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FS2004 > Page 722
0.92Mb (1496 downloads)
Personalize your FS2004 Window - an Illustrated Guide. This guide will show you, step by step, how to edit the text shown at the top of FS2004 when in Windowed Mode or even remove the text entirely. You can easily and quickly create your own replacement text. No programming knowledge is required. Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can. Please unzip to a temporary folder and enjoy! Tested in FS2004 with XP operating system. Compiled in .DOC and .PDF formats for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.
Posted Dec 8, 2008 21:19 by David "Opa" Marshall
Uninstalling and Reinstalling FS2004 - Some Tips and Tricks.
0.06Mb (3015 downloads)
Uninstalling and Reinstalling FS2004 - Some Tips and Tricks. Sooner or later almost everyone will be faced with the need or desire to uninstall FS2004 and do a clean reinstallation. This offering - in .doc and .pdf formats - outlines the procedures with the goal of making the entire process as painless and fool-proof as possible. The recommendations are based on my personal experience and the experience of many others. There may be some important items which you have never considered. Please unzip to a tempory folder. Compiled for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.
Posted Dec 8, 2008 13:16 by David "Opa" Marshall
VIP Parking Guide for FS2004
0.69Mb (2562 downloads)
Creating VIP Parking in FS2004 for your favorite aircraft - an Illustrated Guide. After landing are you frustrated by ATC directing you to a gate which is nowhere near a logical spot? This guide shows how to create a reserved parking gate at any airport and have ATC direct you properly to that gate. This concept will work for a specific aircraft of your choice. The technique is based upon investigations and information developed by Jim Vile and Reggie Fields. Tested in FS2004 only. Please unzip to a temporary folder and read the directions carefully. Compiled in Doc and PDF formats for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.
Posted Dec 7, 2008 21:26 by David "Opa" Marshall
Blackburn Firebrand MK IV/V Package
Blackburn Firebrand MK IV/V Package
9.42Mb (7401 downloads)
FS2004 Blackburn Firebrand MK IV/V AlphaSim is releasing some older FS2004 models as freeware. Includes four models, four textures sets, two panels, and sounds. Complete cockpit with 2D panel/gauges and VC.
Posted Dec 7, 2008 07:52 by Alphasim
FS2004 Hawker Sea Fury T20 RN Upgrade Package V1.1
FS2004 Hawker Sea Fury T20 RN Upgrade Package V1.1
11.38Mb (3264 downloads)
V1.1 Upgrade package for the Sea Fury Trainer T20R You need to have installed "" Important: Fixes missing textures and wrong sounds. Apologies to anybody downloading V1.0 Features: 1) Re-adjusted lights, strobes deleted, red beacon fitted 2) A repaint of an ST stationed at RNAS Stretton 4) Stall effect, wind, canopy open and close sounds, start-up sound remodelled, supercharger sound effect added 5) Aircraft Reference & Check Files 6) Wing contrail G-effects improved 7) Cannon effect 8) Flight envelope subtly tuned 9) Modified cockpit panel for easier viewing of the main instruments Optional features: 1) ATC programmed to use Editvoicepack3.1 Plane will be referred to as a Hawker Sea Fury 2) FSFlyingSchool file added, SFuryT20R.fsu (Needs FSFLYINGSCHOOL installed) 3) Positioning for Shockwave 3d redux lights V1.2 (must be installed first) Requires Sea Fury Trainer by David Hanvey, Paul Barry and Jerry Beckwith Cannon effects by Rob Barendregt WARBIRDS WARRIOR Freeware Production.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 7, 2008 04:56 by Peter Forster
1.02Mb (1051 downloads)
This is the American Pacific Airways repaint for the FS9 Default B777-300. I have created this texture because of the idea I got from Melvin Rafi, who repainted the American Pacific Airways texture for the 777 but with the -200 series. This texture was not included for the aircraft when it was first shipped out in stores. Splash screen included. FSX users will require the 777-300 package by Emil Serafino Jr. Repainted by Victor Vu.
Posted Dec 6, 2008 23:23 by Victor Vu
PDF Kneeboard for FS2004
0.85Mb (9512 downloads)
FS2004 PDF Kneeboard 1.3 Module - View and interact with PDF files (e.g. charts, check-lists, etc.) right inside of MS Flight Simulator.Now - imagine PDFKneeboard - this flight-sim module renders PDF documents right inside FS9. It remembers what part of the chart the pilot is looking at (section, zoom, rotation - for each page), it lets FS9 keep the focus, remembers opened charts and offers a kneeboard-toggle button. When the important instrument approach chart is needed a simply joystick button click brings it right back where the pilot needs it while staying out of the way when not needed. Author : Nils Meier
Posted Dec 6, 2008 04:08 by Nils Meier
Kingfisher Airlines Airbus A319-131
8.91Mb (3962 downloads)
Airbus A319 Kingfisher Airlines. Airbus A319-131 - VT-KFI by Project Airbus. Repaint by Denis Minaev
Posted Dec 6, 2008 04:06 by Denis Minaev
Brighton Marina, UK
Brighton Marina, UK
0.60Mb (1843 downloads)
FS2004 Brighton Marina in Brighton, UK. Designed by Philip Crow with fsds v3.0. This is my first project and free to use and enjoy!
Posted Dec 5, 2008 23:42 by philip crow
42.79Mb (19981 downloads)
BAe ATP. Wingfold Key for GPU, Airstairs and ground scenery Tailhook Key for pushback tug. Multiple liveries. No VC. Blu-Sky Mine Productions
Posted Dec 5, 2008 04:01 by Blu-Sky Mine Productions