FS2004 > Page 772
1.26Mb (4334 downloads)
Abrams Explorer, circa 1939.
The Explorer was designed for a single purpose: aerial photography;
thus, its wonderfully open glass cabin. This virtual version
for FS2004 has lots of Gmax features and a great view. By Dennis
Simanaitis. 1.3MB
Posted Jul 11, 2008 14:31 by archive
6.92Mb (4481 downloads)
Saunders-Roe SR45 Princess.
The Princess was to be a post-WWII long-range flying boat. Alas,
evolving technology (and bureaucratic bungling) kept it from
being successful. This FS2004 version was built with Gmax. Sound,
non-default gauges and startup files are included. By Dennis
Simanaitis. 7.1MB
Posted Jul 11, 2008 14:31 by archive
6.35Mb (5229 downloads)
Tupolev ANT-20 "Maksim Gorkii". The
largest land-based aircraft of its time, the 1934 "Maksim Gorkii"
was flagship of the Agitational Squadron, a fleet intended for
propaganda of a "communist industrialization and airfleet buildup."
Other aircraft in it were named for Soviet newspapers and magazines:"Pravda,"
"Pionerskaya Pravda" and "Krokodil." And isn't it amazing what
a controlled economy will attempt once it gets its ducks lined
up? Dennis Simanaitis. 6.5MB
Posted Jul 11, 2008 14:31 by archive
1.73Mb (2577 downloads)
Fiat CR32 Regia Aeronautica.
This is a remake of my previus uploaded CR32x biplane aircraft
featuring a new photographic panel, a redesigned airfoil, model
and little changes in textures and minipanel plus a simple virtual
cockpit. The Fiat CR 32 was characterised by its elegance and
superb manoeuvrability . During the years before the world war
II was flown in the "Squadriglia Folle" italian aerobatic team
. The pilots loved this plane and credited it as the best designed
by Ing. Celestino Rosatelli. It was also flown at the beginning
of the "W.W.II." , but soon, outperformed by modern monoplanes,
was dismissed. The one represented here, is in prewar livery...not
exactly historic since the crew used to repaint the planes overnight.
P.S. : The CR32 really carried two airspeed indicators. Capt.
G.Quai & Capt. I. D'Attomo. 1.8MB
Posted Jul 11, 2008 14:31 by archive
2.80Mb (4212 downloads)
Boeing 377 Stratocruiser RANSA, Venezuela.
This repaint shows CalClassic Boeing Stratocruiser in the
colors of Venezuelan air freighter RANSA. A total of ten of
these heavy transports were operated by RANSA up until the
end when the company went bankrupt in 1966. Textures only.
The B377NWA (Stratocruiser of Northwest Airlines with radar)
of California Classic is needed to see the result. Model by
Dave McQueen, Greg Pepper, and Tom Gibson. Repaint: Jaap de
Baare. 2.9MB
B377 RANSA texture Fix This texture fix will add Yellow
tips to the propellers and the letters "RANSA" on the fuselage
will be properly spaced. Also if desired a more reflecting
aluminium shine can be added to the fuselage, instead of keeping
the dull less reflecting aluminium it has now. Textures by
Jaap de Baare. 2.5MB
Posted Jul 11, 2008 14:31 by archive

92.02Mb (2914 downloads)
FS2004 Italy Lazio 5, Gaeta photoreal scenery. The airport of Frosinone (LIRH) is found near the scenery. Last of five parts. Suggested for use with Italy 2004 Mesh (ITALYM04.ZIP). By Fulvio Mazzokan.
Posted Jul 10, 2008 13:17 by archive

1.76Mb (9872 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Grumman F9F-8 Cougar.
The Grumman F9F/F-9 Cougar was an aircraft carrier-based fighter aircraft for the United States Navy.
Based on the earlier Grumman F9F Panther, the Cougar replaced the Panther's straight wing with a more modern swept wing.
The Navy considered the Cougar an updated version of the Panther, despite having a different official name, and thus Cougars started off from F9F-6 upwards.
Three kinds of models (Clean / with Pylon / with pylon and weapons) are included.
This package is model and texture only and not included VC and this package is not included the flight dynamics file(aircraft.cfg and air file), panel,sound file.
by Kazunori Ito.
Posted Jul 10, 2008 11:38 by archive

6.85Mb (8542 downloads)
FS2004 Qantas (new colors) Boeing 787-9. All included, (no Base Pack needed) 4 aircrafts with different Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Jul 10, 2008 11:33 by archive

5.04Mb (6588 downloads)
FS2004 Qantas (new colors) Boeing 787-8. All included, (no Base Pack needed) 3 aircrafts with different Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) . Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Jul 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

73.92Mb (3272 downloads)
FS2004 Italy Lazio 4, Latina photoreal scenery. The airports of Pratica di Mare (ICAO code LIRE), Latina (LIRL) and Frosinone (LIRH) are found inside the scenery. Fourth of five parts. Suggested for use with Italy 2004 Mesh (ITALYM04.ZIP). By Fulvio Mazzokan.
Posted Jul 9, 2008 12:07 by archive