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Cessna 185 Skywagon
Cessna 185 Skywagon
1.06Mb (3290 downloads)
CESSNA 185 Skywagon Australia - New South Wales, October 2003 VH-DGL (cn 1851552) (Built 1970). Model and textures by J R Lucariny
Posted Dec 27, 2012 08:52 by JRLucarinyFS2004Models
Russia Republic of Sakha
15.11Mb (1041 downloads)
Russia Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). To include: HA7S-Bahynai, HA83-Bestyah, HAD3-Kystatyam, HAF5-Kutana, HAK2-Tyumyati, HAQ6-Mar-Kyuel', HAQ8-Perekatnyi, HB2E-Handyga, HB2K-Sasyr, HB47-Tommot, HB48-Topoliny, HB4G-Kulun-Elbyut, HB51-Utaya, UEAN-Malykay, UEAT-Tubelyh, UEBC-CRB(bolxnica p.Batagaj), UEBE-Tenkeli, UEBG-Haiyr, UEBH-Tabalah, UEBK-Kular, UEBL-Lazo, UEBO-Osohtoh, UEBQ-Nelemnoe, UEBR-Selenyah, UEBW-Verkhoyansk, UEBX-Cheryumcha,UEBY-Saidy, UECB-Burovaya 179093, UECD-Burovaya 363/2, UECK-Srednii Kordon, UECO-Burovaya 363/1, UEDN-Horula, UEEB-Borogontsy, UEED-Sebyan-Kuel, UEEG-Chagda (Uchur), UEEH-Berdigestyakh, UEEJ-Kobyai, UEEK-Yugarenok, UEEP-Pokrovsk Nemyugyuncy, UEER-Churapcha, UEES-Segen-Kyuel, UEEW-Amga, UEEX-Belkachi left, UEEY-Sanyyahtah, UEFN-Borogon, UEGN-Malzhegar, UEGT-Sobolokh, UEHN-Tuobuja, UEIB-Suordakh, UEIN-Marha (Hatyng-Sysy), UEIO-Daban, UEJN-Chukar, UEKO-Delgei, UELA-Algoma, UEMB-Torgo, UEMC-Hatynnah, UEMD-Chagda, UEME-Teya, UEMF-Nelkan (Sakha), UEMG-Kebergene, UEMI-Sitta, UEMK-Kokui, UEML-Ust'-Ynykchan (Solnechnyi), UEMP-Promyshlennyj, UEMQ-Atakh-Yuryakh, UEMR-Aryktah, UEMY-Teryuut, UEMZ-Syagannakh, UENC-Orget, UEND-Kyuletsky-2, UENE-El'gyai, UENH-Mastah, UENL-Ilbene, UENO-Chapaevo, UENQ-Vilyuchan, UENT-Kyuletsky-1, UENU-Mukuchi, UENX-Orto-Nahara, UENY-Kempendyaj, UEOA-Macha, UEOB-Bes-Kyel, UEOH-Olekminsk Marha, UEON-Kyrgyday, UEOT-Tokko, UEOU-Uritskoe, UEOY-Tyanya, UEPN-Zhemkontsy, UEQD-Dalyr, UEQK-Kyupcy, UEQL-Eldikan, UEQM-Ust'-Mil', UEQN-Allah-Yun', UEQY-Ytyk-Kjuel, UERB-Anabar, UERC-Dzhelinda, UERD-Tolon, UERE-Eik, UERF-Innyali, UERG-Uryung-Khaya, UERI-Yaroslavsky, UERK-Peleduy, UERM-Syuldyukar, UERN-Lekechen, UERQ-Billyah, UERU-Tas-Yuryakh, UERW-Chernyshevskj, UERX-Mayat, UERY-Balagachchy, UERZ-Hamra, UESA-Andrushkino, UESB-Bulun, UESC-Berezovka, UESD-Oyusardah, UESE-Hara-Ulah, UESF-Yukagir, UESH-Argakhtah, UESI-Byyagnyr, UESJ-Berelyah, UESL-Sylgy-Ytar, UESM-Kolymskoe, UESN-Olenegorsk, UESP-Russkoe Ust'e (Polyarnyi), UESQ-Ebyah, UESR-Tumat, UESV-Ostrov Zhohova, UESW-Svatai, UESX-Aleko-Kyuel', UESY-Abyj, UESZ-Kazach'e, UETT-Taimylyr, UEWB-Arylah, UEWD-Djargalah, UEWK-Kustur, UEWN-Haty, UEWO-Kudu-Kyuel, UEWS-Sartan Yunkyur, UEWU-Dulgalah, UEWY-Barylas, UEYB-Betyung, UEYC-Ezhantsy, UEYD-Dzhebariki-Khaya, UEYE-Meik, UEYH-Halbattsy, UEYK-Kyrykei, UEYL-Ugulet, UEYM-Magassy, UEYN-Botulа, UEYP-Hampa, UEYS-Kirovo Sogobut, UEYT-Tympy, UEYU-Surguluk, UEYY-Tylgyny, UEZN-Egoldzha, UHNC-Belkachi right, ZA2V-Mihalkino, ZAO3-Stolbovoy Island, ZAR3-Chekurovka, ZAR5-Tit-Ary, ZB2S-Bolshie Hatymi, ZC43-Saiyly, ZC61-Chay, ZC7P-Buor-Sysy, ZC7T-Keng-Kyuel', ZC8F-Orogdakit, ZC8G-Betenkes, ZC8L-Tiksi (North), ZCQ6-Zyryanka (West)
Posted Dec 24, 2012 04:00 by Andrey Anta
dehavilland Dash 7 - FS9
dehavilland Dash 7 - FS9
85.71Mb (8213 downloads)
FS2004 DeHavilland Dash 7 by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, Mike Kelly, Bernt Stolle, Tom Falley, and sounds by Nigel Richards. Final beta testing by members of Sim-Outhouse. (Incl model updates) Pkg incl 3 models, custom panel and gauges, custom sounds, two Flight Model options, and 7 liveries with more available for separate downloads. With backing from the Canadian government, de Havilland Canada began in late 1972 the development of a larger capacity short/medium range Short-Take-Off-and-Land (STOL) transport that would provide the higher standards of comfort to be found in much larger airliners. Designated DHC-7, and later named Dash-7, the first of two pre-production aircraft (C-GNBX-X) made its maiden flight on 27 March 1975. The first production aircraft (C-GNBX-X) was flown on 20 May 1977 and about 47 are in service still today.
Posted Dec 23, 2012 10:17 by Milton Shupe
Lockheed L-1649A Starliner
14.87Mb (4913 downloads)
FS2004 Lockheed L-1649A Starliner The Starliner was the final developement of the Lockheed Constellation series with extended range for non-stop transatlantic service. Complete Aircraft with improved visual model and flight dynamics. Complete manual and performance charts. Ver. 4.0. By Volker Böhme, Luis Pallas, Bill Tyne and Stefan Werner. Textures by Tim Scharnhop.
Posted Dec 22, 2012 15:34 by uploader
Bloch MB131C French Bomber
15.79Mb (1370 downloads)
FS2004/2002/CFS2 Bloch MB131C The Bloch 131 was developed from the Bloch 130.01 Guynemer prototype. It flew in July 1934 and was completely redesigned,with a glazed nose and tall single fin and rudder, and powered by two 708kW Gnome-Rhone 14N radial engines. A retractable undercarriage was fitted. Armament comprised 7.5mm machine-guns in nose, dorsal turret and ventral positions. One hundred and thirty-nine production Bloch 131 were built for the Armee de l'Air in the RB4 category as four-crew machines intended for bombing and reconnaissance. The first six aircraft were delivered by June 1938, the rest by September 1939. Most went to Reconnaissance Groupes, suffering heavy losses at the beginning of the 'Phoney War' period. From October 1939 the type was used only for occasional night missions and for training. The max bomb load in various combinations was 800kg. Following France's capitulation, the Vichy regime used surviving Bloch 131s for target-towing. This is Alain Breton old mdl reworked by A.F.Scrub for CFS2/FS8/FS9 flightsims.
Posted Dec 22, 2012 11:41 by A.F.Scrub
Fokker 50 Avior Regional Concepto
11.12Mb (1870 downloads)
FS2004 Avior Regional Fokker 50 Concepto. Model by DreamWings, textures by Jose Blanco.
Posted Dec 22, 2012 09:54 by Jose Blanco
0.57Mb (534 downloads)
FS2004 model fix for Fly Synthesis Texan Club 550 LSA. This file will correct the inverted animation of the elevator.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 21, 2012 15:16 by Massimo Taccoli
Westland Future Lynx
Westland Future Lynx
20.80Mb (4196 downloads)
Westland Future Lynx. Future Lynx will be capable of autonomous action that provides tactical battlefield commanders with reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition, and the ability to designate and direct joint fi res (directing artillery, Close Air Support or Naval Gunfire Support. From Alphasim. (Also functions OK in FSX)
Posted Dec 21, 2012 14:44 by uploader
Level D Boeing 767-300 Condor Ja Zu FRA Textures
Level D Boeing 767-300 Condor Ja Zu FRA Textures
8.48Mb (1495 downloads)
Condor, is an airline based in Germany, operating scheduled leisure flights to the Mediterranean, Asia, Africa, North America, South America and the Caribbean as part of Thomas Cook Group. Its main base is Frankfurt Airport. Photoreal textures in 32 bit format for the payware Level-D 767-300 model. Repaint be Manuel Jose, Contact Ground. Happy flights.
Posted Dec 21, 2012 13:57 by Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos
Sukhoi  S-54
Sukhoi  S-54
1.92Mb (4995 downloads)
Sukhoi S-54 Single-engine two-seat advanced supersonic trainer and light combat aircraft. Model and textures by J R Lucariny
Posted Dec 21, 2012 08:59 by JRLucarinyFS2004Models