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FS2004 > Page 308
FS2004 Goose Bay Airlines Beech Volpar Textures
FS2004 Goose Bay Airlines Beech Volpar Textures
0.56Mb (370 downloads)
A little "Puddle Jumper" airline, Goose Bay flies between Boston, Maine, and Nova Scotia. These textures for use with the Beechcraft Volpar by Brian Gladden ( Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Brian's paintkit.
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Posted Nov 30, 2011 15:35 by Don Brynelsen
FS2004 Gold Beech Volpar Textures
0.57Mb (303 downloads)
Based on a real world Beech based up in Wisconsin, are these textures for use with the Beechcraft Volpar by Brian Gladden. ( Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Brian's paintkit.
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required file
Posted Nov 30, 2011 15:31 by Don Brynelsen
FS2004 Alaska Beech Volpar Textures
FS2004 Alaska Beech Volpar Textures
0.57Mb (343 downloads)
Based on a tail dragger Beech 18 I saw on a PBS program about Alaska, are these textures for use with the Beechcraft Volpar by Brian Gladden ( Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Brian's paintkit.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 30, 2011 15:28 by Don Brynelsen
European Air Charter DeHavilland DHC6-300 Twin Otter Textures
European Air Charter DeHavilland DHC6-300 Twin Otter Textures
2.28Mb (823 downloads)
Firstly the repaint is for the Premier Aircraft Design DHC6-300 wheeled Otter for FS9. The texture is very loosely based around a defunct airline, 'European Air Charter' who used to fly out of Bournemouth in the UK and then went bust back in 2008
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 30, 2011 10:02 by John O'Leary
LSH Maddog MD-80 VNE Textures
LSH Maddog MD-80 VNE Textures
16.94Mb (278 downloads)
LSH Maddog MD-80 VNE Textures Venezolana. Requires the payware MD-80 from Maddog.
Posted Nov 30, 2011 03:34 by Trino Rojas
Animal World Scenery - Screenshots and Checkpoints
Animal World Scenery - Screenshots and Checkpoints
37.11Mb (1683 downloads)
There are more than a hundred species at over 3000 destinations. These screenshots offer you some random examples of the total library. Along with this little "pict book" you get a possibility of trying out how your animal installation works. A checkpoint list with destinations and practical advices just in case. Having problems, comments or need for something: don't hold back your queries. I shall be happy to assist you anyway. Happy flights!
Posted Nov 29, 2011 06:53 by Ivar Danielsen
Animal World Scenery - Pacific
Animal World Scenery - Pacific
5.96Mb (1467 downloads)
Pacific wildlife. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. The complete AW library contains more than 3000 bgl-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Nov 29, 2011 06:22 by Ivar Danielsen
Animal World Scenery - Middle East
Animal World Scenery - Middle East
4.35Mb (1119 downloads)
Middle East wildlife. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. The complete AW library contains more than 3000 bgl-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Nov 29, 2011 06:16 by Ivar Danielsen
Animal World Scenery - Indian Ocean
Animal World Scenery - Indian Ocean
2.56Mb (972 downloads)
Indian Ocean wildlife. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. The complete AW library contains more than 3000 bgl-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Nov 29, 2011 06:08 by Ivar Danielsen
Animal World Scenery - Central America
Animal World Scenery - Central America
5.39Mb (1308 downloads)
Central America wildlife. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. The complete AW library contains more than 3000 bgl-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Nov 29, 2011 06:02 by Ivar Danielsen