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FS2004 > Page 292
Air Tran Boeing 737-400 Textures
1.39Mb (888 downloads)
Air Tran Boeing 737-400 textures only for the default FS2004 B737-400.
Posted Mar 11, 2012 13:00 by Ben Kinney
Boeing 747-400SCF China Airlines Cargo
19.17Mb (1576 downloads)
Project Opensky - Boeing 747-400SCF China Airlines Cargo. Textures by Mathieu Vos
Posted Mar 11, 2012 04:40 by Chris E
Polizei Mecklemburg  Merlin 1 + 2 Textures
9.93Mb (593 downloads)
Polizei Mecklemburg Merlin 1 + 2 Textures for the Icaro EC-135 package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 10, 2012 07:59 by benimix - Benedikt Fröhlich
FS2004 Prototype XF-104 Starfighter Textures Update
FS2004 Prototype XF-104 Starfighter Textures Update
1.74Mb (2344 downloads)
Repaint of Kazunori Ito's F-104J single seat version. This update replaces my previous texture for the Lockheed prototype of the F-104 Starfighter. The repaint uses Eric Cantu's aluminum texture utility to give the F-104 a more realistic appearance. Requires the original model by Kazunori Ito but is usable with many of the model updates made by others here. Although it is a FS2002/FS2004 model I have been able to use it in FSX as well. Painted by R.E. Wyman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 9, 2012 01:11 by R.E. Wyman
FS2002/2004 Beoing 747-400 Sunchaser Textures
0.80Mb (367 downloads)
As an experimental foray into the Pacific Islands market, Sunchaser Airways recently started limited flights between Los Angeles, Tahiti, and Hawaii. These textures for use with the default Boeing 747-400 Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Rob Smith.
Posted Mar 8, 2012 16:33 by Don Brynelsen
Sailboats and Yachts around Rio de Janeiro
0.93Mb (1513 downloads)
This scenery will place many sailboats and yachts all over Rio de Janeiro. Program RWY12 (FS9 Port and Sea) required. This version is adapted to the Rio de Janeiro version 9.0 scenery from Fern Marques and Newton Drumond. By Ingo Schwan.
Posted Mar 8, 2012 02:53 by Ingo Schwan
Airbus A330-323X Malaysia Airlines 9M-MTC
3.95Mb (3032 downloads)
POSKY Airbus A330-300 Malaysia Airlines New Livery, registration 9M-MTC. This new A330-323X with new Business and Economy class cabin will replace MAS old A330-300. Model by Project Open Sky, painted by Ahmad Sallehuddin.
Posted Mar 7, 2012 22:46 by Ahmad Sallehuddin
BOEING 737-200 ARG Lineas Privadas
51.21Mb (1820 downloads)
Boeing 737-200 in "ARG Lineas Privadas" colours. This Argentine airline was born after "LAPA Lineas Aereas" ceased to operate its flights due to an accident - Boeing 737-200 crashed in "Jorge Newbery Airport". Model By Erick Cantu /Kittyhawk. Complete aircraft includes panel & sound, full animated parts, opening passengers and cargo doors and much more. This update contains operating Taxi lights and splashlights on wings.
Posted Mar 7, 2012 19:56 by Luis Castro
FS2002/2004 Sunchaser Airways Boeing 737-400 Sunchaser Airways Textures
FS2002/2004 Sunchaser Airways Boeing 737-400 Sunchaser Airways Textures
0.97Mb (451 downloads)
Escape the mundane everyday existance and go find your fun in the sun aboard Sunchaser Airways! We offer low cost flights to Key West, the Carribean, and Puerto Rico as well as the Gulf Coast. These textures for use with the default FS2004/2002 Boeing 737-400. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Rob Smith.
Posted Mar 5, 2012 13:29 by Don Brynelsen
AeroSur Boeing 767-284/ER "Sharko" (CP-2659)
AeroSur Boeing 767-284/ER "Sharko" (CP-2659)
14.05Mb (3263 downloads)
I am quite proud to present this very detailed and accurate repaint of AeroSur's Boeing 767-284ER logojet named "Sharko", in the Project Opensky B762 V4 model. This repaint is almost 100% hand painted. All artwork is hand rendered except the AeroSur Eagle logo. Custom textures included in this repaint are; hand-painted realistic 3D windows with window shades, custom tires, custom night textures (and alpha), custom fuselage shading, tug with AeroSur logo, stewardess is a an actual AeroSur stewardess in AeroSur uniform, interior exit signs in Spanish (SALIDA) and others. Please select "Zip file preview" to see the screen shots included in this package as they showcase this detailed repaint and the outstanding Miami International Airport (KMIA) scenery recently released by LatinVFR. Fuselage, engine, wing and tail textures are 32-bit with no mips for best clarity and quality. This is a complete install. Please read the file Posky Readme.txt for the EULA and other POSKY information. This package contains all Project Opensky provided files current to Version 2004.8.0. The sound and panel is from the default B777. B767-200 V4 model by Project Opensky. Repaint by Jeffrey S. Bryner.
Posted Mar 5, 2012 06:10 by Jeffrey S. Bryner