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FS2004 > Page 653
Angel 44 Gorkha Airlines Textures
Angel 44 Gorkha Airlines Textures
0.64Mb (801 downloads)
(updated) Gorkha Airlines operates out of Nepal, specifically doing daily runs to Lukla Airfield (9380 ft) which is the beginning of the climb up Mt. Everest for most hikers. This is a fictional livery with all handpainted details. This repaint also includes instructions on how to turbocharge the aircraft for high-altitude flight. By T. FitzPatrick
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Posted Jul 1, 2009 11:44 by T. FitzPatrick
Robin R2160/Alpha 160A
Robin R2160/Alpha 160A
5.93Mb (5187 downloads)
FS2004 Robin R2160/Alpha 160A The Robin R2160 and Alpha 160A are identical, all metal, aerobatic trainers with a 160 hp Lycoming O-320-D2A engine. The Robin was originally designed and built in France but in 2004 production moved to Alpha Aviation in New Zealand. Full package for FS2004 with custom panel and VC and fully animated parts. Garmin GNS430 avionics. Full avionics documentation included, together with aircraft check and ref lists. Three real life liveries included, U.S.A, Great Britain and New Zealand. Great fun for aerobatics or general flying. By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Jun 30, 2009 17:25 by
Aero Commander AC 500 Bananair Textures
Aero Commander AC 500 Bananair Textures
3.46Mb (1460 downloads)
This is the official BANANAIR textures of the Aerocommander Ac 500 by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas and André Folkers
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required file
Posted Jun 30, 2009 13:53 by Martino Toderi
FS2004 Eurocopter AS350 Heliservices Hong Kong Textures only
FS2004 Eurocopter AS350 Heliservices Hong Kong Textures only
3.75Mb (1610 downloads)
This is a repaint of a AS350 serviced in Heliservices in Hong Kong.This texture is for the AS350 model which made by Tamas Nemeth and Peter Nemeth.Textures by Alton Ng.
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required file
Posted Jun 30, 2009 10:14 by Alton Ng
UKFlightsim Airbus A300B4-600F for FS9
37.99Mb (6272 downloads)
This is the UKFlightsim Airbus A300B4-600F for FS2004. This package contains 1 model and 4 Texture Sets. Created by Tom Ruth, with textures by Dave Hazelgrove and Jonathan Reeves, panel by Emil Serafino Jr
Posted Jun 30, 2009 09:22 by Jon Reeves
Angel 44 Complete Texture Replacement  Pack
Angel 44 Complete Texture Replacement  Pack
72.95Mb (1523 downloads)
A complete set of replacement textures for Travis Fitzpatrick's Angel 44. You need his original package above for these to work. These will update and replace ALL currently existing liveries for this plane.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 28, 2009 20:58 by ShaneG
FS9 Stearman Hammond Y-1S
FS9 Stearman Hammond Y-1S
8.01Mb (2880 downloads)
FS9/2004 1936 Stearman Hammond Y-1s by Designed with FSDS3.5.1 and FSDSTweak . It has full working virtual cockpit with back-lite gauges. Limited 2-D panel, custom sounds. The plane has reflective glass and metal textures. This install package comes with three Paint textures.Model Y designed by Dean B. Hammond for Bureau of Air Commerce safe airplane competition in 1934. Declared winner of contest in Nov, and Bureau contracted to purchase 25 aircraft at $3,190 each. Original design goal was for an airplane cost of $700--they cost $7150 later! First airplane not acceptable to the Bureau, and Lloyd Stearman was asked to re- engineer plane to improve performance and general workmanship. Resulting aircraft, Model Y, delivered Apr 1936. Another Free download from
Posted Jun 28, 2009 18:33 by Patrick D
Tour France 2009
5.15Mb (2330 downloads)
FS2004 Flightplans for race of bicycles Tour of France 2009, include maps of flightplans and map of the race. Text in spanish only
Posted Jun 28, 2009 17:33 by Jose Munoz Escobedo
Airborne Express Boeing 767-300
Airborne Express Boeing 767-300
2.29Mb (1839 downloads)
Highly detailed, accurate and photo realistic textures of an Airborne Express Boeing 767. Airborne Express repaint: Francis F Silva -SAS (SilvArt Studios) Model by iFDG namely: Model: Albert Bowman FDE: Albaro Villegas Master textures: Ben Hewitt and Ben Jones Testing: iFDG Members
Posted Jun 28, 2009 15:28 by Francis F Silva -SAS-SilvArt S
Boeing 737-400 Tailwind
Boeing 737-400 Tailwind
22.98Mb (6256 downloads)
FS2004 Tailwind Airliners Fleet Total 3 Boeing 737-400 , registration "TC-TLB , TC-TLA , TC-TLC". Model by Vista Liners. 2d Panel :Mike Baumann/Erick Cantu (no vc). Textures EpremSoft ( Apram S. Apram)
Posted Jun 28, 2009 03:20 by EpremSoft ( Apram S. Apram