FS2004 > Page 728

24.56Mb (6660 downloads)
AlphaSim is releasing some older FS2004 models as freeware. Includes one model, two texture sets, full sound set, complete cockpit with 2D panel/gauges, and VC. Paintkit included.
Posted Nov 18, 2008 01:44 by Frank Safranek

2.15Mb (2506 downloads)
DASH8 Q200, Aires Colombia Textures only registration HK4554X, circa 2008, Model Dreamwings.
Textures by Luis Fernando Quimbayo.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 17, 2008 21:15 by Luis Fernando Quimbayo

3.60Mb (1303 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Imperial Airlines textures for FSDZign L-049 Constellation. Imperial operated non scheduled and charter services until the early 1960s. Operations ceased following a crash in 1961.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 17, 2008 19:02 by Gary Harper

51.50Mb (32243 downloads)
North-American F-86E & F Sabre package by SectionF8. North-American F-86E & F Sabre. Complete aircraft
model including photoreal 2D panel and dynamic VC,
custom gauges and soundpack. By SectionF8.
Jan Visser, Hansjorg Naegele, Rob Young, Cliff Presley.
Posted Nov 17, 2008 03:16 by SectionF8

0.00Mb (4481 downloads)
This is a quick fix for the VC-25A Package from Project Opensky. The transparent wings at night will be corrected with this download. Requires [posky_boeing_vc-25av4.zip]. By: Brandon Henry
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 17, 2008 02:39 by Project Opensky

11.16Mb (12543 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Sikorsky S-58 Belgian Air Force. The Sikorsky S58 was one of the most successful piston powered mid size helicopters built. Works in FSX but with non functioning gauges in VC - 2d Panel OK.
Sikorsky developed the S58 in response to a US Navy requirement for an anti submarine warfare helicopter. What resulted was the S58, which features a single Wright R1820 radial piston engine mounted in the nose, one of the largest fuselages to be designed for a single piston powered helo and a raised flightdeck. As the XHSS1 the S58 flew for the first time on March 8 1954.
Posted Nov 16, 2008 05:35 by Niels de Ruyck

1.34Mb (3452 downloads)
Avensa Textures only, registration YV-100C, Venezuela. Original model and default textures by Eric Cantu. Master paintkit textures by Daniel Halpern and Steve Drabek. Requires original model file emb120-2.zip, by Erick Cantu. This repaint describes the last livery used by this airline when it ceased operations in 2004, flying in Venezuela for more than 50 years. Repaint by Roberto Leiro and Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 15, 2008 19:31 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza

2.13Mb (1331 downloads)
Flight OneCessna 441 textures registration YV2417 Venezuelan private
aircraft, based at Aeropuerto Caracas, Venezuela. Original model and textures by Flight One Cessna 441 Conquest II (payware package).Repaint by Juan Ernesto
Posted Nov 15, 2008 19:26 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza

7.29Mb (972 downloads)
Textures for the Mi-24P Nemeth Designs for FS2004 showing Mi-24D no.176 with 1st sqr. 49th Combat Helicopters Regiment in Pruszcz Gdaski. This is new painting pattern for Polish Mi-24D.
Posted Nov 15, 2008 08:10 by Rafa³ Miko³ajczyk

7.50Mb (1297 downloads)
Textures for the Nemeth Designs for FS2004 showing Mi-24D no.584 with 3rd sqr. 49th Combat Helicopters Regiment in Pruszcz Gdaski (90's years)
Posted Nov 14, 2008 19:30 by Rafa³ Miko³ajczyk