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FS2004 > Page 1294
                  Amsterdam Schiphol 1963 Package
12.94Mb (1718 downloads)
FS2004 Amsterdam Schiphol 1963 Package. We have tried to reflect something of the atmosphere and feel of that period, prior to the all jet era of today. This scenery is as detailed as possible because we found it essential to reproduce certain buildings and surroundings that were so typical for Schiphol Amsterdam. It will show the platforms, hangars, tower and terminal of the old airport but also the Fokker aircraft factory and the building area of the "new" Schiphol Centre under construction. by Jaap de Baare, Wolfgang Gersch and Harry Biard. 13.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Small Airstrips in Portugal V1.4
1.22Mb (774 downloads)
FS2004 Small Airstrips in Portugal V1.4.This file contains more than 90 small airstrips missing in the FS9 scenery for Portugal, as well as their source files for SceneGenX. Also a correction for the LPCO NDB position, which is in the runway in the default scenery. Will not work in FSX (platforms and bathtubs). Author: João Magalhães. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Ciudad de Arica, Chile
0.32Mb (1008 downloads)
FS2004 Ciudad de Arica, Chile, scenery enhancement. 326K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  USS John Glenn (Revised)
1.48Mb (4208 downloads)
FS2004 USS John Glenn (Revised) The USS John Glenn is making it's first "Port o' Call" in Tahiti. 100% solid deck. Added MEATBALL VASI: TCRV at "PORT AMIDSHIP". Complete CL-III ILS/NAV system. Included is the "Carrier Zone" data for the "Cat's" and the "Trap". Planner Airport ID: "GLEN". Located in Tahiti Bay, French Polynesia. Use MAP for Nav. Info. Flight plan capable using ILS, VFR, & GPS. 100% functional COMM's. ArresterCables.dat file for FS9 included. Add zones to master dsd_arrester_zones.ini & dsd_catapult_zones.ini. These files came with RCBCO-20 installed pack and are located in FS9/Gauges. MAKE SURE arrester is in arrestor.ini ans XX is changed to next number, same with catapult zones! Set carrier in use gauge top right main panel (RED TEXT) is set for carrier to land on to activate arrestor cables for trap. Steve Hinson. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Carrier USS John McCain (Revised)
0.99Mb (6104 downloads)
FS2004 Carrier USS John McCain (Revised) The USS John McCain is making it's first "Port o' Call" at Bora Bora. 100% solid deck. Added MEATBALL VASI: TCRV at "PORT AMIDSHIP". Complete CL-III ILS/NAV system. Included is the "Carrier Zone" data for the "Cat's" and the "Trap". Planner Airport ID: "CAIN". Located in Bora Bora, Steve Hinson. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  'Simviation International Airport' USA V1.0 (SIMV) (Beta version).
0.25Mb (663 downloads)
FS2004 'Simviation International Airport' USA V1.0 (SIMV) (Beta version). Located in the Long Island Sound between New York and Connecticut, Simviation's first airport has loads of fun runways, plus Two Concorde shaped terminals and a military hanger with doors that open at a certain frequency. The Terminal and Military hanger are by Jessy Corrales, the animated hanger doors are by Richard Stermer and the AFCAD designing and creation of the airport are by me, Ryan Murphy. Thanks everybody for making this airport possible. 254K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
FS2004 AFCAD Scenery Upgrade for London Heathrow Airport (EGLL/ LHR). Adds more gates & parking. By Piran Smith. 25K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
FS2004                   Queen Alia Intl Airport, Jordan, Jetways and vehicles
0.05Mb (1639 downloads)
FS2004 Queen Alia Intl Airport, Jordan, Jetways and vehicles. 1-South terminal jetways- 2-North terminal jetways-OJAI JETWAYSNORTH.bgl 3-Static Vehicles- 4-Wind socks for all RWYs- 5-Afcad file to go with the jetways (as close to reality as the author could do)- **You should download m (here) 56K
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Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Casablanca ATC Center Frequency change.
1.13Mb (690 downloads)
FS2004 Casablanca ATC Center Frequency change. In FS2004 the Casablanca ATC Centre is at 125.1 MHz when it should be at 125.5 MHz. Also, the FS2004 original frequency conflicts with two local ATIS frequencies, and it is impossible to complete an IFR flight properly, because you cannot be handed over to the Casablanca Centre. The only way to change that frequency is by changing one of the native FS2004 files, bvcf.bgl, located in Flight Simulator 9\Scenery\World\Scenery. If you are not comfortable manipulating files, do not install this modification. Make sure you save a copy of your original file. This scenery is the new bvcf.bgl file with the corrected frequency for the Casablanca Centre (125.5 MHz). For free distribuiton only. By Fern Marques. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Phoenix, Arizona hi-res scenery part 2,
64.82Mb (2771 downloads)
FS2004 Phoenix, Arizona hi-res scenery part 2, containing the area west of Sky Harbor Airport with downtown Phoenix, AZ. Connects seamlessly with part 1 and adds another 150 sq km of photoreal scenery at 1.2 m/pix resolution. By Gottfried Razek. 67MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive