FS2004 > Page 1324
2.15Mb (4193 downloads)
ATA Airlines AI Traffic v1.3
is based on the real ATA Airlines. These flight plans are close
to the original flight plans from ATA. They include the 2005
Sumer flight plans. Name : David Hays. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive

2.80Mb (6312 downloads)
Hawaiian Airlines AI Traffic v1.0.
These flight plans include the summer of 2005 flight scedule
but still might not be the original flight plans from Hawaiian.
Below I have included the aircraft that comes with this scedule.
"Boeing 717" "Boeing 767-300" Also updates the contrail effect.
By: David Hays. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive

1.21Mb (6905 downloads)
AirTran Airways AI Traffic v1.0.
These flight plans include the summer 2005 flight scedule from
AirTran but they still might not be the original flight plans
from AirTran. Below I have included the aircraft that comes
with this package. "Boeing 737-700" "DC-9-30". David Hays. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
2.00Mb (2735 downloads)
AI Aircraft Update by
David Hays These setups are suppose to give you more effects
and fixes some things(not flightplans) for the traffic package
built by David Hays. These setups includes American, Alaska,
British, Continental, Delta, KLM, LOT Polish, Qantas, Song,
Southwest, and United Airlines. David Hays. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive

1.72Mb (770 downloads)
Scenery Middlebury State Airport, Middlebury, Vermont, USA (6B0)
scenery for my home airport. Generated using over 160 high resolution
digital photographs and by physically measuring all scenery
objects for complete accuracy. I'll be starting training for
my Sport Pilot certificate here in the next week or two and
I wanted accurate scenery for practicing on the sim :-). Enjoy!
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
1.19Mb (3155 downloads)
Columbia River Gorge Update Pack.
Requires cr_gorge.zip (Columbia River Gorge Here).
Fixes a few minor glitches of the original release and adds
several models and effects by Larry Silsbee: five Columbia River
Gorge water- falls, including Multnomah Falls; Crown Point Vista
House; Bridge of the Gods; historic Sternwheeler as AI vessel.
By Holger Sandmann and Larry Silsbee. 1.2MB
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive

15.62Mb (12365 downloads)
2004 Real Airlines AI Traffic (Europe) with only European
This package includes many types of planes - all optimized
for AI (fps friendly) in real airlines liveries Most of the
planes feature AIS (Animated Inbuilt Scenery) - they have
animated scenery while parked with engines turned off. It
makes FS 2004 very realistic. More INFO in Readme.txt. By
Piotr Sobczak. 16MB
Europe AI Traffic Update! This updates adds special effects
to most of the aircraft with panels. It also updates the flight
plans to the 2005 summer scedule. 10.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive

15.57Mb (12735 downloads)
2004 Real Airlines AI Traffic (USA) with only USA planes.
This package includes many types of planes - all optimized
for AI (fps friendly) in real airlines liveries. Most of the
planes feature AIS (Animated Inbuilt Scenery) - they have
animated scenery while parked with engines turned off. It
makes FS2004 very realistic. More INFO in Readme.txt. By Piotr
Sobczak. 15.9MB
2004 Real Airlines AI Traffic (USA) Update 2005. This
update for USA package will update all the call signs of the
aircraft and add more special effects with flight plans updates
of the 2005 summer scedule. It also fixes the texture problem
with the EMB-120 Delta texture. 8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive

2.84Mb (1518 downloads)
Aeropuerto Internacional Universitaria "Grano de Oro" Maracaibo
- Provincia del Zulia, República Bolivariana de Venezuela Ubicada
en Plena Ciudad Universitaria del LUZ. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
0.06Mb (1136 downloads)
Decimomannu AB, Sardegna (LIED) AFCAD2 File
By Ryan Loper Adds parking to Decimomannu AB, Sardegna. Deci
is used by the German and Italian Miltary. I have made provisions
for German Tornado's and Italian F-104's and F-16's. I tried
to make this file as accurate as possible. 63K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive