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FS2004 > Page 17
fsx/fs2004 Bede BD-5G EI-DNO
fsx/fs2004 Bede BD-5G EI-DNO
7.72Mb (552 downloads)
Registered in 1974 as G-BCLV and as a BD-5A, 4885 survived until July 1989, being cancelled from the British register as being withdrawn from use. 4885 re-emerges in February 2007 as EI-DNO and as a BD-5G. After being one of only two airworthy BD-5Gs in Ireland for a time, it's registration was cancelled in June 2016 as again being withdrawn from use. Painted on to Jez G's BD-5B model, I have also included the panel from an Aeroworks Concept ARX-6. Despite the reputation of the BD-5, it is amazing fun to fly and, for 75HP, really, really quick.
Posted Oct 20, 2022 08:56 by turbodak
3.51Mb (199 downloads)
The Airbus A330-323X Malaysia Airlines with Harimau Malaya livery, utilizing Project Open Sky A330-300 model. This livery (aircraft registration 9M-MTG) are dedicated to Malaysian national football team nicknamed "Harimau Malaya" (The Malayan Tiger). Texture only for POSKY A330-300 PW.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 19, 2022 09:28 by Ahmad Sallehuddin
FS2004 Malaysia Airlines Airbus A330-323 Textures
FS2004 Malaysia Airlines Airbus A330-323 Textures
4.63Mb (178 downloads)
The Project Open Sky Airbus A330-300 in Malaysia Airlines Negaraku livery, with registration 9M-MTN. This is one of the -300 series that recently repainted in "Malaysia Negaraku" livery.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 17, 2022 09:50 by Ahmad Sallehuddin
6.80Mb (225 downloads)
FS2004 N507BJ Boeing 787-8 BBJ AGS-4G. Introducing the latest AGS-4th Generation ( Animated Ground Servicing ) and static display with new features and details, exclusively incorporate with the aircraft model. High Definition Textures, saved in 32 bits. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. ( CamSim )
Posted Oct 8, 2022 03:15 by Camil Valiquette
Heritage Historic Sim
136.17Mb (271 downloads)
A fun project done back in 2009 by Garry J. Smith, when he repainted all of the aircraft of the Heritage Flight Museum, and created a Space City, Bill Anders Field (of Apollo 8/Earthrise fame), and many other features you'll have fun discovering. IMPORTANT: You must point the install process to a temporary folder. Just create a temporary folder with any name, browse to it (with the ... button) when prompted and go. The project will then be installed into that folder. Afterwards, read the simple installation document for the simple installation instructions, that will be in the temporary folder This scenery Package contains the following: (1) Revised, modernized scenery for KBLI Bellingham International Airport including a fictional Heritage Museum area. (2) A facsimile of the KBLI World War II era (3) A fun Bill Anders Field positioned on Lummi Island – created just for some simming fun. (4) A fun Carrier parked near Bill Anders Field – created just for some simming fun – can do touch and goes on the deck. (5) A fun Space City – with a small harbor. A bit of scenery fun in having a shuttle launch facility situated near Lummi Island - launch facilities, a massive runway complex and a few additional AI aircraft are available. (6) A large collection of specially modified Artificial Intelligence (AI) aircraft – which do circuits from the various fields in the simulator. And some United DC3’s transit KBLI WWII (United Terminal) every 4 hours for a bit of historical touch. (7) Custom Saturn V by Nigel Booth. (non-flyable) The original authers retain full ownership of these files and reserve all rights and privileges under U.S. & international copyright laws. This package may be distributed freely, provided that the entire package is distributed as is, without any modifications whatsoever.
Posted Oct 2, 2022 01:58 by Steve Kissinger
FS2004 Malaysia Airlines Airbus A330-323
3.61Mb (228 downloads)
POSKY Airbus A330-323 Malaysia Airlines Negaraku + Oneworld livery, with registration 9M-MTO. In addition this aircraft have "Malaysia for ICAO Council 2022-2025" sticker. Textures only, Project Open Sky Airbus A330-300 PW is required.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 30, 2022 11:51 by Ahmad Sallehuddin
FSX/P3D/FS2004 Tarom Gray Boeing 757-200 - YR-ABE
FSX/P3D/FS2004 Tarom Gray Boeing 757-200 - YR-ABE
12.89Mb (275 downloads)
FS9/FSX/P3D TDS Boeing 757-200 in Tarom Gray livery. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Posted Sep 30, 2022 10:38 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
7.26Mb (135 downloads)
FS2004 Comlux Airbus ACJ TwoTwenty AGS-4G. Introducing the latest AGS-4th Generation ( Animated Ground Servicing ) and static display with new features and details, exclusively incorporate with the aircraft model. High Definition Textures, saved in 32 bits. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. ( CamSim )
Posted Sep 30, 2022 01:55 by Camil Valiquette
10.94Mb (353 downloads)
FS9/FSX Repaint of the All Nippon Airways Airbus A320(A320neo) for the Project Airbus Airbus A320. The registration is JA220A. The file contains textures only, download the base model separately. Not tested, but it may be usable in the P3D (v1-v5) if there is a compatible base model.
Posted Sep 24, 2022 11:19 by Yuki Otsuka
FSX/FS2004 Champion 8KCAB G-OCOK
FSX/FS2004 Champion 8KCAB G-OCOK
7.39Mb (796 downloads)
Manufactured in 1999, 825-99 was initially registered as N669MM. James May, former presenter of BBC TV's Top Gear, bought it in June 2008 registering it as G-OCOK, still in its all over red color scheme. He sold the aircraft in 2013, by which time it had acquired stripes on the fuselage and tail markings. Now owned by a company in Devon, you can pay to fly in this aircraft. Painted on to the Long Island Classics Bellanca Decathlon 8KCAB, I have included texture files for both the early and later versions of G-OCOK's color scheme. LIC say that the Bellanca and the Champion are very similar. Enjoy
Posted Sep 23, 2022 13:40 by turbodak