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FS2004 > Page 281
Cessna C-150 Pelikan Flight School Textures
0.37Mb (360 downloads)
Cessna C-150 del Pelikan Flight School. Model by J. E. Narcizo. Textures by Jerry Capote. YV-Repaint`s
Required files:
required file
Posted May 7, 2012 13:12 by Jerry capote
Caranado Cessna 206 YV1389 Textures
2.53Mb (279 downloads)
YV1389 textures only for the payware Caranado Cessna U206G . Jerry Capote. YV-Repaint`s
Posted May 7, 2012 10:58 by Jerry capote
FeelThere Caravan - Serami Textures
FeelThere Caravan - Serami Textures
5.14Mb (220 downloads)
FeelThere Caravan - Serami Textures. By Jerry capote. YV-Repaint`s
Posted May 7, 2012 10:38 by Jerry capote
Malaysia Airlines Ifly Boeing 737-800 Textures
Malaysia Airlines Ifly Boeing 737-800 Textures
10.68Mb (1207 downloads)
Boeing 737-8FZ,(cn 39319), registration 9M-MLJ, wearing the most recent livery for this airline. Textures only for the iFly 737-800 (payware package) model. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted May 7, 2012 01:30 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
US Air Metal Fuse BAC 1-11 204AF (N1127J)
US Air Metal Fuse BAC 1-11 204AF (N1127J)
21.52Mb (4148 downloads)
I am very proud to present this very detailed and realistic repaint of the BAC 1-11 204AF model by David Maltby in the classic US Air livery from the early 80's. This was one of the original jets flown by US Air. It flew side by side in their fleet with the B727, DC9 and 737-200. This repaint is the result of a major overhaul of the paintkit for this aircraft, and is very detailed and realistic. The many new details and hand repainted items include; custom metal fuselage, custom windows, custom tail textures, hand painted wheels, and also much needed night lighting and night textures. The US Air logo is also hand painted. All repainted textures in this package are 32-bit with no mipmaps. This repaint is dedicated to Lorne Jordan, a Canadian simmer who inspired this project and who helped Q/A this repaint so we didn't miss a detail. Thanks to the permission granted by the gracious and talented David Maltby (creator of this aircraft model), this is a full installation package, complete with 2D panel, virtual cockpit and BAC 1-11 sounds. Please select Zip file preview to view detailed screenshots included with this package. Also see README.TXT for installation instructions. Repaint by Jeffrey S. Bryner and Lorne Jordan. Model, panel and sounds by David Maltby.
Posted May 5, 2012 10:16 by Jeffrey S. Bryner
Jetcity MD-88 Austral Lineas Aereas Textures
Jetcity MD-88 Austral Lineas Aereas Textures
4.20Mb (406 downloads)
FS2004 Austral Lineas Aereas McDonnell Douglas MD-88. This repaint wearing half "Aeromexico" and half "Austral" liveries, from when the Argentine airline bought some MD-80's from Aeromexico. Textures only for Jet City Aircraft payware MD88 model.
Posted May 3, 2012 16:36 by LUIS CASTRO
FS2004 Zlin 326 Trener Master
0.35Mb (590 downloads)
FS2004 Zlin 326 Trener Master (renowate) Aerobatic training plane from the former Czechoslovakia. 60' area aerobatics to 6G load, powered by 180 HP. The original HA-TRO used by the Hungarian Aero Federation from latest 60´s to middle 70´s, the plane is in the Aircraft Museum today. FS2K Designed by Oscar Pedrosa. Livery, renovaled FD mods by George Csillag
Posted May 2, 2012 19:48 by George Csillag
Eurocopter AS350 Subic Air
Eurocopter AS350 Subic Air
10.06Mb (3071 downloads)
FS2004/fs9 Eurocopter AS350 B2 RP-C2343 Subic Air. The Eurocopter AS350 Ecureuil (Squirrel) is a single-engined light helicopter originally manufactured by Aérospatiale (now part of Eurocopter Group). The AS350 is marketed in North America as the AStar. AS350 B2- Higher gross weight version powered by one Arriel 1D1 engine over the B1 version with aerodynamic strake fitted to tail boom along the starboard side and angled engine exhaust duct for better yaw control.This is one of the most popular light utility helicopter due to its proven design and effective multi-role chopper. The sim model aircraft is has a very accurate flight dynamics and controls. Can hover and make a spot landing. Model by Aurélien Terriere Gauges & Panel by Cyril Pioffet Repainted by: Gerard G. Olvis
Posted May 1, 2012 20:07 by Gerard G. Olvis
Eurocopter AS350 ABS-CBN
Eurocopter AS350 ABS-CBN
10.96Mb (1858 downloads)
FS2004/fs9 Eurocopter AS350 B2 RP-C2294 ABS-CBN Ecureuil (Squirrel) The Eurocopter AS350 Ecureuil (Squirrel) is a single-engined light helicopter originally manufactured by Aérospatiale (now part of Eurocopter Group). The AS350 is marketed in North America as the AStar. AS350 B2- Higher gross weight version powered by one Arriel 1D1 engine over the B1 version with aerodynamic strake fitted to tail boom along the starboard side and angled engine exhaust duct for better yaw control.This is one of the most popular light utility helicopter due to its proven design and effective multi-role chopper. The sim model aircraft is has a very accurate flight dynamics and controls.Can hover and make a spot landing. CREDITS: MODEL by Aurélien Terriere Gauges & Panel by Cyril Pioffet Repainted by: Gerard G. Olvis
Posted May 1, 2012 16:12 by Gerard G. Olvis
FS2004 TUIfly Boeing 737-800 ÜBÄRflieger
FS2004 TUIfly Boeing 737-800 ÜBÄRflieger
FS2004 TUIfly Boeing 737-800WL in Bärenmarke / ÜBÄRflieger livery, registration D-AHFR. Highly detailed 32 bit textures. New photorealistic window textures and night textures. Model by Project Open Sky (Posky) is included. By FSRepaintsGER / Benjamin Spranger.
Posted May 1, 2012 11:55 by FSRepaintsGER / Benjamin Spranger