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FS2004 > Page 712
FS2004 KLM Douglas DC-6 Textures
11.45Mb (1551 downloads)
Douglas DC-6 KLM Textures for Jens Kristensen's DC-6 Package. Having been an operator of the Douglas DC-2, DC-3, DC-4 and DC-5, it seemed only logical that KLM (celebrating its 90th anniversary in 2009) purchased the DC-6 for its long-haul routes. Seemed, because KLM already operated the Lockheed L-049 Constellation, the DC-6's competitor. Nevertheless, Connie and DC-6 marched on together quite well. Enclosed in this package are five repaints of DC-6's during several stages in their life with KLM. The 1957 livery of PH-DPP was an interim-livery (see the 'old fashioned' white lettering and the early-fifties style cowlings). The 1962 livery of PJ-DPI seems to have been an attempt to fit into the new house style of KLM without having to respray the fuselage, as the DC-6 reached the end of its KLM carreer anyway. These are textures only. You will require Jens B. Kristensen's Douglas DC-6 . Original textures by Jens B. Kristensen. Repaints by Maarten Brouwer.
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Posted Jan 10, 2009 16:32 by Maarten Brouwer
FS2004 Boeing B-777-300ER Pink Floyd Textures
5.07Mb (2135 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing B-777-300ER Fictional Pink Floyd repaint - textures only. Pink Floyd - The Final Gig World Tour 2009 Model: Melvin Rafi (B777-300 available on this site). Basic repaint: Pluna from S.Ferreira Pink Floyd repaint: J.v.S. (almost every brick in the wall handpainted) Functions: opening doors, folding wings, night strobes (more to come soon), cabin views, three different in flight movies. Ambiente sound to come in the next release. Update to come within 2 months, just wanted to see, if there's anyone out there wanting to fly the rest of the Floyd around the world :) Have fun, Juergen
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Posted Jan 8, 2009 15:44 by Juergen von Schmeling
Douglas DC-6 ver 2.0
26.05Mb (11359 downloads)
FS2004 Douglas DC-6 ver 2.0. This package includes the DC-6 in its earliest form with short nose (no weather radar) and round-tipped Curtiss Electric propellers as delivered to the first DC-6 customers in 1946-48. The later aircraft had the more well-known, square-tipped 'paddle' propellers, and this version is included as well. Most, if not all, of the early DC-6's were later modernized to this standard, and many (especially from the U.S. operators) had weather radar installed in a longer nose. This package contains most variants, including liveries for American, United, Delta, Panagra, SAS, Sabena and KLM, nine aircraft in all. The KLM repaint is by Maarten Brouwer. Flight dynamics based on work by FSAviator. For FS2004; FSX users should get instead. By Jens B. Kristensen.
Posted Jan 8, 2009 14:02 by Jens B. Kristensen
Boeing 747-400FV4 NCA- Nippon Cargo
13.30Mb (3624 downloads)
Boeing 747-400FV4 NCA- Nippon Cargo Airlines. Original model created by Project Opensky.
Posted Jan 8, 2009 13:46 by Ryan C
FS2004 HD - 1 Swift
FS2004 HD - 1 Swift
0.92Mb (6327 downloads)
HD - 1 Swift. The result of bored stiff engineers asking “How big a jet engine can you strap to your ass?” Improved landing gear and landing performance since last build. New dynamic 3D virtual cockpit and 2D instrument panel. More texture mapping completed. Plus the standard stuff like the 14ft wing span; 16ft fuselage; Mach 1.8; 3700lb thrust jet; animatedreverse thrust, animated dual slotted fowler flaps and slats. animated speed brakes and spoilers, animated trailing link landing gear with dual wheels and nose steering.
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Posted Jan 8, 2009 02:09 by Harold Dickert
0.71Mb (9556 downloads)
Pack 2 with new texture (photorealistic) . The pack contains one Tie Fighter, one Tie interceptor, one Tie Bomber, one Tie advanced X-1(Darth Vador's aircraft).
Posted Jan 6, 2009 12:11 by philippe
FS2004 Jet Provost in Top Gun Tasmania Textures
FS2004 Jet Provost in Top Gun Tasmania Textures
2.06Mb (3916 downloads)
Textures for Rick Pipers excellent Jet Provost For FS2004 in the colours of Top Gun Tasmania. The Original Aircraft by Rick Piper is required. Top Gun Tasmania is based in Hobart Tasmania and offers aerobatic flights in the Jet Provost and the CJ6a Nanchang. For more information visit their website at Repaint by Matthew Devenish.
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Posted Jan 5, 2009 21:10 by Matthew Devenish
Creating Icons & Popup Windows - an Illustrated Tutorial
0.76Mb (1441 downloads)
Creating Icons & Popup Windows - an Illustrated Tutorial. Have you ever wanted to add an icon to a panel which will "call" a pop-up window displaying a picture or chart or a gauge which is not already available? This step by step illustrated tutorial will show you how to accomplish that task. No programming knowledge is required - just a little patience. All necessary files are included. If I can can do it, anyone can. Just unzip to a folder of you choice and enjoy. This procedure has been tested in FS2004 only. Compiled in DOC and PDF formats for your flying enjoymen by David "Opa" Marshall.
Posted Jan 5, 2009 20:25 by David "Opa" Marshall
Boeing 747-200 Northwest Cargo Old Colors
13.32Mb (1337 downloads)
Boeing 747-200 Northwest Cargo Old Colors. Original model by Project Opensky.
Posted Jan 5, 2009 03:40 by Ryan C
Singapore Airlines Boeing 747-412
12.55Mb (6313 downloads)
Singapore Airlines Boeing 747-412 9V-SPG. Singapore Airline's livery painted on Project Opensky’s Boeing 747-400 v4 model. Its features: Opening doors & Cargo doors, dynamic flexing wings that respond to turbulence, highly detailed textures, shine & effects and many more. Abdullah Rahman
Posted Jan 3, 2009 12:07 by Abdullah Rahman