FS2004 > Page 686
7.94Mb (9006 downloads)
The Sukhoi Su-29 is a Russian sports aerobatics aircraft. Complete aerobatics su-29 Red and Blue upgrade For FS2004 Repaint MouJack
This original model by Kazonuri Ito
Posted Apr 3, 2009 13:49 by MouJack
3.82Mb (1399 downloads)
CFB North Star (CYNS) fictional Canadian military base for FS2004. This is a complete rework of the previous offering. Features two runways of 12,500' length, custom buildings, and numerous "extras". Liven up the Great White North. By Brian Sturton.
Posted Apr 1, 2009 16:23 by Brian Sturton
6.93Mb (5637 downloads)
Abbu Dhabi (OMAA) for FS2004.
These Scenery is built with Gmax and Scen Gen X by Juergen Seidel
Many people asked for a Scenery of Abu Dhabi international .
Here is the Airport OMAA. Included Night Textures. Any Hangars
opened with a NAV 2 Freq. The Frq. was shown at the Hangar Wall
over the doors.
Posted Apr 1, 2009 14:23 by Juergen Seidel
9.12Mb (2578 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Piaggio P108-Bomber & Transport
In service since 1942 in Regia Aeronautica
2 models of the unique strategic 4 engine
heavy bomber served in War from
1942 until 1945. After sep 8th 1943, served
in Allied Italian Co-belligerent Air Forces
untill end of war. 1 model of transport
version captured and used by the Nazi.
Model, Panel by F. Giuli,texture by O.
Radicati.gauges by different authors
Posted Apr 1, 2009 13:10 by FRANCESCO GIULI
1.79Mb (1012 downloads)
Starting with a Colorado gold strike in the 1870's the O'Donoghue family built a business empire that came to be symbolized by a golden letter "O" emblazoned on a map of the world. Today their decendents maintain stewardship over this empire, flying to it's far corners aboard this specially fitted out Jumbo Jet. Repaint by Don Brynelsen.
Posted Apr 1, 2009 12:52 by Don Brynelsen
1.32Mb (582 downloads)
A tribute to the Artist Charles Dana Gibson and his enduring creation, the "Gibson Girl". Textures for the default 747 repainted by Don Brynelsen.
Posted Apr 1, 2009 12:48 by Don Brynelsen
0.79Mb (553 downloads)
The default Boeing done up in my interpretation of the colors of American Pacific, one of the airlines from the sim. Repaint by Don Brynelsen
Posted Apr 1, 2009 12:45 by Don Brynelsen
0.67Mb (1304 downloads)
American Pacific, one of the airlines from the sim, gets some more aircraft options with this interpretation of a McDonnell Douglas MD-83 done up in their colors. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Lesis lang
Posted Apr 1, 2009 12:42 by Don Brynelsen
0.85Mb (1326 downloads)
American Pacific Textures for the default 747. One of the airlines you can fly in the sim, has only the 737 as your option, until now. This is the Manchuria Clipper, one of their aisian route aircraft which I created for a recreation of the 1905 Diplomatic tour of the Orient taken by William Howard Taft, President Theodore Roosevelt's daughter Alice, and a host of senetors and their wives. Repaint by Don Brynelsen
Posted Apr 1, 2009 12:38 by Don Brynelsen
0.72Mb (1495 downloads)
Textures for the default MD-83.United may never have flown these birds in real life but I thought their rainbow scheme would look good on one so here it is. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Lewis lang's paintkit.
Posted Apr 1, 2009 12:33 by Don Brynelsen