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CFS2 > Page 194
            Junkers Ju-EF128 "Red 8" Textures only
0.21Mb (253 downloads)
CFS2 Junkers Ju-EF128 "Red 8" Textures only. Repaint based on pictures of the 1/72 plastic scale model of the EF128.. You need László Becz's EF128 for these files to work. the EF128 is available HERE Textures: Felipe Belalcazar. 642K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Junkers Ju-EF128 Second Battle of Britain 1946 Textures only
0.12Mb (221 downloads)
CFS2 Junkers Ju-EF128 Second Battle of Britain 1946 Textures only. Repaint based on Daniele Sabatini's Ju EF128 images of the Second Battle of Britain, Summer 1946. You need László Becz's EF128 for these files to work. the EF128 is available HERE Textures: Felipe Belalcazar. 642K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Junkers Ju-EF128 "Yellow 13" Textures only
0.63Mb (237 downloads)
CFS2 Junkers Ju-EF128 "Yellow 13" Textures only. Repaint based on a picture I found at the Luft'46 website. you need László Becz's EF128 for these files to work. the EF128 is available HERE Textures: Felipe Belalcazar. 642K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Bristol Blenheim Mk4-f
2.73Mb (567 downloads)
CFS2 Bristol Blenheim Mk4-f. model file, airfile,textures by Thicko, DP by Sandydog, panel is an edit of Kerry Livgren's Blenheim panel for CFS2. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Bristol Blenheim Mk4
3.25Mb (716 downloads)
CFS2 Bristol Blenheim Mk4. model file, airfile,textures by Thicko, DP by Sandydog, panel is an edit of Kerry Livgren's Blenheim panel for CFS2. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Bristol Blenheim Mk4-1
2.93Mb (863 downloads)
CFS2 Bristol Blenheim Mk4-1. model file, airfile,textures by Thicko, DP by Sandydog, panel is an edit of Kerry Livgren's Blenheim panel for CFS2. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            1932 Boeing F4B-4.
1.81Mb (667 downloads)
CFS2 1932 Boeing F4B-4. Boeing F4B-4 with full moving parts in 3 paint schemes. These airplanes where among the last US shipborn biplanes with a fixed landing gear to enter service with the US Navy. Number 2-F-7 was flown by the leader of section 3 "Adorimini" onboard the USS Lexington in 1934. Number 6-F-10 was flown by the commander of section 4, "Felix the Cat" from the USS Saratoga in 1932. Model 3-F-1 was piloted by the squad leader of "Striking Eagles" aboard USS Ranger in 1934. Original model by P.Clawson. Reworked with new Mdl, air and dp files for CFS2 with pilot, weapons load and repainted by A.F.Scrub. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            A6M5 Zero 52 Carrier - CHIYODA Textures
0.36Mb (314 downloads)
CFS2 A6M5 Zero 52 Carrier - CHIYODA Textures - Repainted default textures by by Jose Manuel Lopez Fuertes. 373K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            USAG PBY-5E Catalina.
2.21Mb (1031 downloads)
CFS2 USAG PBY-5E Catalina. This Catalina is in the USAG (US Air Guard) Squadron scheme. It has a New dp modifacation & in one of the loadouts it has a radar Pod. Iit also has a mix of modern and ww2 weapons. Model made by VB planes. Weapons packs made by (unknown). Repainted and .dp edited using DPEdit v1.0 by Robert "y2cool3" aka USAG_CO_y2cool4. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Grumman F3F-2 shipboard fighter
0.99Mb (2664 downloads)
CFS2/FS2002 Grumman F3F-2 shipboard fighter. The F3F-3 "flying barrel" shipboard fighter, was an extremely strong aircraft, faster and more manoeuvrable than its predecessors. It handled superbly, snap rolled with exacting precision, and could three point with any power setting or loading condition. Its pilots considered it the ultimate biplane. At the beginning of WW2, there were still 140 Grumman F2F and F3F fighters serving the U.S. Navy as fighter pilot trainers. The last Grumman biplane fighter was to remain in service until late in November 1943. Original model by Paul Clawson. Adapted to CFS2/FS2002 with new model, air and Dp files with textures for 3 planes by A.F.Scrub. 1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive