FS2004 > Page 1280
0.06Mb (492 downloads)
Flying W Airport (N14) located in Lumberton, New Jersey
as accurately as possible. I have added parking spaces where
they are in real life, and I also included parking spaces in
the hangar area (the nothern portion of the airport). At the
actual airport, there are hangars, infact the Philadelphia FOX
traffic report helicopter is based out of Flying W. Since there
are actually hangars, and this is just an AFCAD file, I created
parking spaces out in the open, but where there would be a hangar.
Also, the old closed runway that was used by the military in
the 50s is added, and yes there is supposed to be a little extra
piece hanging off the main taxiway. INSTALLATION: Just unzip
into your Addon Scenery folder for Flight Simulator. By Josh
Plave. 66K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive

0.35Mb (1384 downloads)
Warton Airport/Airfield, UK. Warton
Airfield we well know as the testing Airfield by BAE for the
Camberra Bomber and more recently for the BAE Hawk Front Line
Fighter.This Airfield comes with Full Textures, New Runways,
Buildings, New AFCAD file, AI Traffic file (see below) and much
more. Also you will require Nova and Nova Gold Textures (here)
for this scenery to work. Ernie Alberts. 358K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive

0.98Mb (601 downloads)
NC Lakes .
AThis is the first of a series for North Carolina which will
put some boats and marinas on the empty NC lakes. This download
includes lakes around Greensboro and High Point. Simply unzip
inclosed zip into your addon scenery folder and then activate
the "North Carolina" folder. I would sugget putting all NC sceneries
into this folder. Jimmy R Martin. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
3.64Mb (901 downloads)
Dan's Pull Out, British Columbia,
Canada Dan's Pull Out is a fictitious scenery situated some
24 nm South of Victoria Int'. airport. It is loaded with candies.
There is no runway, just pick a spot in the field. Please do
not hit the kerosene torch pots that are lit for night flying.
There is complete docking facilities with nice guests present
as well. There is a rotating beacon close by to aid the VFR
pilot. by: Leon Louis Leon Louis. 3.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive

0.99Mb (687 downloads)
CFFB,West Island Lighthouse, British Columbia,
Canada West Island Lighthouse is a fictitious scenery situated
some 25 nm South of Victoria Int'l. airport. It has docking
facilities with nice guests present. If you wish to use a land
plane, you will have to land on the beach. The rotating beacon
is a nice VFR aid at sunset or dusk. Leon Louis. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive

1.55Mb (1264 downloads)
FS2004 Basel Universitatsspital, Basel, Switzerland. Basler hospital with his both helipads and the rotating beacon for night opérations, mainly operated via REGA 2. Photo-realistics textures and full details for this little scenery. Charts and procedures are included. Many thanks to Guy NEMOZ for his help !! By HAUGER Fredo. 1.6MB FS2004 Basel Universitätsspital Fix. This is a patch for my last scenery from Basel Hospital to correct the textures probleme under FS2004 ACOF. By HAUGER Fredo. 206K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
0.78Mb (2990 downloads)
RNAS Culdrose, Cornwall, UK.
The largest operational helcopter base in Europe. The SAR aircraft
cover the S/W approaches to the UK. Situated just to the east
of Helston on the South coast of Cornwall., UK. Author Paul
Roberts. 796K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive

8.41Mb (1103 downloads)
Trat Airport, Thailand.
Trat is located about 400 km east of Bangkok near the border
with Cambodia. Until recently, the only way to reach this province
was by the Bangkok-Trat highway, which took about five hours
or so, depending on the “suicide quotient” of the bus driver.
Although there are a few small airstrips used by the military,
there were no regular flights to the area until Bangkok Airways
opened it’s newest airport in Trat. Martin Strong. 8.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
3.79Mb (1028 downloads)
Selfridge ANGB, MI Scenery -V5.0.
Selfridge Air National Guard Base in Mt. Clemens, Michigan is
one of the largest and busiest Guard bases in the country and
is home to every branch of the military. Includes new, custom
made macros to match the real thing as close as possible and
a realistic AFCAD2 file. Also includes an update for my Lake
St. Clair improvement scenery for the area around Selfridge.
Matt Magner. 3.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive

1.33Mb (569 downloads)
Itumbiara City (Brazil).
This is my 1st attempt at visual scenery inspired by good job
of Leandro Maldonado. I hope that you enjoy flying past this
model and for those that have seen it, i hope it evokes fond
memorys of Itumbiara and its many sights. Requires original
Itumbriara scenery
here. Manuel Castelo Branco. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive