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CFS2 > Page 193
            Bloch 152,
2.25Mb (873 downloads)
CFS2 Bloch 152, modificated model with new virtual cockpit, new textures and new 2D-Panel. The french Bloch 152 fighter take part in the fights for france in 1940 and was used later by the luftwaffe, mainly as trainer. It had great potential, but it was difficult to produce and was often delivered without propellors. Visual Model with virtual cockpit and Flight Dynamics (With help of the Avhistorytools) by Bernd "Yvader" Rositzka. Textures and 2D-Panel by Marshel Thomson. DP-File is a modification of an old one from a Bloch from Bruno Duffort. With the raf-pilot from Martin Wright's Spit weapons pack. Yvader. 2.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Grumman F3F 7-F-1
0.70Mb (510 downloads)
CFS2 Grumman F3F 7-F-1. This plane is for the 5th section flight leader of VF-2 from the Lexington in 1939Designer: Paul Clawson. 712K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
2.07Mb (125 downloads)
CFS2 T-6 Texan EDA Brazilian Smoke Squadron. Original by Daniel da Silva. Repaint by Pablo Shouto. 4.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
CFS2 FAB T-25 Universal AFA EDA Brazilian Smoke Squadron. Original by Daniel da Silva. Repaint by Pablo Shouto. 4.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
              Northrop A-17A attack bomber.
1.61Mb (989 downloads)
CFS2/FS2002 Northrop A-17A attack bomber. This attack aircraft was Northrop's first entry into the military market. The 1936 aircraft was an export success but was never used in combat by the U.S. Army. The A-17A was an improved version of the A-17. The most notable change was the addition of retractable landing gear. On the A-17A, the landing gear retracted inward into basic wheel wells. The Model illustrates two variants flown by the 13th bomber squdron, the "Grim Reapers". They flew the A17 variants from 1937 to early 1941 . New Mdl, Air, Dp and textures by A.F.Scrub. 1.6MB CFS2 fix for the missing drop tank in Northrop A-17A . This corrects the missing drop tank in the A-17a attack bomber when flying under CFS2. Sorry for the trouble ! by A.F.Scrub. 79K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
2.71Mb (334 downloads)
CFS2 Messershmitte Me 209 V4. By the DAG (designers Alliance Group) and specially for the : Airfiles : Gregory Pierson Damage profiles : Stephane Lehuede (Tubs) Data research : Alain Coupet Panel : Claudio Dilullo Textures : Alessandro Biaggi/Alain Coupet Visual model : Alain Coupet Virtual panel : Alain Coupet. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
2.75Mb (610 downloads)
CFS2 Focke-Wulf Fw190A-5. This is a repaint of Akemi Mizoguchis excellent Fw 190 A-5. WNr. 410004 (serial number), flown by Hauptmann (Captain) Walter Nowotny, Commander of I./JG54, Poltawa (Russia) September 1943. Christian Nölte. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
2.66Mb (529 downloads)
CFS2 Hawker Hurricane Mk IIB. This aircraft was built using version 2.80.52 of the 714's Assembly Line and contains the newly developed Reality-X (RX) functions. It is based on the VB-Planes HURRICANE Mk IIC and we request that you take a minute and view their readme which is included with this download package. Graham of VB planes has created this plane in Gmax so its fully featured and frame rate friendly. The Special Engine damage effects were created by Sarge and the 'breakable parts' DP was created by Krazy. Aircraft by 1%. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Lockheed Hudson Mk IV
5.25Mb (1259 downloads)
CFS2 Lockheed Hudson Mk IV....History: The Hudson was a military version of the Lockheed Super electra airliner, built for the RAF as a maritime reconnaissance bomber. This is an update of Dave Carroll's FS2002 model, modified especially for CFS2. Multi-res, with full animation, specularity and other goodies. Credits: Original model by Dave Carroll, model modification and multi-res with FSDS V2 by Paul F Straney, flight model by Jerry Beckwith, Paint by Tony Marinac, panel by Gray (High Mountian) DP and bits by Guy Boullenger and others. 5.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Curtiss P-40Q Warhawk
1.87Mb (772 downloads)
CFS2 Curtiss P-40Q Warhawk The P-40Q was Curtiss's last attempt to improve the P-40 series to late war standards. Although a fine aircraft, it was still outclassed by the P-51 and -47, who were by then, proving themselves in combat. This is my first FSDS 2.0 for CFS2 plane, and it features several firsts for me: 1% airfile, damage parts, full CFS2 animations, and of course, FSDS 2.0. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive