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FS2004 > Civil Jets > Page 321
                  United Airlines Boeing 737-522 N942UA
3.76Mb (1128 downloads)
FS2004/2002 United Airlines Boeing 737-522 N942UA. Features: Features: -Accurate details of the real bird - Handpainted textures with photoreal elements, flaps, spoilers, tail, and much more -Detailed wings.-Dirt effects -DXT3 textures with dinamic shine in slats, engine intake, windows -New doors, windows, reflections.........and much much more. Model by FlightFX/SGAir Paint by Marcelo Allende/ Misiones Argentina. 3.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
FS2004                   Tinmouse II Boeing 737-2M2 TAAG Air Angola (D2-TBP) Textures                   only
4.72Mb (1103 downloads)
FS2004 Tinmouse II Boeing 737-2M2 TAAG Air Angola (D2-TBP) Textures only. TAAG Angola Airlines (Linhas Aéreas de Angola) is the national flag carrier of Angola. Based in Luanda, the airline has a large domestic network and flights to other parts of Africa, Europe and South America. TAAG has been one of the few profitable sub-Saharan African airlines. It is 100% state owned by the Angolan government. TAAG flies a total of 8 B732s, 2 of those are combi models. This is one of those B732s, bearing registration D2-TBP. I paid attention to detail and realism as much as possible with sharply painted details. The textures in this repaint are 32-bit. This is a "textures only" package; you must have the Tinmouse 737-200adv base package and all patches installed (package here). Repaint by Jeffrey S. Bryner. Model by the TinMouse II project. 4.8MB
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Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
                  Boeing 767-200 TransBrasil
2.88Mb (1178 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 767-200 TransBrasil. The narrowest widebody in service, the 767 started life as an advanced technology mid to large size airliner in the late 1970s. Launched in July 1978, the 767 was developed in tandem with the narrowbody 757 with which it shares a common two crew EFIS flightdeck (with six colour CRT displays) and many systems. Model & textures by J R Lucariny. 2.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
                  Boeing 727-200 Transbrasil
1.25Mb (3224 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 727-200 Transbrasil. (updated) Model & Textures by Fabio Gomes. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
0.72Mb (546 downloads)
FS2004 Airbus A380 House Colors & Skylight Virtual. Model by Mike Stone, repaint by João Mateus. 740K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
                  Airbus 380 Mark 2 Ferrari Textures only.
0.45Mb (1749 downloads)
FS2004 Airbus 380 Mark 2 Ferrari Textures only. Alternative Texture set for Mike Stones A380. This texture set includes two Ferrari themed textures. The first is a reworked set of my original textures with the lighting errors fixed. The second is a new texture set with a new main fuselage image of the Ferrari 2007 F1 car. Both textures include new engine lights that illuminate when the landing lights are switched on. Mike Stone's A-380 (required here). By Jonathan Drew. 457K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
FS                   2004 McDonnell Douglas MD-83 Aeropostal N836NK Textures only.
1.10Mb (454 downloads)
FS 2004 McDonnell Douglas MD-83 Aeropostal N836NK Textures only. Aeropostal livery texture, from this MD-83 (ex-Spirit Airlines),now operated by Aeropostal as a part of its fleet. This repaint includes all the features in the fleet actually.Textures only for SGA's latest Douglas MD-82 series release, (,by Erick Cantu & Frank Idone package. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza. 1.1MB
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Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
FS                   2004 McDonnell Douglas MD-83 Aeropostal YV130T Textures only.
1.04Mb (437 downloads)
FS 2004 McDonnell Douglas MD-83 Aeropostal YV130T Textures only. Aeropostal livery texture, from this MD-83 operated by Aeropostal as a part of its fleet. This repaint includes all the features in the fleet actually.Textures only for SGA's latest Douglas MD-82 series release,(,by Erick Cantu & Frank Idone package. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza. 1.1MB
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Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
FS                   2004 McDonnell Douglas MD-83 Aeropostal YV131T Textures only
1.10Mb (437 downloads)
FS 2004 McDonnell Douglas MD-83 Aeropostal YV131T Textures only. Aeropostal livery texture, from this MD-83 operated by Aeropostal as a part of its fleet. This repaint includes all the features in the fleet actually.Textures only for SGA's latest Douglas MD-82 series release,(,by Erick Cantu & Frank Idone package. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza. 1.1MB
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Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
FS                   2004 McDonnell Douglas MD-82 Aeropostal YV132T Textures only.
1.05Mb (402 downloads)
FS 2004 McDonnell Douglas MD-82 Aeropostal YV132T Textures only. Aeropostal livery texture, from this MD-82 operated by Aeropostal as a part of its fleet. This repaint includes all the features in the fleet actually.Textures only for SGA's latest Douglas MD-82 series release,(,by Erick Cantu & Frank Idone package. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza. 1.1MB
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Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive