airport for Windows 2.60
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.64Mb (172 downloads)
Scenery Design Macro HECHTS Dept Store
Highly detailed from actual photos. Added loading dock with
real doors, fire exits, night lighting. Single main entrance.
Default roof texture. SCALE 0.10 Airport for Windows 2.60.
Photos and design by Jimmy R Martin. 659K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.67Mb (187 downloads)
Scenery Design Macro 'MICHAELS' shop. Photo-real
front, custom sides with rear door. Night lighted. This chain
of craft supply stores drives the arts & hobbiest crazy here
in the South US. Airport for Windows 2.60. Photos and design
by Jimmy R Martin. 686K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.32Mb (184 downloads)
Scenery Design Macro Auto Repair Complete
with garage doors, side and rear doors, single fuel pump.
Night lighted. Highly detailed. Suggest battery storage macro
to go with this file. Airport for Windows 2.60 SCALE 0.10.
Photos and design by Jimmy R Martin. 326K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.14Mb (186 downloads)
Scenery Design Macro BATTERY SHED Photo-real
used battery storage shed. Good to use in all types of sceneries.
Airport for Windows 2.60. SCALE 0.10 Photos and design by
Jimmy R Martin. 147K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.63Mb (310 downloads)
Photo Real! Added dock and fire doors. This is a large store:
H42ft, W198ft, S129ft. Fits into your mall project or as a
stand alone super department store. Entrance front or back.
Roof texture is in your FS2002 textures. FREEWARE ONLY!!!
- Jimmy R Martin. 643K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.59Mb (356 downloads)
Scenery Design 4 Churches
Tropical churchs buty can be used anywhere. Ffully night
lighted. One without Cross and two with Cross which are
also night lighted. Scale 0.1. FREEWARE ONLY!!! Used Abacus
FSDSA & Paint Shop Pro 7.04- Jimmy R Martin.m 610K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
1.41Mb (205 downloads)
Scenery Design 3 houses Three
styles of same house. HPhouse is plain. HPhouseC has chimney.
HPhouseP has chimney and pool with pool house. Scale 0.10
for Airport for Windows 2.60 scasm 288. Lighted rose bushes
and chandliers. FREEWARE ONLY! Created with Paint Shop Pro
7.04, Abacus FSDSA. -Jimmy R Martin. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.41Mb (331 downloads)
Scenery Design Pool House & Pool
Photo-real front with the rest of the textures adapted from
various downloaded sceneries. For Airport for Windows 2.60
scasm 288. Scale 0.1 FREEWARE ONLY! Fully night lighted. -
Jimmy R Martin. 417K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive