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CFS2 > Page 195
1.64Mb (931 downloads)
CFS2 Dornier_217E_5 This model of the 217 was developed especially to carry the Hs293 gliding bomb. It first appeared in service during the summer of 1943 in the Mediterranean with KG100. This model represents an E5 flying with II/KG100. 70 or so of these planes were produced. The crews from KG100 enjoyed limited success sinking a variety of allied shipping including heavy cruisers and the modern battle ship Roma. Thanks to Lobo for his great panel. You need the Groundcrew’s weapon pack available at their website. Also thanks to Viktor Szalai for his markings available at . Ted Kaniuka-Good Hunting!. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            P-51D Mustang Tuskegee Red Tail Devil.
2.20Mb (528 downloads)
CFS2 P-51D Mustang Tuskegee Red Tail Devil. Repaint of the Fightertown Design Group’s P51D Mustang original read me file included. This is a historically accurate repaint of the P 51 Mustang flown by Colonel Benjamin O Davis Jr. Commander of the 477th bombardment air group, which consisted of 2 bomber squadrons and the 99th and 100th fighter squadrons Better known as the Tuskegee Airmen or as the German’s called them The Red Tail Devils Enclosed is the complete plane and a historical picture of the Colonel’s plane. Repaint and modified Air File by Mark Rooks “ Fire Ball”. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Dornier 217K-2
2.47Mb (699 downloads)
CFS2 Dornier 217K-2.(Gauges now included) This K2 represents work-number 4957 operated by III/KG 100 which flew out of Mareseilles-Istres as a Nacht bomber. The K2 was specially designed to carry the Fritz 1400. Ted Kaniuka. 2.5MBMB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
              Nakajima J5N1 Tenrai (Heavenly Thunder)
2.47Mb (930 downloads)
CFS2 Nakajima J5N1 Tenrai (Heavenly Thunder) Twin-engined single- or two-seat interceptor fighter. Has not entered service during wartime. Model & textures by J R Lucariny. CFS2 model adaption & DP file by Pedro Paulo Rezende. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            F6 Hellcat in polished aluminum With a touch of "fire ball" Red Textures
1.18Mb (138 downloads)
CFS2 F6 Hellcat in polished aluminum With a touch of "fire ball" Red Textures Only. Textures for the stock CFS2 Corsair. Created by Mark "fire Ball" Rooks. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Polished aluminum Corsair Textures Only
1.13Mb (106 downloads)
CFS2 Polished aluminum Corsair Textures Only. Textures for the stock CFS2 Corsair. Created by Mark "fire Ball" Rooks. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            F6 Hellcat Polished Aluminum Textures only
1.15Mb (111 downloads)
CFS2 F6 Hellcat Polished Aluminum Textures only. This is a repaint of a stock F6 Hellcat Note the rivet detail and the shadowing.Textures only Created by Mark Rooks "fire Ball". 1.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            A6M5 Zero Polished Aluminum Textures only.
1.09Mb (202 downloads)
CFS2 A6M5 Zero Polished Aluminum Textures only. This is a repaint of a stock A6M5 Zero.. Note the rivet detail and the shadowing.Textures only Created by Mark Rooks "fire Ball". 1.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Aircraft Damage Profiles Updated for CFS2
0.05Mb (256 downloads)
CFS1 Aircraft Damage Profiles Updated for CFS2 CFS1 Aircraft Damage Profiles Updated for CFS2 In order to better enjoy the stock CFS1 aircraft, (flyable and non-flyable), especially in the Air-to-Ground roll in CFS2, I modified their default .dp files in the following way: 1) I replaced the default CFS1 aircraft effects with default CFS2 effects, so that smoke-puffs, smoke-streams, fire, oil or fuel leaks would appear when a system is damaged; 2) I copied and pasted weapon loadouts from stock CFS2 aircraft into roughly similar CFS1 aircraft, and then modified them by adding or deleting various hardpoints and weapons; 3) I used Yusaku Homma's DPEd (Damage Profile Editor) utility to accurately position the the newly added CFS2 loadouts on the CFS1 aircraft. Allen Hutcheson. 54K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            F6 Hellcat 'Hell Cometh' Textures only
1.41Mb (119 downloads)
CFS2 F6 Hellcat 'Hell Cometh' Textures only. fictional repaint of an F6 Hellcat scull and crossbones nose art entitled "Hell Cometh" This is a repaint of a stock F6 Hellcat. Textures only Created by Mark Rooks. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive