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CFS2 > Page 35
USS Saratoga CV3 Campaign
4.70Mb (486 downloads)
This is a quasi historical, 16 mission campaign, encompassing the World War II battles in which the Saratoga participated – from 1941-1945. I say “quasi historical” because there was so little information about the details of her engagements. Exact locations and composition of strike groups were extremely hard to find. I tried to keep the amount of downloads required low, but most were unavoidable with all the changes in aircraft and ships over time. Out of 33 possible missions, the player will fly 16
Posted Apr 13, 2011 13:24 by Shadow Wolf 07
14.71Mb (660 downloads)
The Mk 18 was a refinement of the Mk XIV. It was identical in most respects including engine (the Griffon 65) and cockpit enhancements, but it carried extra fuel and had a revised, stronger wing structure. It was armed with the “e” wing, with two 20mm cannon and two .50in machine guns, or four 20mm cannon.
Posted Apr 6, 2011 16:39 by Pepe Rezende
9.76Mb (720 downloads)
The first squadron to receive the Seafire Mk.XV in the Pacific was No.801 Squadron (HMS Implacable), which received the new aircraft in September 1945 in Australia. On late Mk XVs a new form of "sting" type arrestor hook was used, attached to the reinforced rudder post at the rear of the fuselage. The Mk.17 was powered by a 1850hp Rolls Royce Griffon VI engine and used a bubble canopy.
Posted Apr 6, 2011 16:39 by Pepe Rezende
RAF Mitchell III
RAF Mitchell III
2.74Mb (869 downloads)
In honor of the new RAF textures released by Sopwith Chameleon for both the RAF Mitchell III, I have done a new model that reflects the proper configuration of the J model used by the RAF (no cheek guns). This is a complete aircraft. She uses stock gauges and her DP uses the same weps as the other TR_B-25 series aircraft available here at SimV.
Posted Mar 29, 2011 20:34 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
5.56Mb (907 downloads)
Marty Strong gently allowed us to use his sources. TR Romeo uses his best skills to give us a CFS2 native model. The Grumman AF-2 Guardian was the first anti-submarine warfare US Navy aircraft. All the required equipment could not be fitted into a single aircraft, consequently two variants would be produced, one as a "hunter" and another as a "killer."
Posted Mar 28, 2011 04:13 by Pepe Rezende
0.24Mb (662 downloads)
You will be flying from 900 ft airstrips with trees, and with different wind conditions. And from mountain top airfields.. The goals will depend on the Player flying his L-5 to specific points to view the German targets, Each mission will expose the player to different levels and intensity of ground fire. There are Night missions, and daylite missions..They are a challange, and there is plenty of eye candy for all.. The missions will require you to attack/spot various german targets....
Posted Mar 27, 2011 14:23 by HouseHobbit
10.68Mb (504 downloads)
Some aircraft MDL files converted to CFS2 using MDLC have been found to have a remnant of FS9 code remaining. This string may (or may not) cause your CFS2 to lockup in Freeflight, or CTD in QC, when flying these aircraft. This has become known as the 'FS9 Bug'. As yet there is no explanation as to why this bug affects some CFS2 installs and not others. I have revised each of my converted aircraft MDLs to remove this code. This download contains the revised MDL files for all of my converted aircraft that have not already had revisions posted. IF YOU ARE NOT EXPERIENCING ANY PROBLEMS WITH THESE AIRCRAFT,YOU MAY NOT NEED TO INSTALL THESE REVISED MDL FILES:Grumman HU-16 Albatross,TR_C131,TRA A-3B Skywarrior,TRA_B57B,TRA_F3D,TRA_Halifax,TRJK_F-84G,TRJK_Short_S30,TRSU_Bf109_trop,TRV B-66B,TRV EB-66B,TRv RB-66B.
Posted Mar 22, 2011 16:56 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
TRSU Bf109F Tropical
TRSU Bf109F Tropical
7.93Mb (1683 downloads)
This is a straight conversion of the Sky Unlimited freeware aircraft to CFS2. The modifications to the MDL, CFG, DP, AIR files and textures are by myself. Both 2d and DVC panels have also been converted to CFS2 with gauges included. She has all the standard animations, plus the wingfold command (shift+F on CFS/FS keyboard) opens the engine cowl to show the detailed engine. The panel has sports assorted windows: Throttle (shift+2), ADF (shift+4) and GPS Africa (shift+5).
Posted Mar 21, 2011 23:21 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
TRSU_BF109F4 Engine Upgrade
0.01Mb (751 downloads)
Upgrade your Bf109F-4 powerplant. The enclosed CFG and AIR files will upgrade the engine of this aircraft from the 1150HP version to the 1375HP model. Simply replace the existing files with those provided here. Enjoy,
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 21, 2011 15:20 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
TRSU Bf109F-4
TRSU Bf109F-4
9.33Mb (1306 downloads)
This is a straight conversion of the Sky Unlimited freeware aircraft to CFS2. The modifications to the MDL, CFG, DP, AIR files and textures are by myself. Both 2d and DVC panels have also been converted to CFS2 with gauges included. There is a large number of alternate textures available in the Sky Unlimited FS9 download package here at SimV. HOWEVER, all BMPs(except the site ring) must be converted from DXT-3 format to 565 Extended to eliminate transparency. This is easily done via DXTBmp.
Posted Mar 20, 2011 10:27 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo