FS2004 > Page 749

5.59Mb (8021 downloads)
FS2004 Air France Boeing 787 Super 11, a three class arrangement for 400-425 seating passengers study, including 3 aircrafts with different new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). This is the biggest commercial twin jet for Flight Simulator. Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Sep 12, 2008 03:14 by Camil Valiquette

2.31Mb (1179 downloads)
Boeing 737-300 America West Textures only
for new Vistaliners 737-300 Model.
This is a repaint of the Vistaliners 737-300 model in the America West NC colors. 100% handpainted with realistic shine, dirt, and weathering. Special thanks to Jim Campisi for his night textures.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 12, 2008 03:11 by Uploader

0.00Mb (3069 downloads)
This is the track of Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi 2008 for FS2004. Improves the default scenery.
Posted Sep 11, 2008 16:12 by Siscot Yves

5.92Mb (5613 downloads)
FS2004 Dornier Do228-212 19 seat military utility STOL aircraft.
German Navy. Two versions (1) general purpose transport
(2) environmental patrol with SLAR radar antenna.
New models with full animation, dynamic shine & reflective textures.
Includes a 2D Panel and VC with a complete passenger cabin,
opening passenger door with airstair, cargo doors and sound.
By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Joe Zerilli ¦ Premier Aircraft Design
Posted Sep 11, 2008 12:02 by bob.may@premaircraft.com

1.91Mb (6882 downloads)
NH90 Armada
Spanish Armada textures for NH90 tactical transport helicopter, for FS2004
Model created by Adrian Brausch, available here. Upoaded with author´s permission.
If you wish to land over Spanish Armada ships, look for my models in simviation scenery pages.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 10, 2008 16:02 by Alberto García Lled&oac

9.10Mb (12206 downloads)
Project Airbus A319 British Airways. Visual model by Andy Warden and Derek Mayer. Base textures by Demetris Themistocleous and Alessandro Savarese. Livery by Tom Collins. Flight model & Sounds by Peter Binamira.
Posted Sep 10, 2008 05:30 by Project Airbus
1.69Mb (4459 downloads)
This is Untitled (Johnsons Air) HJG Douglas DC-8-63(F), operating cargo flights for DHL in Bahrain (OBBI), repainted by Anas Al-Salti.
Posted Sep 10, 2008 05:23 by Anas Al-Salti

0.04Mb (1976 downloads)
Jet Airways Summer 2008 AI Flight Plans
This is part of our first round of Summer flightplans for 2008. The team aims to provide high quality quality flightplans for the FS community. Each flightplan has been throughly tested using all available resources, and our goal is to make the most accurate possible representation of each airline's route network.
Posted Sep 9, 2008 08:04 by Afsal's TM

0.40Mb (2998 downloads)
This is a repaint of FSPainter (model included) Airbus A321 in Mahan Air livery. Low poly AI model made flyable.
Posted Sep 9, 2008 00:58 by Morteza
1.37Mb (28069 downloads)
High quality Gmax model of the Airbus A380-800, the world's largest passenger jet.The model includes all the usual things as a steering nosewheel, taxi and landing lights, dynamic shine and all moving parts, including a fully animated landing gear animation. Also included three opening doors, with visible interior, flexing wings, wing views and trim animation for the horizontal stabilisers.
Model by Robert Versluys
Posted Sep 9, 2008 00:48 by Morteza