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FS2004 > Page 717
Mc Donnel Douglas MD-83 Ravsa Venezolana Textures
4.88Mb (2940 downloads)
Textures only. Ravsa Venezolana MD-83. Repaint: Daniel Castillo. Model SGA. Works only with the SGA's MD-80 series released model. (
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 21, 2008 13:35 by Daniel Castillo
Airbus A320 Iberia
Airbus A320 Iberia. Model created by iFDG. Texures by Miguel Angel Sanz Wolfgram
Posted Dec 21, 2008 08:27 by MASW
Boeing 777-200ER Air Transat
10.65Mb (3720 downloads)
Boeing 777-200ER Air Transat. Model by Project Opensky. Repaint by Yvan Young.
Posted Dec 21, 2008 04:01 by Yvan Young
Boeing 747-400BCF Air France
12.68Mb (2879 downloads)
Boeing 747-400BCF Air France. Model by Project Opensky.
Posted Dec 20, 2008 12:52 by Ryan C
Boeing 747-400BCF Air France Cargo
13.12Mb (2780 downloads)
Boeing 747-400BCF Air France Cargo. Project Opensky model.
Posted Dec 20, 2008 12:50 by Ryan C
FS2004/FSX Lockheed L-1649A Starliner Version 2.1
FS2004/FSX Lockheed L-1649A Starliner Version 2.1
14.11Mb (9496 downloads)
Lockheed L-1649A Starliner Version 2.1 Model, texture, and VC by Manfred Jahn, panels and gauges by Hansjoerg Naegele, 2D main panel by Diego S. Barreto, effects and flight dynamics by Roland Berger, documentation by Howard Sodja. See the Starliner project threads at for further info and general feedback. Includes a "no VC" model for use with slow PCs. Can be used in FSX with certain restrictions. See docs in file.
Posted Dec 20, 2008 04:28 by Howard Sodja
Alphasim Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, KL328/14 Textures
1.23Mb (442 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, KL328/14, 73rd Operational Training Unit RAF, Fayid, Egypt Textures only for the Alphasim payware model. This all bare metal paint scheme was taken from an actual photograph. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: .. Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt
Posted Dec 20, 2008 04:16 by Evan G. Butterbrodt
F-16 Thunderbirds
24.97Mb (39581 downloads)
F-16 Viper USAF Thunderbirds display team model. Original aircraft by Kirk Olssen. Complete aircraft included.
Posted Dec 19, 2008 23:59 by Mike Clark
Alphasim EE Canberra WK162, No. 90 Signals Group, RAF circa 1963 Textures
3.60Mb (600 downloads)
FS2004 EE Canberra WK162, No. 90 Signals Group, RAF circa 1963. Textures for the payware Alphasim aircraft. The English Electric Canberra was first flown in 1950, and yet there were still versions of this fine aircraft in service at the outset of the 21st century. An excellent design overall, the type was also adopted and manufactured in the United States as the Martin B-57. A large number of variants were produced, including high-altitude reconnaissance, attack, nuclear strike, night interdiction, and trainers. The type was initially intended to fly very high and fast and was thus equipped with no defensive armament. Several speed and altitude records were garnered by the Canberra in the years immediately following its introduction into service. In 1957, a rocket-boosted Canberra flew to over 70,000 feet, a staggering altitude at the time. Repaint by Ben Hartmann of UKMIL
Posted Dec 19, 2008 11:57 by Ben Hartmann
Alphasim EE Canberra WP515, 231 OCU, RAF circa 1957 Textures
2.86Mb (579 downloads)
FS2004 EE Canberra WP515, 231 OCU, RAF circa 1957. Textures for the payware Alphasim aircraft. The English Electric Canberra was first flown in 1950, and yet there were still versions of this fine aircraft in service at the outset of the 21st century. An excellent design overall, the type was also adopted and manufactured in the United States as the Martin B-57. A large number of variants were produced, including high-altitude reconnaissance, attack, nuclear strike, night interdiction, and trainers. The type was initially intended to fly very high and fast and was thus equipped with no defensive armament. Several speed and altitude records were garnered by the Canberra in the years immediately following its introduction into service. In 1957, a rocket-boosted Canberra flew to over 70,000 feet, a staggering altitude at the time. Repaint by Ben Hartmann of UKMIL
Posted Dec 19, 2008 11:56 by Ben Hartmann