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FS2004 > Page 351
Tokelau Islands, South Pacific
0.35Mb (424 downloads)
Tokelau islands Water runway. Tokelau is a group of islands on the pacific ocean near Samoa islands… In the real life this small country don’t have no airports, but some amphibian charter go to does islands!!! Tokelau is a territory of New Zealand that consists of three tropical coral atolls with a combined land area of 10 km2 and a population of approximately 1,400 in the South Pacific Ocean. The atolls lie north of the Samoan Islands, east of Tuvalu, south of the Phoenix Islands, southwest of the more distant Line Islands (both islands groups belonging to Kiribati) and northwest of the Cook Islands.
Posted Mar 17, 2011 01:50 by Alberto Thomas
FS2004/FSX EC135 Polizei Mecklemburg Merlin 1 + 2 Photoreal Texture
1.99Mb (497 downloads)
Texture Only....Merlin 1 + 2 Photoreal for the great EC-135 by Heiko Richter
Posted Mar 16, 2011 18:07 by benimix - Benedikt Fröhlich
Aeropuerto Internacional de Limon - Costa Rica
0.04Mb (1778 downloads)
Aeropuerto Internacional de Limón MRLM Puerto Limón, Costa Rica. Airport located at the city of Port Limon in Costa Rica, runway side by side the beach, this airport can contains Boeing 727-200, Airbus A320, Boeing 737-200 / 300, also small aircrafts and helicopters.
Posted Mar 16, 2011 13:26 by Alberto Thomas
VC textures -Pack for the Lockheed Constellation Series
31.68Mb (930 downloads)
Virtual cockpit textures improvement-Pack for Manfred Jahn & team's Lockheed Constellation Series (L749, L1049G/H, L1649a) -I added some fixes, and you can now choose between a Green and a Grey version. This new textures set completely modifies the night environnement of the cockpit, and add some improvements/details to the day textures. I hertily thank Jan Visser for his VC textures, which I re-worked.
Posted Mar 15, 2011 16:31 by Quentin B
DC-8 Lacsa
40.61Mb (4893 downloads)
DC-8 Lacsa. Model by HJG. 2d panel but no VC.
Posted Mar 15, 2011 11:30 by Alberto Thomas
DC-3 Lacsa and Sansa Textures
3.67Mb (603 downloads)
DC-3 Lacsa and Sansa textures only for the default DC3.
Posted Mar 15, 2011 10:30 by Daniel Umana - Alberto Thomas
Lacsa A320 LACSA
4.94Mb (1577 downloads)
FS2004 LACSA Airbus A320-212 iFDG Airbus A320. The aircraft model includes most of the standard features including animated control surfaces, wingviews, flaps, full lighting configuration, highly detailed, reflective textures and dynamic shine. This aircraft is wearing LACSA's original paint scheme (1990's). A320 SERVICE PACK already installed. Repaint by: Daniel Umaña. Original aircraft by: IFDG
Posted Mar 15, 2011 05:22 by Daniel Umana - Alberto Thomas
Reworked Alphasim MiG 25
34.63Mb (8284 downloads)
This is a reworked version of the freeware Alphasim MiG 25 Foxbat. I changed the afterburner effects, the smoke and the sound. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Mar 14, 2011 10:04 by Kelly McKernan
FS2004/FSX EC-135 Polizei Sachsen Passat 1 + 2 Photoreal Texture Only
FS2004/FSX EC-135 Polizei Sachsen Passat 1 + 2 Photoreal Texture Only
4.52Mb (717 downloads)
Polizei Sachsen Passat 1 + 2 Photoreal textures Only For the EC-135 by Heiko Richter
Posted Mar 12, 2011 13:49 by benimix
Update for C-17 by Mike Stone
Update for C-17 by Mike Stone
0.96Mb (5325 downloads)
This is an update for FS2004 of the C-17 by Mike Stone. I have updated the flight dynamics, added all the wheels, and added a cargo door switch to the panel. No virtual cockpit. This is the whole aircraft. This won't work correctly in FSX.
Posted Mar 11, 2011 19:30 by Bob Chicilo