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FS2004 > Civil Jets > Page 443
FS2004 Boeing 777-200LR Emirates.
4.41Mb (24120 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 777-200LR Emirates. Original model by Meljet (Melvin Rafi). Paint by: Yvan Ung. 4.5MB
Posted Jun 1, 2008 16:21 by archive
FS2004 Cessna Citation 500 Package.
FS2004 Cessna Citation 500 Package.
23.73Mb (35442 downloads)
FS2004 Cessna Citation 500 Package. The highly popular Cessna 500 Citation and 500 Citation I pioneered the entry level light business jet market, and their success formed the basis for the world's largest family of corporate jets.This is a complete Model made by compiled BGL code in MDL format ,in other words it is an original FS9-SDK Made model. Alejandro Rojas Lucena. 24.3MB
Posted May 29, 2008 07:59 by John Paul
FS2004 Boeing 767-300E Martinair Textures only
6.38Mb (6618 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 767-300E Martinair Textures only. This repaint depicts the special livery of Martinair as applied to the airline's Boeing 767-300ER: PH-MCL. The airline was founded by Dutch aviation pioneer Martin Schr�der who started Martin's Air Charter (MAC) in May,1958. Now 50 years later this Boeing 767 has received a retro decoration to commemorate that moment. The Project OpenSky (POSKY) Boeing 767-300 V4 for FS2004 is needed in order to fly it (here). Repaint created in 32-Bit Textures by Jaap de Baare. 6.5MB
Required files:
required file
Posted May 29, 2008 07:49 by John Paul
Irkut MC21/200
Irkut MC21/200
32.73Mb (6426 downloads)
Irkut MC21 /200. Irkut MC321/200 with minimum animations, no gate Cruising speed: 870 km/h Range: 5,000 km Engine Type: Turbofan Manufacturer: United Aircraft Corporation Pax : 162. Model by Camil Valiquette/Camsim
Posted Apr 27, 2008 05:42 by archive