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FS2004 > Page 485
FS2004 Zuliana de Aviacion McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31 YV-459C Textures
FS2004 Zuliana de Aviacion McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31 YV-459C Textures
1.84Mb (476 downloads)
Zuliana de Aviacion, registration YV-459C, showing the last livery used by this disappeared airline. This aircraft, 47548-633 delivered 19-07-71 to Ansett as VH-CZK, latter flew with Midway Airlines and Midway Metrolink as N933ML, joined the Zuliana fleet in mid-1990's. Once the airline ceased operations in 1996, stills stored in Maracaibo (SVMC) awaiting its fate. Full reworked colors, wings, stabilizers and other details. Textures only for SGA's latest Douglas DC-9 series release,( By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
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Posted Sep 23, 2009 03:09 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
FS2004 Zuliana de Aviacion McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31 YV-458C Textures
FS2004 Zuliana de Aviacion McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31 YV-458C Textures
1.39Mb (443 downloads)
Zuliana de Aviacion, registration YV-458C, showing the last livery used by this disappeared airline. This aircraft, 47527-619 delivered 17-02-71 to Ansett as VH-CZI, latter flew with Midway Airlines and Midway Metrolink as N930ML, joined the Zuliana fleet in mid 1990's. Once the airline ceased operations in 1996, stills stored in Maracaibo (SVMC) awaiting its fate. Full reworked colors, wings, stabilizers and other details. Textures only for SGA's latest Douglas DC-9 series release,( By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
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Posted Sep 23, 2009 03:05 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
FS2004 Dreamfleet  Boeing 727-227/Adv YV-464C Zuliana de AviacionTextures
FS2004 Dreamfleet  Boeing 727-227/Adv YV-464C Zuliana de AviacionTextures
5.96Mb (638 downloads)
Zuliana de Aviacion, registration YV-464C, named "General Rafael Urdaneta" showing the last livery used by this disappeared airline. This aircraft, 20392-811 ex N401BN with Braniff delivered 06/70 (red colour Alexander Girard livery), N205US with Northwest Orient, N378PA "Clipper Archer" with Pan Am, joined the Zuliana fleet in mid-1990's. Once the airline ceased operations in 1996, stills stored in Maracaibo (SVMC) awaiting its fate. Full reworked colors,wings,stabilizers and other details. Textures only for the DreamFleet Greatest Airliners 727 by Paul Golding, Nick Jacobs, Paul Springthorpe, Rui Cristina, Ron Freimuth and Mike Hambly. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Sep 23, 2009 02:59 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
FS2004 Zuliana de Aviacion Douglas DC-8-54F YV-499C Textures
FS2004 Zuliana de Aviacion Douglas DC-8-54F YV-499C Textures
2.75Mb (2054 downloads)
Zuliana de Aviacion, registration YV-499C, the last cargo existing in the fleet, aircraft 45686-210, ex Air Canada cargo CF-TJQ, N4769F, Zaire cargo 9Q-CDM, 9Q-CSJ, EL-AJQ Liberia World AL to Liberia World AL EL-AJQ, joined the fleet of Zuliana in mid-1990's. Once the airline ceased operations in 1996, stills stored in Maracaibo (SVMC) awaiting its fate. Full reworked colors, wings,stabilizers and other details. Dirty white base coat by Joerg Zeitschel. Textures only for the Historic Jetliners Group Dc-8-50F, ( By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
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Posted Sep 23, 2009 02:48 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
FS2004/FSX Alphasim B-1B "Ghost Rider", Edwards AFB textures
FS2004/FSX Alphasim B-1B "Ghost Rider", Edwards AFB textures
1.66Mb (1854 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Realistic Ghost Rider textures depicting one of the B-1Bs seen at Edwards AFB. Repaint for the ex-payware Alphasim B-1B Lancer FS9 package. Textures by Gary J. Scott
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Posted Sep 22, 2009 17:53 by Gary J. Scott
AS365 Dophin French Navy Textures
1.14Mb (1333 downloads)
This France Navy Texture is for the AS365 Dophin by Antti Pankkonen
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Posted Sep 22, 2009 13:42 by benimix
Red Bull Air Race Casarrubios Training Camp 2009
0.45Mb (1252 downloads)
This is the Red Bull Air Race Casarrubios Training Camp in Spain locate West of Madrid,this scenery works with default scenery Fs2004.
Posted Sep 21, 2009 12:25 by Yves sy Dsg
A-90 Orylonok 2 Textures
A-90 Orylonok 2 Textures
3.58Mb (1177 downloads)
Additional textures for the Alpha Simulations A-90 Orylonok. One for a fictional inter-island shuttle service, and one in "Pirate" colors (Also, fictional). Repaints by Roy "Boikat" Altholz.
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Posted Sep 21, 2009 12:08 by Roy "Boikat" Altholz
Martin 404 Piedmont Airlines Textures
Martin 404 Piedmont Airlines Textures
1.35Mb (646 downloads)
FS9 Piedmont Airlines textures for Dee Waldron's Martin 404 available at California Classics. These textures depict an Piedmont Martin 404 about 1962.
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Posted Sep 20, 2009 19:22 by Gary Harper
Red Bull Air Race Barcelona 2009
0.54Mb (1724 downloads)
This scenery is the track Red bull Air Race Barcelona 2009. It works with default scenery or with the New Spanish Airport by Aerosoft.
Posted Sep 20, 2009 14:31 by Yves Sy Dsg